"Not all internet sites are created equal" -Thomas Jefferson Website Evaluation "Not all internet sites are created equal" -Thomas Jefferson
Learning outcomes: You will know the key questions to ask to effectively evaluate websites for credibility when conducting your research. Be able to use evidence to defend your website evaluations. Make informed conclusions about the overall quality and credibility of websites.
Why evaluate web resources? outdated information biased/inaccurate information some people present opinion as fact and intentionally mislead you!!
Beware of this guy... remember: ***ANYBODY can make a web page to promote their agenda or views. Sometimes a little digging can expose their true motives and credentials (or lack thereof)
Main things to evaluate: What is the purpose of site? scholarship, news, information, sales, something else? Is there information about the author or website creator? What is their relationship to the content? Last updated? Does site credit sources and provide links to related materials? What's the domain? ex: .org .edu .net .gov .mil .com
Smart search tips: check for country and state codes. ex: .co .tx .au Are the links related to site topic? Still not sure? Google the company or organization responsible for a website. Are they legit? Do they have a hidden agenda? Positive or negative news articles about them?
Let's evaluate a few sites together: What do you think of this one? Is this better? And lastly...
Evaluate your own: Now, use the rubric to score three websites. We’ll do the first site together. Always remember to ask yourself: “Would I feel comfortable using this site for my research?” Be prepared to share your site evaluation with the class.
Conclusion: Turn and talk: What did you find? Share what you found in your website evaluations with a neighbor. Which site was the best? Verbalize (explain) your evidence to your neighbor. A few examples… Any questions?
Learning outcomes: You will know the key questions to ask to effectively evaluate websites for credibility when conducting your research. Be able to use evidence to defend your website evaluations. Make informed conclusions about the overall quality and credibility of websites.
Works Cited: http://ncwc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=379985&sid=3113114 http://www.edb.utexas.edu/petrosino/Legacy_Cycle/mf_jm/Challenge%201/website%20reliable.pdf