The University of Maine Graduate Student Orientation GSG Grants Workshop August 24, 2017
GSG Grants GSG grants fund graduate students’ research and professional development Graduate students in all disciplines may apply Eligibility Requirements: Graduate Student Activity Fee Department’s GSG Senator: 75% attendance at GSG Senate Meetings
Grant Cycles Deadline is September 29th at 5pm Includes summer session GSG funds up to $850 per cycle Fall Application Cycle Deadline is September 29th at 5pm Spring Application Cycle Includes summer session Deadline typically in February Reimbursement of expenses incurred during previous application cycle
Funding Categories Travel to Present Degree Related Expenses to travel to and present at a conference or professional meeting Only one individual funded per presentation Degree Related Professional development or networking opportunity Research supplies (including undergraduates) Travel expenses to a conference if not presenting
Application Process The application includes: Abstract: 2 typed pages, double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font, 1” margins Itemized Budget Budget Explanation Submit a single pdf that includes your abstract, budget, and budget explanation
Copy of itemized budget example available on GSG Grants website: GSG Grants Workshop
Application Review Professional and University benefits Applications are anonymously reviewed Interdisciplinary panel of graduate students Write to an educated general audience Unfamiliar with the merits of your work Eliminate jargon or colloquial language Professional and University benefits Grants awarded at 100%, 75%, and 50% of the amounts requested Consider alternative sources of funding
Application Process FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY! Deductions are strictly applied Late submissions are not accepted Rejections can happen: failure to follow format / personal identifiers Content-based rather than merit-based format Clarity, sentence structure, intent and purpose Follow the examples on the GSG’s website
Application Process Seek assistance from: Your advisor or graduate coordinator Other graduate students in your department The Writing Center at 402 Neville Hall (9-5pm), Fogler Library (6-8pm) Website: Tel: (207) 581-3828 Paige Mitchell works with international students GSG Grants Officer
Funding Obligations Awardees must submit all original receipts with a typed, dated, and signed report by deadline specified in the application Proof of presentation required for travel-to-present category Conference itinerary, web listing, photo Submit proof of presentation and original receipts with expense report Failure to submit expense report affects future funding. Please see Grants Officer if extension is needed
Funding Obligations Funds can only be used for specific items approved in the application budget Misused or unused GSG funds must be returned to the grants officer with: Letter of explanation Check payable to: Graduate Student Government If you wish to alter your use of funds please contact the Grants Officer
Clubs & Organizations GSG will award up to $600 per year to clubs and organizations that promote professional, educational, cultural, and/or social engagement of the graduate community Guest speakers in relevant field Networking opportunities 50% of funds requested can be used towards food. Clubs wishing to exceed this amount may petition to the Grants Officer in writing for an exception.
Clubs & Organizations Clubs seeking recognition submit an application to the GSG Senate for approval. Briefly describe the purpose of the club and its role in the graduate community Club representative presentation to GSG Senate New club recognition applications due by September 22nd Newly recognized clubs are on a semester-only funding schedule for one year.
Clubs & Organizations Clubs must apply for funding each year Funds are not dispersed until the department’s GSG senator confirms that the club meets the GSG mission to serve the professional and social life of graduate students Clubs that receive funding must submit an annual report that includes: Briefly describe the purpose of the club and its role in the graduate community, list of events and activities, approximate count of attendees, and proof of advertising (flyer, social media, etc.) Expense reports are mandatory and failure to submit required materials will affect changes of future funding
Partial List of Graduate Student Clubs Clinical Psychology Diversity Committee English Graduate Students’ Association Graduate Board Game Club Graduate Business Association Graduate Earth Science Club National Society of Black Engineers History Graduate Student Association Iranian Graduate Student Association Men of Color School of Marine Sciences Club UMaine Association of Computing Machinery-Women University of Maine Graduate Student Organization for Society and Natural Resources Wildlife Ecology Graduate Student Group Women in Academia
Contact Information Graduate Student Government Attn: Grants Officer University of Maine 5755 Stodder Hall Orono, Maine, 04469 Email: Office Hours: Wednesdays 1-2pm, 60 Stodder Hall or by appointment