Year 4 Term 1 curriculum letter


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Presentation transcript:

Year 4 Term 1 curriculum letter English Fiction – The first mummy Non fiction – Instructions – How to mummify a body Star author – Anne Fine Ancient Egypt and rivers Creative curriculum topic Science - features of rivers and the water cycle. Geography - maps and ordnance surveys, river formations and the River Nile. History – Life in Ancient Egypt including religion, culture, Buildings and daily life. Design and Technology – pneumatics – making an object move using air pressure. Computing- Research and presentation skills using a range of software. Maths Number Maths –Place value Topic Maths- Geometry Term 1 targets: Maths: I can recall the 3 and 4 times tables and the related division facts. Writing: I can spell at least 40 of the new words I have been given (through Term 1). Reading: I can answer comprehension questions about the text I am reading. PSHE New beginnings RE Judaism and Jewish festivals PE Swimming French Counting/writing; Numbers to 20, colours and greetings.