From: Chess players' eye movements reveal rapid recognition of complex visual patterns: Evidence from a chess-related visual search task Journal of Vision. 2017;17(3):4. doi:10.1167/17.3.4 Figure Legend: An illustration of the knight task. The chess players were asked to rapidly locate the chessboard that allowed the knight to reach the target square in three moves (i.e., the “Yes” condition board in Panel c). For the remaining boards, the knight's path was blocked on either the first move (i.e., the “Easy No” condition in Panel a) or on the second move (i.e., the “Difficult No” condition in Panel b). Each trial in the experiment contained four miniature chessboards. Two of the boards were in the “Difficult No” condition, one board was in the “Easy No” condition, and the remaining board was in the “Yes” condition. These four boards were arranged around a central fixation cross (see Panel d). See text for further details. Date of download: 10/1/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.