2017 Safety Net Foundation Defined Grant


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2017 Safety Net Foundation Defined Grant 2017 Safety Net Webinar

INTRODUCTIONS Andres Dominguez Bradford Hart Karen Guile Program Officer adominguez@hcfgkc.org Bradford Hart Program Officer bhart@hcfgkc.org Karen Guile Grants Manager kguile@hcfgkc.org 2017 Safety Net Webinar

HCF RESOURCES HCFGKC.org KCHealthMatters.org Call us at: 816.241.7006 View all funded projects Download reports need for applications and reporting Learn more about health related programs and issues by reading our Local Health Buzz blog, hcfgkc.org/blog KCHealthMatters.org Call us at: 816.241.7006 Follow us at /hcfgkc 2017 Safety Net Webinar

AGENDA Key dates and changes What’s new for the Safety Net FDG HCF background History Mission/Vision/Strategies/Outcomes What we fund Funding rounds Safety Net theory of change How we fund it Application process Application components Reminders and resources 2017 Safety Net Webinar

WHAT’S NEW Key Dates and Changes Safety Net Foundation Defined Grant 2017 2017 Safety Net Webinar

models for physical and oral health WHAT’S NEW DEADLINES Letters of Intent Deadline June 21, 2017 Full Proposal Deadline August 16, 2017 HCF Board Review/Approval December 13, 2017 All Deadlines 12:00 p.m. (noon) Supports the implementation of service delivery models for physical and oral health 2017 Safety Net Webinar

Increased alignment with SN theory of change WHAT’S NEW CHANGES IN 2017 Increased alignment with SN theory of change Identify strategies from the TOC that correspond with your project Explain how your project addresses each part of the Triple Aim (Access, Quality, & Cost) Indicators Identify indicators that correspond with your selected TOC strategies and outcomes and discuss them in the narrative of the proposal New final report format aligned with TOC (and your selected strategies, outcomes, and indicators) Required Outcomes Measurement Framework – Attach a table that outlines your selected strategies, outcomes, and indicators. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

WHAT’S NEW NEW REQUIRED ATTACHMENT Outcomes Measurement Frame Strategies Outcomes Indicators Collection Method Access   Quality Cost 2017 Safety Net Webinar

MATERIALS ON OUR WEBSITE WHAT’S NEW MATERIALS ON OUR WEBSITE Safety Net theory of change Narrative template Tips and reminders Application checklist 2017 Safety Net Webinar

CONTACT US! WE’RE HERE TO HELP! WHAT’S NEW CONTACT US! WE’RE HERE TO HELP! We are happy to work with you: Over the phone Over email In-person We can: Answer questions Discuss your proposal 2017 Safety Net Webinar

ABOUT US HCF Background Safety Net Foundation Defined Grant 2017 2017 Safety Net Webinar

Healthy people in healthy communities ABOUT US MISSION AND VISION Mission To eliminate barriers and promote quality health for the uninsured and underserved Vision Healthy people in healthy communities

SERVICE AREA KANSAS MISSOURI Cass County ABOUT US Allen County Johnson County Wyandotte County MISSOURI Cass County Jackson County Lafayette County Kansas City, Missouri (including portions of Clay and Platte counties) Established by the Missouri State Attorney General in 2002.

FUNDING ROUND Foundation Defined Grants Applicant Defined Grants ABOUT US FUNDING ROUND Foundation Defined Grants Healthy Communities Mental Health Safety Net Applicant Defined Grants Special Initiatives 2017 Safety Net Webinar

WHAT WE FUND Safety Net Theory of Change HCF Funding Rounds 2017 Safety Net Webinar

WHAT WE FUND SAFETY NET Applicants must address all three aspects of the Triple Aim. Access Quality Cost Health care that is patient-centered, integrated across conditions, providers and settings and delivered in a way that is safe, timely, effective, efficient and equitable. Timely use of personal health care services to achieve the best health outcomes. Quality health care reduces overall health care costs through improvements. STRATEGIES



Better health Better care Lower cost WHAT WE FUND OUTCOMES 2017 Safety Net Webinar

WHAT WE FUND EXAMPLES OF FUNDED PROJECTS Health or oral health: Service delivery Innovative approaches that address quality improvement, innovation, workforce development, etc. New or existing/ongoing projects Core operating support . . . That addresses the strategies in the Safety Net theory of change 2017 Safety Net Webinar

WHAT WE FUND CONSTITUENTS Safety net clinics (SNC), community health centers (CHC), and SN hospitals Community-based organizations that support Health care services Outreach and care coordination Health departments and local governments 2017 Safety Net Webinar

HOW WE FUND Application Process HCF 2017 Safety Net Foundation Defined Grant 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION PROCESS WHO CAN APPLY Any nonprofit or governmental agency that: Works and/or serves the uninsured and underserved; Operates within HCF’s service area; Demonstrates organizational capacity and financially sound practices. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION PROCESS NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Diversity is a fundamental element of social justice and integral to our mission. Diversity encompasses both differences in the attributes of individuals and of organizations: Individuals… such as race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion and socioeconomic status Organizations… such as size, years of operation and location within our service area Grantees will be required to affirm that it will not discriminate: ...on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status, either in employment practice or in policies and procedures concerning access to services. Grantee Organization Provides all services to clients regardless of… Promotes staff regardless of… …gender, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status. Does not restrict membership to the Board of Directors based on… Hires staff regardless of…

APPLICATION PROCESS APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCESS Pre-Proposal Events/ Meetings Full Proposal Letter of Intent Application Awards Announced Board Approval Internal Review Process Reviewer Directed Follow-Up Awards Announced External Reviews Board Approval Review 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION PROCESS STAGE 1: LETTER OF INTENT Begin an online Letter of Intent application Download letter of intent narrative template   Upload the following to your online application: Completed Letter of Intent narrative template IRS Letter of Determination (for 501(c)(3) orgs) or enabling statute/legislation or official description of purpose (for government agencies) 1 2 3 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION PROCESS STAGE 2: FULL PROPOSAL Log into your online account to access your full proposal application Download the proposal narrative template to create your proposal narrative Download and complete the budget template 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION PROCESS STAGE 2: FULL PROPOSAL Governmental entity applicants Copy of enabling statute/legislation or official description of purpose Copy of authorized budget or current financial statement List of elected/appointed officials who oversee the entity’s performance 501(c)(3) applicants IRS Letter of Determination Copy of most recent IRS 990 Report (nonprofit tax return) Copy of most recent financial audit Board-approved current fiscal year operating budget for your organization Roster of board of directors with diversity information (race and gender) 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION PROCESS NEED HELP? Contact our Grants Management department – They are happy to help. 816-241-7006 2017 Safety Net Webinar

HOW WE FUND Application Components HCF 2017 Safety Net Foundation Defined Grant 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS PROPOSAL GUIDELINES Format Microsoft Word document Typed in clear, legible font (e.g. 11-12 pt. Arial, 11-12 pt Calibri, or 10-11 pt Verdana) Single spaced One-inch left /right margins Not to exceed 12 pages 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS PROPOSAL NARRATIVE SELECTIONS Discussion of need Project design Evaluations   Organizational profile and capacity Sustainability Diversity and cultural competency Two-year funding 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS REVISED SECTIONS Project Design Evaluation Population of focus Project goals and results Description of project Triple Aim and Theory of Change Strategies Cultural competence Collaboration and community integration/coordination Timeline Quality improvement Outcomes and evaluation Project theory and planning graphics 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS WHAT’S NEW FOR 2017 Increased alignment with theory of change Identify strategies from the TOC that correspond with your project Explain how your project addresses each part of the Triple Aim (Access, Quality, & Cost) Indicators Identify indicators that correspond with your selected TOC strategies and outcomes and discuss them in the narrative of the proposal New Final Report format aligned with SN Theory of Change (and your selected strategies, outcomes, and indicators) Required Outcomes Measurement Framework – Attach a table that outlines strategies, outcomes, and indicators. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS APPLICATION SECTIONS DIVERSITY & CULTURAL COMPETENCY Explain how mission, staffing and operations reflect commitment to diversity as broadly defined in the HCF Guiding Principles. For example, how does your staffing reflect the communities you serve? How are you responding to your communities’ needs, values, preferences, etc.? What are your goals and planned activities for improvements? If your organization has a specific diversity policy, you may attach it as a supplemental document. It will not be counted in the narrative section page count, but it should augment, rather than replace, this section of the narrative. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS EVALUATION AND REPORTING HCF has streamlined reporting requirements to better reflect the the theory of change. Explain both: Your organizational commitment to quality improvement and evaluation and how it will be used in your proposed project. Specific outcomes and indicators that you are tracking. Each applicant should select corresponding: Strategies  Outcomes  Indicators The final report reflects each of these areas. A copy is available online. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS NEW REQUIRED ATTACHMENT Outcomes Measurement Frame Strategies Outcomes Indicators Collection Method Access   Quality Cost 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS Theory of Change Logic Model Both are optional, but strongly encouraged. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Supporting Attachments Combined Budget Worksheet and Budget Narrative Letters of Commitment Certificate of Incorporation IRS Non-Profit Determination Letter Most recent IRS 990 Report (nonprofit tax return) Most recent audit Roster of your board of directors and information about the board’s demographic composition related to race and gender Board-approved operating budget 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS LETTER OF COMMITMENT VS SUPPORT Letter of Support States the organization’s commitment to the project. Indicate the specific role it will fulfill State its share of the grant proceeds. Letters written from entities that would be affected by the program for which you are requesting funding. vs. REQUIRED SUGGESTED REQUIRED 2017 Safety Net Webinar

APPLICATION COMPONENTS REVIEWER TIPS Define all acronyms Describe the history of your organization. This is your opportunity to brag about your accomplishments. Remember, our external reviewers are outside the service area. Describe history and role of partners or organizations referenced in the proposal – do not assume familiarity of reviewers. Use Word documents for everything except letters of commitment and support, and reference documents, e.g. audit, signing authority, etc. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

PROJECT BUDGET Safety Net Application Process 2017 Safety Net Webinar

BUDGET REVENUE SOURCES 2017 Safety Net Webinar


BUDGET EXPENSES 2017 Safety Net Webinar

Address all sections in detail: BUDGET JUSTIFICATION CATEGORIES Provide detail on other sources of funding and in-kind support across all categories of funding and support: HCF funds Other funds In-Kind Address all sections in detail: Revenue Salary Other Direct Expenses Equipment/Supplies Indirect Expenses 2017 Safety Net Webinar

BUDGET JUSTIFICATION 2017 Safety Net Webinar

BUDGET JUSTIFICATION DETAILS Revenue - Explain how each line item of the project Revenue was determined/calculated for each category. If support is pending, provide history and context about each funding source. Salary - Explain how each line item of the project Salary was determined for each category. Other Direct Expenses - Explain how each line item of the project Other Direct Expenses was determined for each category. Equipment/Supplies - Attach a list of equipment purchases, including prices and quantities, to your application. Also explain how each line item of the project Other Direct Expenses was determined for each category. Indirect Expenses- Please explain what the project Indirect Expenses will cover. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

GRANT AWARD Upon approval by the HCF Board of Directors 2017 Safety Net Webinar

GRANT AWARD DEVELOPING YOUR GRANT AGREEMENT Based on your award amount we will confirm: Revised Budget (if necessary) Revised Outcomes (if necessary) Start Date You will be assigned a program officer for your grant. Your program officer may be different from your program officer on other current or past HCF grants. You may contact your program officer at any point in the process with questions or to discuss your project. You may also contact your program officer to discuss future projects and requests. 2017 Safety Net Webinar

GRANT AWARD PROJECT MILESTONES Initial payment (Upon execution of the grant agreement) Interim report (Usually due at the six-month point of the grant) Site visit (After receipt of the interim report) Interim payment (Upon approval of interim report) Final report (Within 30 days of grant completion) Final payment (Upon approval of final report) 2017 Safety Net Webinar

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES HCF 2017 Safety Net Foundation Defined Grant 2017 Safety Net Webinar

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES GRANT REQUEST CHECKLIST 501(c)3 Organization (Note - Applicants must have submitted a Letter of Intent by the deadline date in order to apply for FDG grants) Online Portion of Application IRS Letter of Determination Proposal Narrative (template found on HCF website) IRS 990 Report Combined Budget Worksheet/Narrative (template found on HCF website) Annual Audit (most recent) Letters of Commitment (if applicable) Board of Directors Roster w/Demographic Info (i.e. race & gender info) Letters of Support (optional) Theory of Change/Logic Model (optional) Current FY Operating Budget Outcomes Measurement Framework (REQUIRED) – NEW FOR 2017 Certificate of Incorporation Other (please specify) 2017 Safety Net Webinar

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES GRANT REQUEST CHECKLIST Governmental Agency (Note - Applicants must have submitted a Letter of Intent by the deadline date in order to apply for FDG grants) Online Portion of Application Audit Statement (if applicable) Proposal Narrative (template found on HCF website) List of elected/appointed officials Letters of Commitment (if applicable) Combined Budget Worksheet/Narrative (template found on HCF website) Letters of Support (optional) Theory of Change/Logic Model (optional) Enabling statute/legislation Outcomes Measurement Framework (REQUIRED) – NEW FOR 2017 Authorized Current FY Budget or Financial Statement Other (please specify) 2017 Safety Net Webinar

When possible, please do not use a PDF file. REMINDERS AND RESOURCES GRANT REQUEST CHECKLIST When possible, please do not use a PDF file.

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES SUPPORT SERVICES Grantwriting Technical Assistance HCF offers technical assistance to nonprofit organizations with annual budgets under $500,000 for both Applicant Defined Grant and Foundation Defined Grant requests. For more information, contact Andres Dominguez at adominguez@hcfgkc.org or by calling (816) 241-7006. ⏏ 2017 Safety Net Webinar

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES SUPPORT SERVICES Fiscal Agents HCF connects nonprofit grantees who do not have an annual audit with fiscal agents. For more information, contact your program officer or call 816-241-7006.

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES SUPPORT SERVICES Grant Review HCF invites prospective applicants to visit our office to review previously funded proposals. If you are interested in reading successful grants, please contact HCF to set up an appointment. ⏎

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES SUPPORT SERVICES Feedback Sessions HCF invites applicants who were not awarded funding to receive feedback from the program officer(s) who reviewed their request. Conducted in person or over the phone. Please contact our office. Contact HCF within 6 months of receiving the declination. 

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES KCHEALTHMATTERS.ORG Explore data See how we compare Tools and resources

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES HCFGKC.ORG View all funded projects Download reports Download grant application checklist & reviewer tips Get answers on our FAQ page Visit the mental health resource page Sign up for e-newsletters

REMINDERS AND RESOURCES SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us at /hcfgkc 2017 Safety Net Webinar

CONTACT US Andres Dominguez adominguez@hcfgkc.org All staff email addresses and phone numbers available at hcfgkc.org Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City 2300 Main St., Suite 304 Kansas City, Missouri 64108 816.241.7006 Bradford Hart bhart@hcfgkc.org 2017 Safety Net Webinar