Shop Talk: NSF Fellowship Part I Dr. Andrea Hilkovitz The Graduate College
Introduction Andrea Hilkovitz, Ph.D. External Fellowships Officer Role: to help graduate students identify potential sources of funding, search for external funding opportunities, and apply for fellowships, grants, scholarships, and awards. Texas State’s Coordinating Official (CO) for NSF GRFP advise Fellows on GRFP policies and procedures manage awards – stipend and tuition payments certify satisfactory academic progress submit reports to NSF (status, completion, financial) Ask panelists to briefly introduce themselves if there
Overview Program and Award Details Eligibility New Rule: Number of Applications Supported Fields of Study Application Instructions and Deadlines Next Steps Resources Panel: Previous Recipients
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program is to help ensure the vitality of the science workforce of the United States and to reinforce its diversity. The program supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated potential for significant research achievements in STEM, STEM education, and some social science fields. NSF especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, veterans, and undergraduate seniors to apply.
Award Information Estimated Number of Awards: 2,000 Applicants for 2016 Competition: 17,000 Awardees included 1,077 women, 424 underrepresented minorities, 62 persons with disabilities, 35 veterans, and 627 undergraduates. Anticipated Funding Amount: $138,000 Stipend: $34,000 / year Cost-of-education allowance: $12,000 / year Total $46,000 / year x 3 years of support = $138,000
Eligibility There are three eligibility requirements: Citizenship Degree Field of Study *We will pause for questions after each requirement.
Citizenship Requirement You must be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States. Foreign nationals who are in the U.S. on a student visa (international students) are not eligible to apply. Eligibility with respect to citizenship must be certified at the time of application.
Degree Requirement You are eligible to apply: before beginning graduate school as an undergraduate senior as a post-baccalaureate student You are applying to graduate school for fall 2017, and you have no prior graduate school enrollment. after enrollment in graduate school as a first-year graduate student as a second-year graduate student You are currently enrolled in graduate school, and you plan to remain enrolled in fall 2017 (and beyond).
Undergraduate / Post-bac Students Undergraduate students apply in the fall of the academic year in which they anticipate receiving a bachelor’s degree. You are a senior undergraduate student, or you are in your final year of undergraduate study (3rd-year or 5th-year senior). You are on track to receive a bachelor’s degree before fall 2017 (December 2016, May 2017, August 2017). You are a bachelor’s degree holder (post-bac student). You are applying to graduate school for fall 2017. You plan to be accepted to a graduate program before May 1.
Graduate Students Graduate students apply EITHER in the first year OR in the second year of graduate school. You are currently enrolled in an eligible graduate program, pursuing a research-based master’s or doctoral degree. You have not completed more than 12 months of full-time graduate study as of August 1, 2016. You are a part-time student, and you have not completed more than 24 semester credit hours of graduate study. You have not earned a previous graduate degree (MA/MS), or you have had an interruption of at least 2 consecutive years.
Field of Study Requirement The following programs and areas of study are ineligible: practice-oriented professional degree programs, such as medical, law, business, physical therapy, and social work (MD, DDS, JD, MBA, DPT, MSW, MPH; also MD/PhD) clinical practice or patient-oriented degree programs, such as nursing, counseling, and health services research biomedical research and research using animal models of disease (etiology, pharmacology, epidemiology) Exception: biomedical engineering
New Rule: Number of Applications Effective as of the 2017 competition (Fall 2016 deadlines), graduate students are limited to only one application. Rule does not affect undergraduates students. You may still apply as an undergraduate and/or post-bac student and apply again as a graduate student if you are not awarded a GRFP. The purpose is to recruit diverse cohorts; the undergraduate population in STEM is more diverse than graduate population. Undergraduate applications have fallen from 41% to 25% of the applicant pool since 2001. Graduate students should consult with their advisors about the timing of their applications to determine in which year to apply.
Supported Fields of Study Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Chemistry Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering Engineering Geosciences Life Sciences (Biology, Biochemistry, Ecology) Materials Research Mathematical Sciences Physics and Astronomy Psychology STEM Education Science Education Mathematics Education
Supported Fields of Study Social Sciences Anthropology Archaeology Communications Economics Geography History/Philosophy of Science (not History or Philosophy) International Relations Linguistics Political Science Public Policy Sociology Education is not supported, except for STEM education
Application Components Application form (online): Personal Information Education and Work Experience Academic Honors, Publications, and Presentations Proposed Field of Study and Graduate School Electronic transcripts – undergraduate and graduate transcripts References (3) – due Thursday, November 3 by 5 p.m. EST Names and email addresses of letter writers Two statements: Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals (3 pages) Graduate Research Plan (2 pages)
Required Statements Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals (3 pages): Please outline your educational and professional development plans and career goals. How do you envision graduate school preparing you for a career that allows you to contribute to expanding scientific understanding as well as broadly benefit society? Describe your personal, educational, and/or professional experiences that motivate your decision to pursue advanced study. Include specific examples…Present a concise description of the activities, highlight the results…Specify your role (independent, team, etc.). Graduate Research Plan (2 pages): Present an original research topic that you would like to pursue in graduate school. Describe the research idea, your general approach…Address the potential of the research to advance knowledge and understanding within science as well as the potential for broader impacts on society.
Application Instructions Applications (including references) must be submitted electronically using the NSF FastLane GRFP Module: Guidelines for two statements: Page size: 8.5” x 11” Margins: 1 inch on all sides Spacing: single Font: 12-point, Times New Roman (10-point for references, footnotes, figures) Format: PDF Guidelines for letters of reference: Letterhead, name, title, department, institution, signed 2 pages, 12-point Times New Roman
Application Deadlines All applications must be received by 5 p.m. CST Deadlines are determined by primary field of study: Monday, October 24 Life Sciences, Geosciences Tuesday, October 25 Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Engineering, Materials Research Thursday, October 27 Psychology, Social Sciences, STEM Education and Learning Friday, October 28 Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences, Physics and Astronomy
Next Steps Determine if / when you will apply Talk to your advisor Request letters of reference Register on FastLane Module Draft your statements Attend Part II of the Shop Talk – W 10/5, 4-6 p.m. This Shop Talk is for prospective applicants to the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Learn about the NSF Merit Review Criteria, find out how to craft the statements, and get tips to share with your faculty advisor and reference writers.
Resources NSF GRFP website: Tips for Applying Screenshots FAQs Information for Reference Writers NSF program page: Research Areas Solicitation (handout) FAQ Graduate Research Fellowship Operations Center
How to Make an Appointment Andrea Hilkovitz, Ph.D. Research Coordinator – External Fellowships Officer The Graduate College JCK 280 Email: Phone: (512) 245-7009 Appointment Request: