HEALTH DEVOLUTION: WHAT SHOULD PUBLIC AND PATIENT INVOLVEMENT LOOK LIKE DURING THIS ERA OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRANSFORMATION Presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Patient and Public Involvement in Health and Social Care Katherine Sheerin - Chief Officer NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group 19th January 2017
Liverpool – A City of Contrasts Health Outcomes Provider Landscape Commissioning Alignment Major Health Commission Healthy Liverpool
The Wider Context………. Liverpool City Region Healthy Liverpool Cheshire and Merseyside Sustainability and Transformation Plan North Mersey Local Delivery System
NORTH MERSEY LOCAL DELIVERY SYSTEM PLAN -£346.5m £6.8m One year Three years Five years - 2021 Impact (£mill) 1. Hospital Service Reconfiguration OBC for Royal Liverpool & Aintree merger, including proposals for single service reconfiguration Implement Orthopaedics & Upper GI single service and single Cancer MDTs Decision on configuration of women’s and neonatal services – June 17 Complete merger – April 18. Adult acute single service implementation to commence 18/19, Complete commissioner review of S&O services -March 18 Complete adult acute service reconfiguration Implement LWH reconfiguration Implement S&O reconfiguration Multi-specialty Community teams embedded Primary care Quality scheme across NM 7-day primary care access - GP hubs & GP streaming in A&E Care homes and Home First implemented LCH transaction completed – March 17 Implementation of NM mental health transformation plan Frailty and end of Life services improved Pathway transformation delivered – CVD, respiratory, cancer Primary care transformation at scale 3. Population Health System MECC Plan implemented System strategy for prevention & joint campaigns Workplace Wellbeing Programme commenced Tobacco control prevention programme completed Blood pressure, alcohol and antimicrobial programmes embedded Non-communicable disease programme completed 4. Digital First Teleheath at scale procurement completed Three-trust EPR procured Digital diagnostics embedded Full Interoperability across NM Digital No Wrong Door – digital interaction delivered Single hospital EPR (RLBUH, AUH and LWH) implemented Whole Systems Intelligence system Digital maturity for all providers Standardised predictive analytics for better care 5. Act as One System NM Single system governance NM system control total Joint commissioning & shared CCG resources across NM CCGs NM efficiency plan identified North Mersey commissioning organisation ACO/ACS established, enabling place based model of care Accountable Care System embedded £81.7 2. Demand Management £48.9 TBC In demand management £159 Solutions - £289.7 mill Assumption £63.6 STF allocation £6.8m
Challenges and Risks Local Authority cuts Workforce Reform ‘Pace’ Goodwill Resilience Honesty
Patient and Public Engagement Meaningful – What does that centrally mean? Realism – What’s really possible? Simple – Clarity and approach Legitimate – Local statutory responsibilities