Performance Models for Evaluation and Automatic Tuning of Symmetric Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply University of California, Berkeley Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group (BeBOP) Benjamin C. Lee, Richard W. Vuduc, James W. Demmel, Katherine A. Yelick 16 August 2004
Performance Tuning Challenges Computational Kernels Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply (SpMV): y = y + Ax A : Sparse matrix, symmetric ( i.e., A = AT ) x, y : Dense vectors Sparse Matrix-Multiple Vector Multiply (SpMM): Y = Y + AX X, Y : Dense matrices Performance Tuning Challenges Sparse code characteristics High bandwidth requirements (matrix storage overhead) Poor locality (indirect, irregular memory access) Poor instruction mix (low ratio of flops to memory operations) SpMV performance less than 10% of machine peak Performance depends on kernel, matrix, and architecture Computational Kernels: Performance dominated by a few computational kernels in scientific applications Performance Tuning Challenges: High bandwidth requirements: Load operations for matrix integer indices and floating point values Poor locality: Indirect column accesses for row storage format; Irregular memory accesses Poor instruction mix: computational intensity = 2 (SpMV) and 4 (Symm SpMV) Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Optimizations: Register Blocking (1/3) Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Optimizations: Register Blocking (2/3) Register Blocking Technique: Logically divide matrix into rxc blocks Computation of SpMV proceeds block-by-block Fully unroll block multiply BCSR with uniform, aligned grid Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Optimizations: Register Blocking (3/3) Performance Implications: Reduces loop and indexing overhead, irregularity Increases temporal locality and register reuse for x Example: 50% increase in performance despite fill ratio of 1.5 Fill-in zeros: Trade extra flops for better blocked efficiency Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Optimizations: Matrix Symmetry Symmetric Storage Assume compressed sparse row (CSR) storage Store half the matrix entries (e.g., upper triangle) Performance Implications Same flops Halves memory accesses to the matrix Same irregular, indirect memory accesses For each stored non-zero A(i, j) y ( i ) += A ( i , j ) * x ( j ) y ( j ) += A ( i , j ) * x ( i ) Special consideration of diagonal elements SpMV proceeds simultaneously for a stored element and its transpose Indirect memory accesses: Matrix stored in CSR and j indexes the columns The j indices are indirect accesses The total number of indirect accesses is the same for symm and non-symm Refer to tech report for discussion of diagonal elements Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Optimizations: Multiple Vectors Performance Implications Reduces loop overhead Amortizes the cost of reading A for v vectors X k v Vector Blocking Technique: Targets SpMM (Y Y + A*X) where X and Y are equivalently k dense column vectors of length n Suppose X consists of k column vectors We apply A to X in groups of v vectors at a time For each non-zero of A, we unroll by v the multiply against the corresponding vectors of x. A Y Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Optimizations: Register Usage (1/3) Register Blocking Assume column-wise unrolled block multiply Destination vector elements in registers ( r ) x r c A y Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Optimizations: Register Usage (2/3) Symmetric Storage Doubles register usage ( 2r ) Destination vector elements for stored block Source vector elements for transpose block x r c A y Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Optimizations: Register Usage (3/3) Vector Blocking Scales register usage by vector width ( 2rv ) X k v A Y Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Evaluation: Methodology Three Platforms Sun Ultra 2i, Intel Itanium 2, IBM Power 4 Matrix Test Suite Twelve matrices Dense, Finite Element, Linear Programming, Assorted Reference Implementation No symmetry, no register blocking, single vector multiplication Tuning Parameters SpMM code characterized by parameters ( r , c , v ) Register block size : r x c Vector width : v Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Evaluation: Exhaustive Search Performance 2.1x max speedup (1.4x median) from symmetry (SpMV) {Symm BCSR Single Vector} vs {Non-Symm BCSR Single Vector} 2.6x max speedup (1.1x median) from symmetry (SpMM) {Symm BCSR Multiple Vector} vs {Non-Symm BCSR Multiple Vector} 7.3x max speedup (4.2x median) from combined optimizations {Symm BCSR Multiple Vector} vs {Non-Symm CSR Single Vector} Storage 64.7% max savings (56.5% median) in storage Savings > 50% possible when combined with register blocking 9.9% increase in storage for a few cases Increases possible when register block size results in significant fill Storage: Greater than 2x reduction in storage possible because of register blocking and fewer integer indices. Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Sun Ultra 2i Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Sun Ultra 2i Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Sun Ultra 2i -- Small but consistent gains from symmetry alone in FEM matrices. -- Greatest gains arise from symmetry when combined with register blocking. -- Significant gains from multiple vector optimization. -- No consistent significant performance gain from symmetry with register and vector blocking. Symmetry is still worthwhile, however, due to storage savings without significant loss in performance. -- Cumulative effects of the three techniques. Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Intel Itanium 2 -- Negligible gains from symmetry alone and with register blocking. -- Greatest gains arise from symmetry when combined with register and vector blocking. -- Note than in several cases ‘Symm Ref’ is less than ‘Non-Symm Ref’. In these cases, it is necessary to apply other optimizations with symmetry to get the storage savings without a loss in performance. Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: IBM Power 4 -- Significant gains from symmetry with register blocking -- Cumulative gains of the three optimizations Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Automated Empirical Tuning Exhaustive search infeasible Cost of matrix conversion to blocked format Parameter Selection Procedure Off-line benchmark Symmetric SpMM performance for dense matrix D in sparse format { Prcv(D) | 1 ≤ r,c ≤ bmax and 1 ≤ v ≤ vmax }, Mflop/s Run-time estimate of fill Fill is number of stored values divided by number of original non-zeros { frc(A) | 1 ≤ r,c ≤ bmax }, always at least 1.0 Heuristic performance model Choose ( r , c , v ) to maximize estimate of optimized performance maxrcv { Prcv(A) = Prcv (D) / frc (A) | 1 ≤ r,c ≤ bmax and 1 ≤ v ≤ min( vmax , k ) } Motivation: Trying all or a subset of register block sizes in infeasible if the matrix is known only at run-time, due to the cost of converting the matrix into blocked format. Although the cost of a single conversion is acceptable in many contexts (i.e., iterative solvers) where the cost is amortized over many SpMVs, exhaustive search becomes infeasible for even modest values of b_max >= 4. The fill can be estimated cheaply, while the total run-time cost of steps 2 and 3, followed by a single conversion is not much more expensive than the conversion alone. Off-line benchmark: Once per machine, measure the performance of symmetric SpMM for dense matrix in sparse format. Run-time search: When the matrix is known at run-time, compute an estimate of the fill over all (r,c). This is the empirical search part. Heuristic performance model: Prcv(D) is empirical estimate of expected performance and Frc(A) reduces this value according to the extra flops per non-zero due to fill Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Evaluation: Heuristic Search Heuristic Performance Always achieves at least 93% of best performance from exhaustive search Ultra 2i, Itanium 2 Always achieves at least 85% of best performance from exhaustive search Power 4 Performance Bounds Measured performance achieves 82% of PAPI bound on Ultra and Itanium Measured performance achieves 42% of PAPI bound on Itanium 2 Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Sun Ultra 2i Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Intel Itanium 2 Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: IBM Power 4 Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group Performance Models Model Characteristics and Assumptions Considers only the cost of memory operations Accounts for minimum effective cache and memory latencies Considers only compulsory misses (i.e., ignore conflict misses) Ignores TLB misses Execution Time Model Loads and cache misses Analytic model (based on data access patterns) Hardware counters (via PAPI) Charge ai for hits at each cache level T = (L1 hits) a1 + (L2 hits) a2 + (Mem hits) amem T = (Loads) a1 + (L1 misses) (a2 – a1) + (L2 misses) (amem – a2) Model Assumptions – Cost of Memory Operations: SpMV and SpMM are memory bound, most execution time spent streaming through the matrix. Assume write-back caches with sufficient store buffer capacity to ignore the cost of stores Model Assumptions – Latencies Effective access times (alpha_i) are determined by a variety of streaming benchmarks (Saavedra-Barrera, MAPS) Saavedra-Barrera measures average time per load when repeatedly streaming through an array of length N and stride s, varying both N and s MAPS measures, for arrays of various lengths, the average time per load for (1) a unit stride access pattern and (2) a random access pattern Model Assumptions – Compulsory Misses Lower bound on cache misses for upper bound on performance Model Assumptions – Negligible TLB misses Most time spent streaming through the matrix with stride one accesses Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Evaluation: Performance Bounds Measured Performance vs. PAPI Bound Measured performance is 68% of PAPI bound, on average FEM applications are closer to bound than non-FEM matrices Performance Bounds Measured performance achieves 82% of PAPI bound on Ultra and Itanium Measured performance achieves 42% of PAPI bound on Itanium 2 Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Sun Ultra 2i Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Intel Itanium 2 Reference: FEM Average Speedup: 0.8819 Overall Average Speedup: 0.9223 Overall Median Speedup: 0.8138 Sparse Max Speedup: 1.1719 (10) Register: FEM Average Speedup: 1.1141 Overall Average Speedup: 1.1771 Overall Median Speedup: 1.0960 Sparse Max Speedup: 2.0123 (12) Register Multiple Vector: FEM Average Speedup: 1.7239 Overall Average Speedup: 1.6555 Overall Median Speedup: 1.6015 Sparse Max Speedup: 2.5780 (8) Performance Upper Bound (Analytic): FEM Average Percentage: 42.35 Overall Average Percentage: 40.17 Overall Median Percentage: 45.18 Sparse Max Percentage: 51.28 (4) Performance Upper Bound (PAPI): FEM Average Percentage: 42.67 Overall Average Percentage: 41.79 Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: IBM Power 4 Reference: FEM Average Speedup: 1.4188 Overall Average Speedup: 1.3655 Overall Median Speedup: 1.2980 Sparse Max Speedup: 2.0078 (8) Register: FEM Average Speedup: 1.6393 Overall Average Speedup: 1.1771 Overall Median Speedup: 1.6976 Sparse Max Speedup: 2.0807 (10) Register Multiple Vector: FEM Average Speedup: 1.1444 Overall Average Speedup: 1.1941 Overall Median Speedup: 1.1457 Sparse Max Speedup: 1.7763 (9) Performance Upper Bound (Analytic): FEM Average Percentage: 52.22 Overall Average Percentage: 50.92 Overall Median Percentage: 49.93 Sparse Max Percentage: 63.80 (3) Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group Conclusions Matrix Symmetry Optimizations Symmetric Performance: 2.6x speedup (1.1x median) Overall Performance: 7.3x speedup (4.15x median) Symmetric Storage: 64.7% savings (56.5% median) Cumulative performance effects Automated Empirical Tuning Always achieves at least 85-93% of best performance from exhaustive search Performance Modeling Models account for symmetry, register blocking, multiple vectors Measured performance is 68% of predicted performance (PAPI) Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Current & Future Directions Parallel SMP Kernels Multi-threaded versions of optimizations Extend performance models to SMP architectures Self-Adapting Sparse Kernel Interface Provides low-level BLAS-like primitives Hides complexity of kernel-, matrix-, and machine-specific tuning Provides new locality-aware kernels New locality-aware kernels – Ax, A^Tx, A^Tax, A^kx, triple products Allows user inspection, control of tuning in the spirit of FFTW. Self-profiling – The code may periodically retune an application Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group Appendices Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group Conference Paper: “Performance Models for Evaluation and Automatic Tuning of Symmetric Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply” Technical Report: “Performance Optimizations and Bounds for Sparse Symmetric Matrix-Multiple Vector Multiply” Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group Appendices Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group
Performance Results: Intel Itanium 1 Reference: FEM Average Speedup: 0.8249 Overall Average Speedup: 0.8432 Overall Median Speedup: 82.87 Sparse Max Speedup: 0.9508 (9) Register: FEM Average Speedup: 1.1798 Overall Average Speedup: 1.2384 Overall Median Speedup: 1.2183 Sparse Max Speedup: 1.3550 (10) Register Multiple Vector: FEM Average Speedup: 0.9490 Overall Average Speedup: 1.0040 Overall Median Speedup: 0.9744 Sparse Max Speedup: 1.5317 (9) Performance Upper Bound (Analytic): FEM Average Percentage: 63.48 Overall Average Percentage: 61.58 Overall Median Percentage: 61.00 Sparse Max Percentage: 73.74 (8) Performance Upper Bound (PAPI): FEM Average Percentage: 76.44 Overall Average Percentage: 80.56 Overall Median Percentage: 77.16 Sparse Max Percentage: 101.07 (12) Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Group