SUNRISE Update Presented by: Steve Steffel, Alex Dinkel October 7, 2014
Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy Award Number DE-OE0006328. Disclosure: 'This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United Sates Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade, name trademark, manufacturer , or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement , recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof . The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof ."
Current State – ACE (10/6/2014) Active Renewable Successfully completed the interconnection of over 6,000 customers in NJ with greater than 99% acceptance Density of solar requests requires detailed studies to prevent flicker and other power quality issues for customers on the circuit with high solar penetration (Note: high voltage complaints are on the rise) Out of the 24 Impact studies have been required 11 were completed 9 of the requests were withdrawn 4 are waiting for customer decision There are 14 systems larger than 2 MW connected to the ACE distribution system (4 non-renewable) Out of 347 circuits in ACE 4 have restrictions that affect systems of all sizes 3 have restrictions that affect systems > 50 kW 29 have restrictions that affect systems > 250 kW Restricted Circuits – NJ ACE Service Territory ACE only, 4 in DPL
Concentration of small installations could have similar effect DER Impacts to a Distribution Feeder B R P O I SOURCE IMPEDANCE ( TRANSMISSION AND GENERATION SYSTEM ) OTHER CUSTOMERS ACE SUBSTATION VOLTAGE REGULATOR CAPACITOR BANK 2 MW SOLAR INSTALLATION Impacts: Voltage – Steady state and fluctuations for customers and automatic line equipment Safety/Protection – Increased available fault currents, sympathetic tripping, reverse flow, reduction of protective reach Loading – Increases in unbalance, masking of demand, capacity overloads Control Equipment – potential for increased operations for voltage regulators, capacitors and under load tap changers Power Quality – potential for harmonic issues Concentration of small installations could have similar effect LDC
DEW Planning Analysis Capabilities DEW is a semi-automated Distributed Energy Resources (DER) impact assessment tool It runs time-series load flows to analyze the impact of intermittent generation Models the impact of increasing generation against the entire grid, rather than a single circuit For Solar Generators, allows back casting and forecasting of the PV output through “Sky Data” interface Allows for in-house detailed studies to be performed, saving Customers time and money Capable of modelling to the meter when data is available CUSTOMER VOLTAGE With AMI data Transformer with Reverse Power Flow -T+D -Time Series -Model secondaries down to meter
U.S. Department of Energy Solar Utility Networks: Replicable Innovations in Solar Energy (SUNRISE) “to enable utilities to develop long-term strategic plans that integrate high levels of renewable energy generation and ensure reliable real-time power systems operations under high renewable penetration.” Source:
PHI Sunrise Project Model-Based Integrated High Penetration Renewables Planning and Control Analysis PHI is partnering with: Electrical Distribution Design (DEW software development/technical) Clean Power Research (solar Irradiance data) Rutgers University (economic analysis) FSMA - Control can be run against simulator or real system through connection to SCADA Model-Based Simulator
Project Objectives Voltage Control Device Setting Practice. Develop and field test a new autonomous voltage control device setting practice that creates “headroom” so that customers who own generation can export power without causing over voltages at the meter. This concept may increase feeder hosting capacity and potentially open feeders currently closed to solar photovoltaics (PV). Feeder Hosting Capacity Evaluation. Use Distributed Engineering Workstation (DEW)/Integrated System Model (ISM) analysis to evaluate increased hosting capacity from voltage control device settings together with other improvements such as phase balancing, capacitor sizing and placement, and use of advanced PV inverter controls and storage.
Project Objectives High Penetration Renewables Real-Time Operations Monitoring, Forecast and Control. Combine feeder performance, autonomous voltage control device simulation and EDD Voltage Control analysis to implement an integrated distribution and transmission (T&D) simulation that Operations personnel use to forecast and monitor the effects of PV and other DER. The system will identify potential PV driven problems and effects across the entire T&D system. Simulating central control, the system will also automatically generate coordinated voltage and var control and advanced PV inverter set point recommendations using prioritized multi-objective goals with user specified operating limits. This will improve hosting capacity while monitoring and improving efficiency. Advanced Solar Forecasting and Back Casting. Evaluate use of simulated PV clear sky and cloudy day variability output measurements for time-series, temporal, quasi-steady state planning and operations management analysis and simulation.
Data that Inform the DEW Model DEW Model Import Tools Database of customer owned generation Protection settings database GIS – Location, configuration, construction of lines and equipment SCADA Customer usage information AMI, profiles ACE Transmission System Model 60 Distribution Circuit Models
Define and Evaluate Voltage Headroom Define and evaluate new autonomous voltage control device setting concepts using model-based analysis and simulation Evaluate circuits for available headroom by lowering voltage regulation equipment set-points (LTC, VR, caps) Thorough evaluation of 3 circuits to determine methodology. Validation and evaluation process to be automated for remaining circuits Determine methodology for calculating feeder hosting capacity
Define and Evaluate Voltage Headroom Hosting capacity evaluation: Start at base case (currently installed PV) and evaluate steady state voltage (high and low voltage) and voltage change due to loss of PV Randomly add PV (in10 kW PV units) to circuit and evaluate steady state voltage and voltage change Evaluate Criteria High voltage, Voltage variability, reverse power flow, increase in fault current, relay desensitization Use voltage regulation strategies to resolve criteria violations Repeat at each kW interval with a different random allocation of PV and tabulate results
Define and Evaluate Voltage Headroom Findings: 2 out of 3 circuits have very limited capacity for lowering fixed voltage set-point as a practice Voltage regulation scheme designed around peak load point Dynamic voltage regulation set-points a more promising approach
Operations Monitoring (FSMA) Forecast, Schedule, Monitor and Adjust (FSMA): Uses model based simulation to estimate current and forecasted operation of feeders with PV Real-time operations monitoring using live SCADA connection and CPR forecast data (future) Planning analysis using historical time-series load and back cast CPR data Includes simulation of centralized and distributed control LTC’s, Voltage Regulators, Capacitors and PV Inverters can be run using standard local controls, advanced local controls or run as part of supervisory optimal Conservation Voltage Regulation (CVR) control Makes it possible to run time-series simulation of PV and advanced PV inverter control together with other voltage control devices for both operations management and planning/control design
FSMA Control Simulation Algorithm Multi-objective optimization algorithm with weighting factors for: 1. Voltage violation reduction (volts) 2. Loss reduction (kWh) 3. "Flicker" reduction (volts) 4. Load reduction (in kW, accomplished by reducing voltage for voltage-dependent loads) Weighted improvements are compared to user-configurable "costs" to determine the best control action to be taken: 1. Switching a capacitor ("cost" per switch on/off) 2. Stepping a voltage regulator/LTC ("cost" per step) 3. Curtailing PV kW ("cost" per kW curtailed)
Pilot Circuit Feeder selection was based on Ability to leverage existing monitoring equipment Large PV systems installed on feeder create high penetration challenges Collaborative project with EPRI and Solectria Testing will include reducing set point of SCADA controlled voltage regulator and volt/var control of inverters FSMA will inform decisions made by operators
Provide DOE and Public Accessible Data Public accessible data will be published to the PHI to renewable energy webpage: A project overview description and our latest SUNRISE Status Update PowerPoint presentation for Topic A-1 and A-2 work has been submitted and approved for posting. Non-proprietary data generated to date consists of presentations and reports
Next Steps Automate hosing capacity analysis and run on remaining circuits Incorporate advanced inverter functionality Economic review of solutions for increasing hosting capacity
Contact Us Steve Steffel Alex Dinkel Green Power Connection Team (302) 283-5895 Alex Dinkel (302) 454-4246 Green Power Connection Team (866) 634-5571