Registration information for your senior year Class of 2018 Registration information for your senior year
Check Graduation Summary myDSD Information System Reports Graduation Summary
To be on track: 18.25+ credits at end of 3rd term
CREDITS 27 Required Credits 16.5+ credits end of 2nd term/18.25+ credits end of 3rd term to be on track for graduation CREDITS 27 Required Credits 4.0 English 3.0 Math 3.0 Social Studies .5 Geography 1.0 World History 1.0 US History .5 U.S. Government 3.0 Science (2 years lab science for U of U 1.5 P.E. .5 Fit For Life/Get Fit 1.5 Fine Art .50 Computer Tech .50 Gen. Financial Literacy 1.0 C.T.E. (Career Technical Elective) 8.5 ELECTIVES (Your choice of classes)
AP Literature/Language It is STRONGLY recommended you take a writing class your senior year 12th Grade Language Arts All 12th grade students must complete 1.0 credit of language art credit. Students should follow these guidelines: Take AP Literature/Language - If you have been in honors courses and score 23 or higher on the English and reading sections of the ACT. Take CE 1010 - If you scored 18-22 on the English and reading sections of the ACT (choose an additional course from the list below to complete your credit). Take English 12 writing - If you scored under 18 on the English and Reading sections of the ACT whether you plan to attend college or not. This is a basic writing course to prepare you for college or career (choose an additional course from the list below to complete your credit). 2017-2018 Registration AP Literature/Language CE English 1010 CE English 2010 CE Communications 2110 English 12 Writing English 12 Literature Competitive Speech (Debate prereq.) World Language 3, 4 or AP
2017-2018 Registration Math Options Chart Pre-Calc/Math 1050 requirements = 23 on Math section of ACT – Interest in STEM or Medical fields Math 1010/Math 1050 – requirements = C grade or better in Sec. Math I, II, III and Math 1010 Math 1030 requirements = “C” grade or better in Secondary I, II, & III – Interest in arts, humanities and social sciences College Prep Math – College Bound but do not qualify for CE Math. Mathematical Decision Making – use for third credit of math 2017-2018 Registration It is recommended you take 4 credits of math – required by Regents Scholarship & some colleges
SCIENCE OPTIONS 2017-2018 Registration 3 Foundation Sciences Earth Systems (9th grade) Chemistry, Hon. Chem., AP Chem., CE Chemistry Biology, Honors Biology, AP Biology Physics, Honors Physics/AP Physics 1, AP Physics C Electricity & Magnetism (Semester) Mechanics (Year) 2 Foundation Sciences + one 3rd Science Animal Science, Marine Biology, MAP, Intro to Engineering Design CE, Principles of Engineering, Architectural Engineering CE (VHS), Digital Electronics CE (VHS), Astronomy (VHS), Genetics (VHS), Bio Tech (Davis) 2017-2018 Registration
U.S. Government (semester) & pass US Citizenship test HISTORY OPTIONS U.S. Government (semester) & pass US Citizenship test 2017-2018 Registration
HEALTH (.5) P.E. (1.5) Get Fit/Fit for Life or full year same conditioning class (swim, football, basketball) Dance (.5 CREDIT): Drill, Yoga Lifetime Activities (.5): Golf, baseball, tennis, soccer, hockey & lacrosse 2016-2017 Registration
Financial Literacy (0.5) Digital Studies (0.5) Four options to fulfill requirement: - Computer Tech - Digital Business Applications - Exploring Computer Science - Web Development 1A
New classes next year @ WXHS Manufacturing Principles 1/ Composites Private Pilot Ground School will be taught here – college credit available ProStart is now Culinary Arts – CE credit available Video Production
AP or CE? AP- Advanced Placement Nationally recognized Credit may be accepted by colleges Check with colleges of interest to determine score and credits accepted Most classes are full year Take test in May CE Concurrent Enrollment Accepted by state colleges – May be elective credit Classes are half or full year Credit is based on grade received – Must be C or better Grades appear on college transcript Typically receive 3 college credits per class
Questions? Review attached updated course listings See your counselor if you still have questions
Course Requests April 11th -14th: During your history class you will enter your course requests in the computer lab **You will need to bring your completed and signed registration worksheet** April 14th - 24th: You and your parents can view and edit your course requests at home. Instructions will be emailed home.