>>>Faculty & Staff >>>Faculty Appointment & Review >>>Tenure Guidelines 2016 edition
administrators’ letters curriculum vitae external letters Dossier Forms √ Provost’s copy is skeletal: reports of votes administrators’ letters curriculum vitae external letters basic information section annual reports ballot comments
unit procedures Dossier Forms Appendices present any information √ College’s version adds in Appendix: unit procedures √ Unit copy is comprehensive Appendices present any information deemed important to your case
PROVOST – PDF on flash drive - (MASTER FORM) Dossier contents PROVOST – PDF on flash drive - (MASTER FORM) ___ 1.Title Page (Section Title Page) ___ 2.Table of Contents (Section Title Page) ___ 3.Declaration of OP Version (OP32.01, Attachment B, pg. 3) ___ 4. Tally Cover Sheet (OP32.01, Attachment B, pg. 3) ___ 5.Ballot Statement Witnessed (Unit form) ___ 6.ONE, DEAN'S LETTER (Section Title Page) ___ 7.Blank page for dean's letter ___ 8.Candidate Statement of Access to contents (Unit form) ___ 9.TWO, UNIT RECOMMENDATION (Section Title Page) ___ 10.Blank page for chair or director's letter ___ 11. Fifth‐year review / guidance committee report (if applicable) ___ 12. THREE, CURRICULUM VITAE (Section Title Page) ___ 13.C.V. with ratings for research and creative scholarship ___ 14. FOUR, EXTERNAL LETTERS (Section Title Page) ___ 15.Biosketches of writers, all to fit on one to two pages (Unit administrator) ___ 16.External letters of evaluation, re‐numbered to fit section (e.g. 4‐3, 4‐4. etc.) ___ 17.FIVE, BASIC INFORMATION (Section Title Page) ___ 18. Letter of Appointment (OP32.01, Attachment B, 3,pg. 6) ___ 30. TEN, APPENDIX: BALLOT COMMENTS (Section Title Page) ___ 31. Typed, unsigned Ballot Comments, or Statement indicating that No Comments Were Provided CVPA ONE PDF on flash drive - ONE Hard Copy – ORIGINAL LETTERS IN FOLDER ___ 1‐31. Copy of Master Form, Parts 1‐31 ___ 32.ELEVEN, APPENDIX: UNIT GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES (Section Title Page) ___ 33.Copies of relevant unit and area guidelines For tenure and promotion UNIT ELECTRONIC OR PRINT, AS STIPULATED BY UNITPROCEDURES ___ 1‐33.Copy of Master Form, Parts 1‐29, plus Copy of CVPA Materials, Parts 32‐33 (ballot comment section is blank) ___ 34.TWELVE, APPENDIX:_specify_ ___ 35.Materials required for unit consideration; repeat as necessary; retain in School only ___ 19.Items 3a‐3i (OP32.01, Attachment B, pg. 6‐7) ___ 20. SIX, TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS (Section Title Page) ___ 21.Candidate Statement (one page) ___ 22. 5th‐Year Summary of Peer Evaluation of Teaching (if applicable) ___ 23.Student Ratings, Qualitative and Quantitative together, 1 pg. PER YEAR under consideration OR 1 pg. each for all yrs’ Quantitative Summary & representative Qualitative comments ___ 24.SEVEN, RESEARCH AND CREATIVE SCHOLARSHIP (Section Title Page) ___ 25.Candidate Statement on Research (one page) ___ 26.EIGHT, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Section Title Page) ___ 27.Candidate Statement on Professional Service (one page) Outreach ___ 28.NINE, ANNUAL FACULTY REPORTS (Section Title ___ 29.In chronological order: Annual Faculty Reports with Administrator Evaluations; Peer Evaluations/Guidance Committee Reports; Midterm Review Materials
Title Pages & Sections Available on CVPA website, download
Table of Contents Available on CVPA website, download
Format Table Section Title Pages Checklists Dossier resources Available on CVPA website, download
Basic information section contains: Letter of Appointment Teaching Load, last 4 semesters SUMMARIES of teaching evaluations External letters & biosketches Summary statements: teaching research service OP32.01, Attachment
Basic information, Teaching (edit section for length) SUMMARY of teaching effectiveness Statement (one page) Student Evaluations, Quantitative & Qualitative ONE PAGE / YEAR being considered OR One page Quantitative, One page Qualitative (covering all years) Peer Evaluations (5-yr summary if available) Unit Administrator takes responsibility (if task is delegated, director initials)
LETTERS OF REFERENCE Include only “official” solicited letters At least 3 letters from “Peer Institutions” Writers should have no “substantive relationship” with candidate Biosketch is required for each letter writer Administrator is required to provide biosketches Administrator must explain any substantive relationships All biosketches together fit on one page preceding letters
“Peer Institutions” In 2010, the Provost stipulated that at least three external letters of evaluation must originate from Peer Institutions. Candidates should recommend several potential evaluators whose institutional affiliations fulfill this criterion. Peer Institutions have been defined as those appearing on the list of athletic conference affiliates available in the university’s strategic plan Making It Happen. Members of the American Association of Universities are also considered to be Peer Institutions. Aspirational peers (e.g., Oxford University) can be included.
“Substantive Relationships” In 2010, these were defined as dissertation advisory chairs, former instructors of graduate coursework, close collaborators in research, etc. External evaluators should be encouraged to disclose relationships with the candidate. The unit administrator must justify any substantive relationships within the biosketch section.
The curriculum vitae
for mandatory decision: The C.V. in the dossier for mandatory decision: be comprehensive Curriculum vitae = life’s education Show relative weight of responsibilities changes over time consistency of achievement
…during your career at Tech Curriculum Vitae, 1 Provide all important information from Annual Reports (but not Digital Measures printout) TEACHING Courses by semester (number & title) Number of students Service on graduate committees Activities considered to be related to teaching RESEARCH – administrator ranks by number SERVICE …during your career at Tech
Specific categories vary by field Cross reference if necessary Curriculum Vitae, 2 Basic Information section duplicates some but not all Order within sections Reverse Chronological Order Provide Dates of Activities Specific categories vary by field Cross reference if necessary Avoid duplication of information Can summarize pre-Tech activities
College review
…facilitate committee consideration Pristine Dossiers… …facilitate committee consideration Download and Use!!! Candidate Checklist Give Format-Checker List to appropriate staff After faculty vote, give director the Unit Administrator Checklist
College review process Committee know you Committee knows your dossier Unit Vote Unit Administrator’s letter Curriculum vitae External evaluators Annual reports & assessments
College review process: PAC Personnel Actions Committee T&P Subcommittees Four members (two each unit, not home unit) One observer from home unit Observer leaves prior to voting Subcommittees issue independent vote
College review process: subcommittee Can invite visitors to question Must invite visitors, if negative vote is expected in mandatory-year cases
Review process timeline
review process timeline Meetings scheduled during summer Unit actions early to mid-September Dossiers arrive at college mid-October Dossiers are checked for form Dossiers are “officially accepted”
review process timeline CVPA meetings late in October CVPA chair reports recommendation to dean Dean decides & writes letter Dean’s letter edited into Provost PDF Provost PDF (copy) sent to you You verify that only change is the letter Dossiers to Provost, late November
review process timeline Provost’s review December-January Recommendation to President Recommendation to Board of Regents Each decision is independent Only BOR can grant tenure BOR usually acts by March meeting
bona fortuna!