National Science Foundation Briefing 2011 USDA E. de la Garza Fellowship US Department of Agriculture Washington, DC July 5, 2010 Victor A. Santiago Division of Human Resource Development
About the NSF Sponsors scientific research in all areas of math, science, engineering and education Supports education and training at all levels Ensures a world-class science, engineering and technology workforce Promotes public understanding of science, engineering and math 3
National Science Foundation Board Inspector General Offices Cyberinfrastructure Integrative Activities International S&E Polar Programs Director Deputy Director Computer & Info. Science & Engineering Mathematical & Physical Sciences Biological Sciences Engineering Geosciences Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Budget, Finance & Award Management Information Resource Management Education & Human Resources 4
FY 2011 Budget Request FY 2011 Budget Request: ~$7B (8% over FY 10)
Two Merit Review Criteria: NSF invests in the best ideas from the most capable people, determined by competitive merit review Two Merit Review Criteria: Intellectual Merit Broader Impact 6
Intellectual Merit How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields? How well qualified is the proposer (individual or team) to conduct the project?
Broader Impact How well does the activity advance discovery and understanding while promoting teaching, training, and learning? How well does the proposed activity broaden the participation of underrepresented groups? Will it enhance the infrastructure for research and education, such as facilities, instrumentation, networks, and partnerships?
How Does NSF Identify Reviewers? Program Director’s knowledge NSF reviewer database Professional society meetings Professional journals Literature cited in the proposal Suggestions by the PI Volunteers 9
Who will do science? The face of higher education does not mirror the face of our nation. Council of Graduate Schools, 2009
Institutional Capacity Building Historically Black Colleges & Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) Tribal Colleges & Universities Program (TCUP) Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Alliances for Graduate Education & the Professoriate (AGEP) Centers of Research Excellence in Science & Technology (CREST)
Section 7033 of the America COMPETES Act authorizes the National Science Foundation to establish a new program to award grants on a competitive basis to Hispanic Serving Institutions.
HSI Listening Sessions HACU Conference - Washington DC March, 2009 Faculty Outreach Forum – Albuquerque Sept. 2009 Follow-up Workshop – Las Vegas Dec. 2009 Draft Concept Paper (for Comment):
HSI Needs For STEM Capacity Student Support Faculty Support STEM Curricula Enhancement Integration of Research and Education Partnerships Laboratory Space Instrumentation and Equipment
Selected NSF Programs Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM (TUES) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology
Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM (TUES) seeks to improve the quality of STEM education for all undergraduate students; encourages projects that have the potential to transform undergraduate STEM education; supports projects representing different stages of development, from small, exploratory investigations to large, comprehensive projects.
TUES supports efforts that: Enhance our understanding of how students learn STEM topics and how faculty members adopt instructional approaches; Build capacity to assess learning and evaluate educational innovations; And, further the work of the program itself synthesizing findings across projects and disseminating them.
TUES supports efforts that: Bring advances in STEM disciplinary knowledge into the undergraduate experience; Create and adapt learning materials and teaching; Develop faculty expertise; Promote widespread implementation of educational innovations; Prepare future K-12 teachers;
Advanced Technological Education (ATE) promotes improvement in the education of S&E technicians at the undergraduate and secondary school level and the educators who prepare them. focuses on 2-year colleges and expects 2-year colleges to have a leadership role in all projects.
ATE Tracks Projects Centers Targeted Research on Technician Education Standard ($25,000-300,000/yr for 3 yrs) Small projects for institutions new to ATE Centers National ($5 million over 4 yrs) Regional ($3 million over 4 yrs) Resource ($1.6 million over 4 yrs) Targeted Research on Technician Education - $100,000-$300,000/yr for 4 yrs
Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation Program (LSAMP) Goal Increase the number of underrepresented minority students attaining STEM BS degrees & preparing them to pursue advanced degrees in STEM fields. Alliances Community colleges, universities, schools, laboratories, industry… HRD has a long tradition of effective partnerships to strengthen the Nation’s STEM enterprise.
LSAMP 39 Alliances with 500 Majority & Minority institutions Graduated 26,000 students with STEM BS degrees in 2007-08 Currently enrolls 230,000 undergraduate students in STEM.
LSAMP Lead Institutions U.C.- Irvine Cal State Northridge Colorado State Clark Atlanta Drexel U. U. Houston Chicago State Purdue U Southern U A&M New Mexico State U Mass – Amherst Stony Brook Texas A&M Howard U Arizona State U Md-Baltimore Co U. Texas El Paso U. South Carolina North Carolina A&T Jackson State U
LSAMP Strategies Summer Bridge Programs Research Experience Mentoring Drop-In Centers Caring Staff Alliance Structure Westat Report. 2000 (NSF 01-31)
Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology
NSF Contacts TUES Russ Pimmel: ATE Celeste Carter: vccarter@sfigov LSAMP A. James Hicks: CREST Richard Smith: Victor A. Santiago:
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