National Science Foundation Opportunities Fen Zhao February 24 , 2017
the History Behind BD Hubs & Spokes BD Hubs sustain and scale up collaborative Big Data Innovation activities BD Spokes is the second phase of a long term NSF agenda for Big Data Partnerships Hubs Proposals Submitted Large collaborative proposals submitted to NSF Big Data Partnerships Workshop Industry, academia, and government representatives gathered to learn about Big Data partnership and brainstorm new ideas Hubs Awards Made Awards made to coordinating institutions Partnerships Bear Fruit Partnerships updated NITRD on midterm outcomes from announced projects JUN 2015 JUN 2014 SEPT 2015 MAY 2013 MAR 2015 APR 2015 NOV 2015 Big Data Regional Charrettes Held Industry, academia, and government representatives gathered in four charrettes around the country The BD Spokes solicitation is part of the Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs Program (also know as BD Hubs). The BD Hubs program was launched in March of 2015 with a call to develop 4 Big Data hubs around the country. NSF held 4 regional charrettes gathering stakeholders from each region, who collaborated to submit a single BD Hub proposal to NSF. The awards were made in Sept 2015. Now the BD Spokes solicitation kicks off the second phase of the BD Hubs program. A 5th DC charrette was organized in early November gathering leadership from all 4 BD Hubs, where preliminary ideas for moving forward on the Hubs end in preparation for the BD Spokes was discussed. You will find links to artifacts from this meeting at BDHubs BD Hubs solicitation to fund four regional Hubs was released BD Spokes BD Spokes solicitation released before 5th DC national charrette (
NSF 17-049 Request for Input on Federal Datasets with Potential to Advance Data Science Objective: Seeks input on the types of datasets that federal departments, agencies, and offices may possess and could make openly available for use in data science. In the longer term, planning grants may be made available in cases where well-defined efforts to publish specific government datasets in the open are described. DCL details: Due: March 31, 2017 Contact: Chaitan Baru, CISE Senior Advisor for Data Science,
NSF 17-047 Public Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Research: Capacity-building, community-building, and direction-setting Objective: Coordinates Public Participation in STEM Research (PPSR) efforts at large, medium, and small scale. Seeks proposal for (a) Research Coordination Networks (RCN) to build PPSR capacity and community; (b) conference proposals to bring together specific communities and to envision future directions for PPSR activities; and (c) PPSR-focused supplements to existing NSF-funded awards that enhance existing research activities through the introduction of PPSR components. DCL details: Due: April 11, 2017 Contact:
NSF 17-019 Enabling New Collaborations Between Computer and Information Science & Engineering (CISE) and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) Research Communities Objective: Encourages the submission of additional EAGER proposals that foster novel interdisciplinary research carried out in new collaborations between one or more Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) researchers and one or more Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) researchers. DCL details: Due: April 1, 2017 (2nd round) Contact: Sara Kiesler (, Nan Zhang (, and Dan Cosley (
NSF 16-067 Improving Graduate Student Preparedness for Entering the Workforce, Opportunities for Supplemental Support Objective: Offers a variety of opportunities across the Foundation designed to explore approaches that will position NSF-funded graduate students for success in the 21st century Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. DCL details: Due: various dates from April to June, 2017 Contact: various point of contacts, please refer to the DCL