WFAA Seminar INVITATIO N TO ATTEND Note that places at the seminar are 5th October 2017– BP Exploration, Chertsey Rd, Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 7LN INVITATIO N TO ATTEND The Waste Facilities Audit Association (WFAA) invites you to their 2017 seminar. The seminar will focus on identifying solutions to the problems facing waste producers today & information on environmental waste legislation. There will be ample opportunity for delegates to discuss waste issues with the expert seminar speakers. For full details of the seminar agenda, venue location, please see the document attached. Included in this document is a meeting enrolment form for you to use. Attendance at the seminar is free for WFAA members and £25 for non WFAA members. Note that places at the seminar are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment
WFAA Seminar AGENDA 5th October 2017– BP, London TIMINGS THURSDAY 5th October 2017 (09:15– 13:00) Registration & Coffee Welcome ( BP) Opening Remarks Chairman – Paul Roach (BP) MIROG Robert Spencer (AEOM) Waste Water Management Steve Wilcox (Veolia) Coffee Break Legislation Update Rupert Cowen (Prospect Law) ISO14001 Nigel Leehane (SRL Consulting) Close of Morning Session & Buffet Lunch 09:15 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:50 11:10 11:30 12:10 12:30
WFAA Seminar 5th October 2017– BP London TIMINGS THURSDAY 5th October 2917 (14:00 – 16:00) Zero Waste John Newton (Carbon Trust) Segregation and Management of Healthcare Waste Stuart Budd (Stericycle UK & Ireland) Plastics Recycling Adrian Haworth ( Recycling Technologies) Emerging Thermal Technologies Speaker (TBC) - AECOM BP Topic TBC Paul Roach (BP) Final Questions & Closing Remarks Chairman – Paul Roach (BP) Note: All the presentations will be made available to the seminar attendees & WFAA members via the WFAA web site 13:30 13:50 14:10 14 30 14:50 15:10
WFAA Seminar 5th October 2017– BP London VENUE BP International BTECH ROOM Orange Space, 1st Floor, Building B Chertsey Road Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex TW16 7LN Visitor parking is directly outside Building B.
WFAA Seminar 5th October 2017– BP London SEMINAR FEES HOTELS CONTACTS The meeting is open to both WFAA members and non WFAA members. Non members seminar attendance fee £25. Please email or post the attached enrolment form to: Waste Facilities Audit Association Unit 19 Ford Lane Business Park Ford, Nr Arundel West Sussex BN18 0UZ Email: HOTELS Holiday Inn Shepperton – 4* Felix Lane Shepperton Approx. £80 per night Warren Lodge – 3* Church Square, Shepperton Approx. £65 per night The Flower pot – 4* Thames Street, Sunbury on Thames Approx. £99 per night The Weir Hotel – 3* Waterside Drive, Walton on Thames Approx. £95 per night CONTACTS For further information about the seminar or the venue, please contact: David J Denley WFAA Secretariat Phone: + 44 (0) 870 345 6521 Mobile: +44 (0) 771 560 8818 Email:
WFAA Seminar ENROLMENT FORM 5th October 2017 BP London Name (s): _____________________________________________________ Company/Organisation: ______________________________________ Company/Organisation Address: ________________________________________________ Postcode: _______________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Any Special Dietary Requirements: Seminar Fee: WFAA Member (No Charge) Non-member (£25 plus VAT) Note; WFAA payment can be made by cheque or direct bank transfer. Please post or email enrolment form to: Waste Facilities Audit Association Unit 19 Ford Lane Business Park, Ford Lane, Ford, Nr. Arundel West Sussex BN19 0UZ United Kingdom Email: