Scalable training of L1-regularized log-linear models Galen Andrew (Joint work with Jianfeng Gao) ICML, 2007
Minimizing regularized loss Many parametric ML models are trained by minimizing a function of the form: is a loss function quantifying “fit to the data” Negative log-likelihood of training data Distance from decision boundary of incorrect examples If zero is a reasonable “default” parameter value, we can use where is a norm, penalizing large vectors, and C is a constant Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Types of norms A norm precisely defines “size” of a vector 2 1 3 1 2 3 Contours of L2-norm in 2D Contours of L1-norm in 2D Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
L1 and L2 Gradients of L2- and L1-norm 2 1 3 1 2 3 “Negative gradient” of L1-norm (direction of steepest descent) points toward coordinate axes Negative gradient of L2-norm always points directly toward 0 Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
L1 induces sparse models 1-D slice of L1-regularized objective x Sharp bend causes optimal value at x = 0 Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
L1 induces sparse models At global optimum, many parameters have value exactly zero L2 would give small, nonzero values Thus L1 does continuous feature selection More interpretable, computationally manageable models C parameter tunes sparsity/accuracy tradeoff In our experiments, only 1.5% of feats remain Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
A nasty property of L1 The sharp bend at zero is also a problem: Objective is non-differentiable Cannot solve with standard gradient-based methods Non-differentiable at sharp bend (gradient undefined) Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Digression: Newton’s method To optimize a function f: Form 2nd-order Taylor expansion around x0 Jump to minimum: (Actually, line search in direction of xnew) Repeat Sort of an ideal. In practice, H is too large ( ) Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Approximate H-1 with a low-rank matrix built from changes to gradient in recent iterations Approximate H-1 and not H, so no need to invert the matrix or solve linear system! Most popular L-M Q-N method: L-BFGS Storage and computation are O(# vars) Very good theoretical convergence properties Empirically, best method for training large-scale log-linear models with L2 (Malouf ‘02, Minka ‘03) Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Orthant-Wise Limited-memory Quasi-Newton algorithm Our algorithm (OWL-QN) uses the fact that L1 is differentiable on any given orthant In fact, it is linear, so it doesn’t affect Hessian Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
OWL-QN (cont.) For a given orthant defined by the objective can be written The Hessian of f is determined by loss alone Can use gradient of loss at previous iterations to estimate Hessian of objective on any orthant Constrain steps to not cross orthant boundaries Linear function of w Hessian = 0 Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
OWL-QN (cont.) Choose an orthant Find Quasi-Newton quadratic approximation to objective on orthant Jump to minimum of quadratic (Actually, line search in direction of minimum) Project back onto orthant Repeat steps 1-4 until convergence Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Choosing an orthant to explore We use the orthant… in which the current point sits into which the direction of steepest descent points (Computing direction of steepest descent given the gradient of the loss is easy; see the paper for details.) Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Toy example One iteration of OWL-QN: Find vector of steepest descent Choose orthant Find L-BFGS quadratic approximation Jump to minimum Project back onto orthant Update Hessian approximation using gradient of loss alone Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Notes Variables added/subtracted from model as orthant boundaries are hit A variable can change signs in two iterations Glossing over some details: Line search with projection at each iteration Convenient to expand notion of “orthant” to constrain some variables at zero See paper for complete details In paper we prove convergence to optimum Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Experiments We ran experiments with the parse re-ranking model of Charniak & Johnson (2005) Start with a set of candidate parses for each sentence (produced by a baseline parser) Train a log-linear model to select the correct one Model uses ~1.2M features of a parse Train on Sections 2-19 of PTB (36K sentences with 50 parses each) Fit C to max. F-meas on Sec. 20-21 (4K sent.) Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Training methods compared Compared OWL-QN with three other methods Kazama & Tsujii (2003) paired variable formulation for L1 implemented with AlgLib’s L-BFGS-B L2 with our own implementation of L-BFGS (on which OWL-QN is based) L2 with AlgLib’s implementation of L-BFGS K&T turns L1 into differentiable problem with bound constraints and twice the variables Similar to Goodman’s 2004 method, but with L-BFGS-B instead of GIS Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Comparison Methodology For each problem (L1 and L2) Run both algorithms until value nearly constant Report time to reach within 1% of best value We also report num. of function evaluations Implementation independent comparison Function evaluation dominates runtime Results reported with chosen value of C L-BFGS memory parameter = 5 for all runs Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Results # func. evals Func eval time L-BFGS dir time Other time Total time OWL-QN 54 707 (97.7) 10.4 (1.4) 6.9 (1.0) 724 K&T (AlgLib’s L-BFGS-B) > 946 16043 (91.2) 1555 (8.8) > 17600 (L2) with our L-BFGS 109 1400 (97.7) 22.4 (1.5) 10 (0.7) 1433 AlgLib’s L-BFGS 107 1384 (83.4) 276 (16.6) 1660 Number of function evaluations and CPU time in seconds to reach within 1% of best value found. Figures in parentheses are percentage of total time. Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Notes: Our L-BFGS and AlgLib’s are comparable, so OWL-QN and K&T with AlgLib is fair comparison In terms of function evaluations and raw time, OWL-QN orders of magnitude faster than K&T The most expensive step of OWL-QN is computing L-BFGS direction (not projections, computing steepest descent vector, etc.) Optimizing L1 objective with OWL-QN is twice as fast as optimizing L2 with L-BFGS Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Objective value during training L1, OWL-QN L1, Kazama & Tsujii L2, Our L-BFGS L2, AlgLib’s L-BFGS Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Sparsity during training Both algorithms start with ~5% of features, then gradually prune them away OWL-QN finds sparse models quickly OWL-QN Kazama & Tsujii Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Extensions For ACL paper, ran on 3 very different log-linear NLP models with up to 8M features CMM sequence model for POS tagging Reranking log-linear model for LM adaptation Semi-CRF for Chinese word segmentation Can use any smooth convex loss We’ve also tried least-squares (LASSO regression) A small change allows non-convex loss Only local minimum guaranteed Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Software download We’ve released c++ OWL-QN source User can specify arbitrary convex smooth loss Also included are standalone trainer for L1 logistic regression and least-squares (LASSO) Please visit my webpage for download (Find with search engine of your choice) Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Thanks! Galen Andrew Microsoft Research
Summary L1 regularization produces sparse, interpretable models that generalize well Orthant-Wise Limited-memory Quasi-Newton, based on L-BFGS, efficiently minimizes L1-regularized loss with millions of variables Faster even than L2 regularization in our experiments Source code available for download Galen Andrew Microsoft Research