Offered the Job, Now What? Analyzing, Negotiating & Accepting the Offer The Center Spartan Engineering 1340 EB/517-355-5163
Consider the Entire package, not just your paycheck Consider the Entire package, not just your paycheck. Weigh the Pros and Cons and take some time to consider the offer – Don’t be “rushed” to accept. Salary Benefits and Perks Corporate Culture Commute Time, Hours and Travel Your Boss / Co-Workers Location Compare the Basics Tips for Successful Salary NegotiationsBy Alison Doyle, Guide
What recent grads value In a recent survey here’s what’s most important to most grads? #1 Company / Culture #2 Location #3 Content of the Position #4 Salary #5 Upward Mobility What recent grads value Tips for Successful Salary NegotiationsBy Alison Doyle, Guide
Analyze the Position from your point-of-view! What carries a lot of weight for some of us is insignificant for most of us. The bottom line in accepting a job offer is there really isn’ one. What might be the perfect job for you could be an awful job for someone else. Consider Your Personal Circumstances. Family / Friends Personal needs Factors “important” to you. Analyze the Position from your point-of-view! Tips for Successful Salary NegotiationsBy Alison Doyle, Guide
One of the ten common negotiating mistakes is not asking One of the ten common negotiating mistakes is not asking. Whether it is for a raise, a promotion or in the context of a job offer, know what you are worth and don't be afraid to ask for it. No one loses a job offer because they ask for something but you can have a job offer pulled because of the way you ask. Calendar & Extensions. Don't be afraid to ask. Tips for Successful Salary Negotiations By Alison Doyle, Guide
Because the process is so long and involved, once you have been selected as the candidate a company wants to hire you are in an excellent position to negotiate. Money, Bonus, Benefits, Professional Growth, Relocation, & Vacation Days. Believe that you can negotiate in this economy because you can! Salary Negotiation Tips for Successful Salary Negotiations By Alison Doyle, Guide Successful Salary NegotiationsBy Alison Doyle, Guide
Have the facts to support why you deserve what you are asking for and don't be afraid to ask for it. The best way to assure that your requests are within the ball park is to avoid giving a specific number until the company is ready to make you an offer, and then let the company make the first offer. MSC,, Chamber of Commerce, & Alumni – NETWORK! Ask, don't "demand." Tips for Successful Salary Negotiations By Alison Doyle, Guide
If you are asked about what you are looking for before the company has decided that they want to offer you the job a response along the following lines should enable you to delay the discussion: "It's not about the money. If this is the right job for me and I am the right person for the job I sure we will be able to work out the details." You could also add a question like:" What do you have budgeted for the position? I am sure we can work with that.“ Ethical & Legal Obligation Delay the Discussion. Tips for Successful Salary Negotiations By Alison Doyle, Guide
Accepting or Declining the Offer Whether you choose to accept or reject a job offer, you must inform the employer who made the offer. This should be done formally, in writing, and by telephone as well. In Accepting the Offer positively reinforce the employers decision to hire you: Confirm, accept and reaffirm your decision; Confirm pay, logistics, other; Express your appreciation. In Declining the Offer demonstrate your Professionalism: Acknowledge the offer; Show thoughtful consideration; Express appreciation Accepting or Declining the Offer
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