Write Like an Egyptian your name in hieroglyphs, the way an Egyptian scribe might have written it.
Painting Styles Frontalism The head of the character was always drawn in profile, while the body is seen from the front. Although the face is to the side, the eye is drawn in full. The legs are turned to the same side as the head, with one foot placed in front of the other. The head is at right angles to the body. Every figure in paintings, stands or sits with a formal, stiff, and rigid posture. The stance of the body is severe, but the faces are calm and serene. Slaves and animals were painted more natural and relaxed, and with a smaller scale in drawings to show their limited importance. There was little attempt at plastic or spatial illusionism - no attempt at linear perspective. Artists made colors from raw materials around them and therefore worked in a limited number of shades. Color was applied in flat tones - strict rules often applied to the use of a particular color for particular purpose. For example, men's skin was colored red while women's was yellow.
Egyptian Art and Museum Tour
University of Memphis Museum Artifacts
Pharoahs Bust of Queen Nefertiti This painted limestone bust of the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti dates from about 1350 BC (Staatliche Museen, Berlin). Wife of Akhenaton, Nefertiti supported and assisted her husband in implementing new religious ceremonies during the mid-14th century BC. THE BETTMANN ARCHIVE
Death mask of King Tutukhamen The death mask of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun is made of gold inlaid with colored glass and semiprecious stone. The mask comes from the innermost mummy case in the pharaoh's tomb, and stands 54 cm (21 in) high. Bridgeman Art Library, London/New York
This painted limestone statuette depicts King Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti, rulers of Egypt during the Amarna period. During this period, the Egyptians worshiped one god, Aton, who embodied both the male and female principles of the universe. Artists therefore portrayed Akhenaton, who was the representative of Aton on earth, with characteristics they regarded as feminine, such as narrow shoulders, a high waist, and pronounced belly, buttocks, and thighs.
The Mummy