WELCOME! 2016 Southeastern Hay Convention Brian Mathis TeeJet Southeast Regional Sales Manager WELCOME!
Proper Spray Tip Selection and Calibration Brian Mathis Southeast Regional Sales Manager
AGENDA Spray tip nomenclature and industry standards International Color Code classifications Tip color designates flow rate @ 40 psi Droplet sizing and categorizing Spray tip designs & spray patterns Tip Selection and Calibration
FUNCTIONS OF A SPRAY NOZZLE Control the flow rate Form droplets Disperse droplets into specific patterns
Nozzle Nomenclature
VisiFlo® Color Coding Standard
Spray Angle Spray angles given are nominal Minimum overlap is critical Maximum overlap is not as critical For most tapered spray patterns, a minimum 30% spray pattern overlap is recommended
Optimum Spray Height
Spray Patterns Most Common Types of spray patterns: Flat Fan Tapered Even Flooding (Wide Angle) Cone Spray Streaming nozzles
Tapered Flat Spray Pattern
Tapered Spray Pattern
Uniform distribution is achieved when spacing, height, and overlap are optimized
Even Flat Spray Pattern Standard Design TP TeeJet (TP E) TwinJet (TJ60 E) Pre-orifice Design Drift Guard (DG E) AI TeeJet (AI E)
Even Spray Pattern
Even Spray Pattern
Cone Spray Pattern
Fertilizer Spray Pattern
StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Nozzles
Nozzle Materials
Nozzle Wear New Flat-Fan Nozzle Worn Nozzle Improperly Cleaned
Nozzle Wear When do I need to replace my tips? Wear rates depend on: Tip material (stainless, polymer, ceramic) Chemicals used Water quality Operating pressure Care used when cleaning When measured flow rates are 10% over nominal flow rate it’s time to replace them.
Spray Pattern Check Damaged Nozzles New Nozzles Worn Nozzles
Spray Pressure Increasing pressure by 4 times doubles the flow rate Higher pressure decreases droplet size and increases drift potential Higher pressure increases orifice wear Pressure impacts the spray angle and coverage
Droplet Size Measurement and Classification XF UC Extremely Fine Ultra Course
Droplet Size Classifications
Recommended Droplet Sizes for Various Pesticides Droplet Spectrum (by ASAE S572) Contact insecticide and fungicide Systemic insecticide and fungicide Contact foliar herbicide Systemic foliar herbicide Soil-applied herbicide Incorporated soil-applied herbicide Very fine (VF) Fine (F) Medium (M) Coarse (C) Very Coarse (VC) Extremely Coarse (XC) University of Illinois- Illinois Pesticide Applicator Manual: General Standards
What are Droplets? Droplets are spray particles that make up the spray pattern from the nozzle Droplet size directly impacts efficacy and drift. For a given pressure, a spray tip will produce a range of droplet sizes Expressed in Microns (micrometers)
PDPA Laser
Oxford Laser
What’s a micron? 1 micron (or 1 μ) is 1/1000 millimeter 1 micron is 0.000001 meters 1 micron is 1/25,400 inch 1 micron is 0.00003937 inches
Comparison of Micron Sizes (approximate) #2 Pencil lead paper clip staple toothbrush bristle sewing thread human hair 150m
Droplet Sizes Measured and then expressed in various ways. VMD (Volume Median Diameter) or D(v0.5) D(v0.1) (Small Droplets in relation) D(v0.9) (Large Droplets in relation) Mostly, droplet sizes are expressed in VMD.
VMD 1/2 of spray volume = smaller droplets 1/2 of spray volume = larger droplets
Distance Water Droplets Drift While Falling 3ft in a 5 MPH Wind SIZE MICRONS DRIFT FEET Very Coarse 600 0.3 Coarse 500 0.4 Medium 400 0.7 Fine 200 5.5 Very Fine 100 26.0 Ultra Fine 50 88.0
Major factor in spray tip selection and desired droplet size MODE OF ACTION Major factor in spray tip selection and desired droplet size Contact Systemic
Droplet Size Order This Droplet Size classification comparison uses 02 tip capacity and should be shown along with printed copies of TeeJet LI-TJ143 which shows capacities 015 through 06.
Droplet Size Standard Flat Spray Coarse Fine Turbo TeeJet® Induction AIXR TeeJet® Air Induction TeeJet® Turbo TeeJet® XR TeeJet®
Droplet size order TwinJet Style Coarse Fine AITTJ-60 Air Induction Turbo TwinJet TeeJet offers a wide range of droplet size classifications to the TwinJet style spray tips. Droplet size classifications can be seen on page 136 and 137 of the TeeJet Catalog 51. TTJ-60 Turbo TwinJet AI3070 DGTJ-60 Drift Guard TwinJet TJ-60 TwinJet
Drift Reduction Nozzle Technology Pre-orifice to create pressure drop Venturi effect to produce air-induced, larger droplets
Volume is metered at Pre-orifice Turbo TeeJet Turbo TwinJet
Low Drift TeeJet Nozzles AITTJ-60 Air Induction Turbo TwinJet AIXR TeeJet® 110⁰Air Induction TeeJet® Turbo TeeJet® Induction 80⁰Air Induction TeeJet®
AIXR Drop Size Classification AIXR is ideal for growers who demand excellent drift control, but insist on applying at lower pressures. The AIXR is rated from 15-90 psi. The standard AI tip is rated from 30-100 psi.
Air Induction Turbo TwinJet AITTJ60
AI Drop Size Classification The AIC is simply an AI tip and a cap in a one-piece tip design.
TTI Drop Size Classification
Turbo TeeJet Induction (TTI) Large air-filled droplets Low profile XC and UC droplet classification at all capacities and rated pressures Extended range (15-100 PSI)
TTI Turbo TeeJet Induction MAXIMUM drift control Produces Ultra Course or Extra Course droplets in all sizes and pressures Extended operating range from 15-100 psi
TTI Turbo TeeJet Induction
AI3070 Air Induction tip with 30⁰ forward and 70⁰ backward facing Twin wide angle flat spray patterns Ideal for fungicide application in cereal crops Refer to TeeJet LI-TJ143 document to see how the AI3070 droplet size classification compares to other TeeJet tips.
What size do I need? Application Rate? Speed Range? Pressure Range? Tip Spacing? Droplet Classification?
The Spray Nozzles you select will determine:
Sprayer Calibration Gets your sprayer ready for field operation Diagnoses tip wear
Sprayer Calibration Equipment Needed: TeeJet Calibration Container Calculator Tip Cleaning Brush (A tooth brush will do) One new Spray Tip of same capacity Stopwatch
Sprayer Speed 1 MPH = 88 Feet traveled in 60 seconds
Sprayer Calibration Nozzle type and capacity on the sprayer Recommended application volume from label Sprayer speed (minimum and maximum) Nozzle Spacing in Inches
Sprayer Calibration
Sprayer Calibration ANSWER: 0.404 GPM Example: 20 Gallons per Acre 6 Miles per Hour 20” Tip Spacings ANSWER: 0.404 GPM
Sprayer Calibration Engage your pump and start your sprayer Check for leaks and/or blockages Inspect and clean all tips and strainers
Sprayer Calibration
Sprayer Calibration Replace 1 tip with an identical NEW tip Turn on sprayer and adjust to target pressure Collect and measure volume from new tip for 1 minute
Sprayer Calibration Fine tune the pressure until you collect 0.40 GPM Proper output and pressure is now correct to deliver 20 GPA @ 6 MPH, 20” tip spacings
Sprayer Calibration Collect volume from a few tip on each boom section If flow rate is +/-10% than the NEW tip, replace tip If multiple tips are +/-10%, replace all tips
Spray Tips Flow Rate Check for EVEN distribution When measured flow rates are 10% over nominal flow rate it’s time to replace them