Interdisciplinary Research in Law: Week 9 – Data mining – Auxiliary Research & Alternative Sources? Dana Neacsu
Research Question : Best Buy, a corporation with business in all 50 states, has recently been alerted that customers in “open carry” states are bringing fire arms into the stores. Complaints have been received by the management from other customers made uncomfortable by the implied threat of violence. The management is afraid of taking action and barring the gun owners from entering the stores because of “social media pressure.” How can we make sure that indeed there is such social media pressure? How can we investigate if other corporations have engaged in such policies of asking customers to leave their guns outside? Should we engage in sentiment analysis?
Preliminary meta-research What is your goal Preliminary meta-research What is your goal? What are you trying to find out? Free of charge databases? 2. Fee-based databases? How do you choose? Who publishes them? Where can you access them? Strategize: Pay attention to the various search terms you might use and the various results you might come up with
Doing the Research Free-of charge databases Social Searcher Social Mention 2. Use fee-based databases Social Intel
Research Question 2: Getting ready for a job interview you need to know about the judge you will be clerking for (or arguing a case in front). Getting ready to accept a job offer you need to know about that the law firm and your future colleagues. What is your strategy?
If time is limited, what search engines are you going to use? Preliminary meta-research a) What information are you trying to find out? b) Why? 1.Free of charge databases? 2. Fee-based databases? How do you choose? Who publishes them? Where can you access them? Strategize: If time is limited, what search engines are you going to use?
Social Media Aggregators Social Intelligence This site offers social media screening and investigative services including employment background checks, insurance claims investigations, corporate due diligence, government services, and more. Social Intelligence provides custom-tailored solutions for human resources, insurance, corporate, and government to help organizations leverage the benefits of social media research while reducing costs, time, and legal risks. Social Searcher When you go to this site, the default option is to search Facebook but there are also Socialmention Realtime social media search and analysis.
Questions? Julia Marden Email: Dana Neacsu Email: