Blending with PBSLearning, Google Classroom, and more… Please find this presentation at Blending with PBSLearning, Google Classroom, and more… Randy Brooks ( Lovejoy High School Session 171340 February 9, 2017
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… The morning… How did we get here?...A brief history of my journey. Three future-focused quotes from scholarly resources. A few support tools of the online courses trade. MOOCs PBS Learning Media Resources and Tools Google Classroom – Disrupting LMS? Work on tool(s) of your choice while enjoying Gordon Goodwin’s Phat Band “Life in the Bubble”. URLs for all the planned discussion items are at the end.
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… 23 years in Telecom. Made an industry change to help drive webolution in education. Focus on delivering quality and rigorous secondary online courses to the planet. Plethora of sub-elements in flux.
FLIPPED CLASSROOM FAD, FICTION, or FUTURE? TCEA 2014 February 7, 2014 Randy Brooks/Pam Simmons-Brooks
The Next Giant Leap: From Flipped… …to Online TCEA 2015 February 5, 2015 Randy Brooks Lovejoy ISD Session 150387
Randy Brooks Lovejoy ISD PLTW Summit 2016 – Session 072 March 21, 2016 MECHANIX Randy Brooks Lovejoy ISD PLTW Summit 2016 – Session 072 March 21, 2016
MECHANIX Sketch-based online tutorial supporting truss, vector, and free-body diagram analysis which provides constructive feedback to students and student-level metrics to instructors, anytime, anywhere. Check out this video of the tool in action.
Score Improvement Distribution When Using Sketch Recognition Software (Mechanix) as a Tutor: Assessment of a High School Classroom Pilot Texas A&M University Computer Science & Engineering Sketch Recognition Lab (SRL) Lovejoy High School Randy Brooks Jung-in Koh Seth Polsley Tracy Hammond March 31, 2016
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Learning Design and Technology MSEd. Using solid pedagogy to design instruction and performance systems in the digital realm.
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Daine B. Marks, Associate Professor in Curriculum and Instruction at Appalachian State. National Teacher Education Journal Summer 2016: “Online learning is here to stay and the question is not whether one should adopt an online program or not but how can one produce an online program that reflects the quality of the traditional delivery system.”
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Marc Prensky, Global Education Visionary, Website article ‘Future-oriented Education’ (2014): “Future-oriented Educating means viewing technology as the “new foundation” of our education – on the same par with reading.”
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Tony Wagner, author of “Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing Our Kids for the Innovation Era.” (2015). “In regard to the information-rich world that our students are entering, what matters most in our increasingly innovation-driven economy is not what you know, but what you can do with what you know.”
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Screencast-o-matic Super easy tool for short (15 minutes or less) videos. Save the file where you want as a video file. Check out this quick tutorial video. (Purdue LDT artifact)
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Blue Snowball: A microphone for adding vocal instruction and guidance to your online elements, for $70.
Blending with PBS, GC, and More…
Blending with PBS, GC, and More…
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Top MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) providers: Coursera Over 1,600 courses from 145+ partners to include: Columbia/Princeton/Rice/Rutgers/Yale Hebrew U. in Jerusalem National Museums University of Melbourne Edx Non-profit founded and managed by MIT and Harvard. Almost 400 courses from 90 partners. Udacity In-house productions with a focus on Math and Computer Science.
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… PBSLearning Media Digital Innovators. Using the power and history of PBS to construct lessons for all.
Blending with PBS, GC, and More…
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Google Classroom: No-cost LMS with a Social Media feel, and the power of Google tools.
Blending with PBS, GC, and More…
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… Thanks for coming! The next two slides contains a stack of links to the items I planned to discuss today…and more.
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… A list of links for the planned discussion items…and a few extra… Lovejoy High School Purdue LDT MSEd PBSLearning Media Google Classroom Quiz Editor Blue Snowball Playposit Screencast-o-matic
Blending with PBS, GC, and More… And the list goes on… Educator’s Technology Coursera Edx Udacity Kahoot Quizizz Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction (lesson planning template.) Infuse Us (Presenter’s website)