Antennas, Feed lines, and Propagation Technician License Course Module Eight Radio and Electronics Fundamentals Make sure you bring in lots of examples of antennas and different kinds of feed lines as examples are you are going through this lesson. Antennas, Feed lines, and Propagation 1
The Antenna System Antenna: Facilitates the sending of your signal to some distant station Back to the falling magnet Feed line: Connects your station to the antenna Test and matching equipment: Allows you to monitor antenna performance The transmitter causes electrons to move in the antenna…creating the magnetic field, that changing magnetic field creates an electric field and away we go. 2
The Antenna (some vocabulary) Driven element: where the transmitted energy enters the antenna Polarization: the direction of the electric field relative to the surface of the earth Same as the physical direction Vertical Horizontal Circular The best way to cover this kind of material is to have a few antennas of various types and point out the different parts of the antenna relative to the vocabulary. 3
The Antenna (some vocabulary) Omni-directional - radiates in all directions Directional beam - focuses radiation in specific directions Gain – apparent increase in power in a particular direction because energy is focused in that direction Measured in decibels (dB) Again, manipulatives are the best way to help with this discussion. The concept of gain is an important concept to make sure the students understand. Gain does not increase the amount of power being transmitted, gain gives the appearance of increased power because the transmitted energy (and received energy) is focused in a specific direction by the antenna elements at the expense of energy that would have been send in other directions. A good way to illustrate this is to blow up a balloon. The inflated balloon represents an omni-directional radiation pattern. Now squeeze the balloon in the middle to create a two lobes (if you do it right, you have one big and one little lobe). This represents the same amount of energy, but now it is focused in specific directions. The concept of decibels is also a difficult and scary concept for the math phobic of the class. Don’t spend a lot of time on this, just get them used to the use of dB as a way of expressing the gain or apparent power advantage comparisons between one antenna and another. I guess the important specific gain value to remember is 3. For every 3 dB of gain, the apparent power advantage is doubled (5 watts seems like 10 with 3 dB of gain). You also could mention that -3 dB is halving the power…10 watts is like 5 watts when there is a -3 dB of gain (this is significant when students are looking at the performance of the rubber duck antenna versus a ¼ wave whip). 4
Antenna Radiation Patterns Radiation patterns are a way of visualizing antenna performance The further the line is away from the center of the graph, the stronger the signal at that point This is an opportunity for you to expand on the concept of gain. Walk your students through how to interpret the antenna radio pattern plots. Here is a good time to introduce the concept of front-to-back ratio…another way to describe antenna performance. 5
Impedance – AC Resistance A quick review of a previous concept: impedance Antennas include characteristics of capacitors, inductors, and resistors The combined response of these component parts to alternating currents (radio waves) is called Impedance You will probably have to spend a little time to re-teach the concept of impedance. It was just touched on previously, now it is time to get a little more serious with the concept because of its importance in the discussion of feed lines and antenna matching 7
Antenna Impedance Antennas have a characteristic impedance Expressed in Ohms – common value 50 Ohms Depends on: Antenna design Height above the ground Distance from surrounding obstacles Frequency of operation A million other factors Give other common values of antenna impedances. As a general rule, anything within 1 wavelength of the antenna will have an impact on the antenna impedance, antenna radiation pattern, and antenna performance. The complexity of antennas makes a fascinating aspect of the hobby and also makes antenna design an art. 8
Antenna versus Feed Line For efficient transfer of energy from the transmitter to the feed line and from the feed line to the antenna, the various impedances need to match When there is mismatch of impedances, things may still work, but not as effectively as they could
Feed line types The purpose of the feed line is to get energy from your station to the antenna Basic feed line types Coax cable Open-wire or ladder line Each has a characteristic impedance, each has its unique application It would be very helpful to have physical examples of the two basic kinds of feed line 10
Coax Most common feed line Easy to use Matches impedance of modern radio equipment (50 Ohms) Some loss of signal depending on coax quality (cost) Discuss why coax is so common and emphasize how it can be abused and still work well. 11
Open-wire/Ladder Line Not common now days except in special applications Difficult to use Need an antenna tuner to make impedance match – but this allows a lot of flexibility Theoretically has very low loss Discuss some applications where ladder line is the only way to go. Emphasize that the antenna tuner is required in most cases to transform the feed line impedance to 52 Ohms to match the rig. 12
Test and Matching Equipment Proper impedance matching is important enough to deserve some simple test equipment as you develop your station repertoire Basic Test Equipment: S.W.R. Meter Matching Equipment: Antenna Tuner
Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) If the antenna and feed line impedances are not perfectly matched, some RF energy is not radiated into space and is returned (reflected) back to the source Something has to happen to this reflected energy – generally converted into heat or unwanted radio energy (bad) The ratio of energy going out to energy coming back is called SWR
SWR Meter The SWR meter is inserted in the feed line and indicates the reflected energy – measures the miss-match between feed line impedance and antenna impedance You make adjustments to the antenna to minimize the reflected energy (minimum SWR) Have an example of an SWR meter on hand to show the students. You can also discuss how SWR meters are now commonly included as a meter function of a transceiver. 15
Nothings Perfect Although the goal is to get 100% of your radio energy radiated into space, that is virtually impossible What is an acceptable level of loss (reflected power or SWR?) 1:1 is perfect 2:1 should be the max you should accept (as a general rule) Modern radios will start lowering power automatically when SWR is above 2:1 3:1 is when you need to do something to reduce SWR You need to give your students the benefit of your experience on how to use the SWR meter, how you might make adjustments in the antennas to improve the SWR, and also give them some guideline as to what is acceptable and what is not. These are some of my guidelines for dealing with SWR, of course there are exceptions to every rule and there certainly are exceptions to these guidelines. 16
Antenna Tuner One way to make antenna matching adjustments is to use an antenna tuner Antenna tuners are impedance transformers (they actually do not tune the antenna) When used appropriately they are effective When used inappropriately all they do is make a bad antenna look good to the transmitter…the antenna is still bad Spend some time with the students clarifying what actually is happening when they use an antenna tuner. There are many misconceptions about antenna tuners. Basically, the antenna tuner is an impedance transformer that makes the impedance seen by the transmitter look like 52 Ohms. An antenna tuner can make a bad antenna look like a good antenna, but the antenna is still bad. Antenna tuners are truly effective when you are truly compensating between impedance miss-matches (an effective antenna at one impedance that needs to transformed to the impedance of the transmitter). 17
How to use an Antenna Tuner Monitor the SWR meter Make adjustments on the tuner until the minimum SWR is achieved The impedance of the antenna is transformed to more closely match the impedance of the transmitter
Radio Wave Propagation Getting from Point A to Point B Radio waves propagate by many mechanisms The science of wave propagations has many facets We will discuss 3 basic ways: Line of sight Ground wave Sky-wave
Line-of-Sight If a source of radio energy can be seen by the receiver, then the radio energy will travel in a straight line from transmitter to receiver There is some attenuation of the signal as the radio wave travels This is the primary propagation mode for VHF and UHF signals Line-of-sight is probably the easiest propagation mode for students to understand. You can use a laser pointer to demonstrate line-of-sight. You will probably have to refresh the students memory on UHF and VHF definitions and their position on the RF spectrum. Also these bands will be the primary operating bands of the new hams. The maximum distance for line-of-sight transmissions with two people standing on the surface of the earth is about (roughly) 25 miles, this is due to the curvature of the earth. You can extend this discussion by briefly brining up repeaters and how they extend the line-of-sight range. 20
Ground Wave Some radio frequency ranges (lower HF frequencies) will hug the earth’s surface as they travel These waves will travel beyond the range of line-of-sight A few hundred miles Point out that this propagation mode is the one used by AM broadcast stations in the day light hours. You can connect with the students experiences with receiving AM broadcast stations using ground waves. What happens at night? Why do they change power levels depending on the time of day? How is the reception at night? 21
Ionosphere Radiation from the sun will momentarily strip electrons away from the parent atom in the upper reaches of the atmosphere Creates ions The region where ionization occurs is called the Ionosphere Discuss with the students what happens to ionize the upper reaches of the atmosphere. You may have to tap into some old science lessons and vocabulary that the students haven’t thought about in years. Define what an Ion is. The concept of momentarily stripping away the electrons is important when you get into the details of the layers of the ionosphere and the time it takes for the ionosphere to dissipate during the evening and night time hours. You can also refer back to the students experience with AM broadcasts and what they observe at night versus what they observe during the day time. 22
Levels of the Ionosphere Density of the atmosphere affects: The intensity of the radiation that can penetrate to that level The amount of ionization that occurs How quickly the electrons re-combine with the nucleus
Ionosphere – an RF Mirror The ionized layers of the atmosphere actually act as an RF mirror that reflect certain frequencies back to earth Sky-wave propagation is responsible for most long-range, over the horizon communication Reflection depends on frequency and angle of incidence If the angle is too steep, the waves go right through. If the frequencies are too low or too high, they also are not reflected, and in some cases are absorbed by the layer. Constant monitoring of the ionosphere indicates the maximum and minimum usable frequencies for sky-wave propagation. Hams interested in DX (you might have to explain DX) will adjust their operating bands to take advantage of those frequencies that are reflected off the ionosphere. 24
Sun Spot Cycle The level of ionization depends on the radiation intensity of the sun Radiation from the sun is connected to the number of sun spots on the sun’s surface High number of sun spots, high ionizing radiation emitted from the sun Sun spot activity follows an 11-year cycle Here is a good place to discuss the sun spot cycle, some of the students might make the connection between this practical application of science and the study of the sun and to some things they have heard about sun spots on the evening news programs. 25
VEC Question Pool Module Eight
T3A01 What should you do if another operator reports that your station's 2 meter signals were strong just a moment ago, but now they are weak or distorted? A. Change the batteries in your radio to a different type B. Turn on the CTCSS tone C. Ask the other operator to adjust his squelch control D. Try moving a few feet or changing the direction of your antenna if possible, as reflections may be causing multi-path distortion
T3A01 (D) What should you do if another operator reports that your station's 2 meter signals were strong just a moment ago, but now they are weak or distorted? A. Change the batteries in your radio to a different type B. Turn on the CTCSS tone C. Ask the other operator to adjust his squelch control D. Try moving a few feet or changing the direction of your antenna if possible, as reflections may be causing multi-path distortion
T3A02 Why are UHF signals often more effective from inside buildings than VHF signals? A. VHF signals lose power faster over distance B. The shorter wavelength allows them to more easily penetrate the structure of buildings C. This is incorrect; VHF works better than UHF inside buildings D. UHF antennas are more efficient than VHF antennas
T3A02 (B) Why are UHF signals often more effective from inside buildings than VHF signals? A. VHF signals lose power faster over distance B. The shorter wavelength allows them to more easily penetrate the structure of buildings C. This is incorrect; VHF works better than UHF inside buildings D. UHF antennas are more efficient than VHF antennas
T3A03 What antenna polarization is normally used for long-distance weak-signal CW and SSB contacts using the VHF and UHF bands? A. Right-hand circular B. Left-hand circular C. Horizontal D. Vertical
T3A03 (C) What antenna polarization is normally used for long-distance weak-signal CW and SSB contacts using the VHF and UHF bands? A. Right-hand circular B. Left-hand circular C. Horizontal D. Vertical
T3A04 What can happen if the antennas at opposite ends of a VHF or UHF line of sight radio link are not using the same polarization? A. The modulation sidebands might become inverted B. Signals could be significantly weaker C. Signals have an echo effect on voices D. Nothing significant will happen
T3A04 (B) What can happen if the antennas at opposite ends of a VHF or UHF line of sight radio link are not using the same polarization? A. The modulation sidebands might become inverted B. Signals could be significantly weaker C. Signals have an echo effect on voices D. Nothing significant will happen
T3A05 When using a directional antenna, how might your station be able to access a distant repeater if buildings or obstructions are blocking the direct line of sight path? A. Change from vertical to horizontal polarization B. Try to find a path that reflects signals to the repeater C. Try the long path D. Increase the antenna SWR
T3A05 (B) When using a directional antenna, how might your station be able to access a distant repeater if buildings or obstructions are blocking the direct line of sight path? A. Change from vertical to horizontal polarization B. Try to find a path that reflects signals to the repeater C. Try the long path D. Increase the antenna SWR
T3A06 What term is commonly used to describe the rapid fluttering sound sometimes heard from mobile stations that are moving while transmitting? A. Flip-flopping B. Picket fencing C. Frequency shifting D. Pulsing
T3A06 (B) What term is commonly used to describe the rapid fluttering sound sometimes heard from mobile stations that are moving while transmitting? A. Flip-flopping B. Picket fencing C. Frequency shifting D. Pulsing
T3A08 Which of the following is a likely cause of irregular fading of signals received by ionospheric reflection? A. Frequency shift due to Faraday rotation B. Interference from thunderstorms C. Random combining of signals arriving via different paths D. Intermodulation distortion
T3A08 (C) Which of the following is a likely cause of irregular fading of signals received by ionospheric reflection? A. Frequency shift due to Faraday rotation B. Interference from thunderstorms C. Random combining of signals arriving via different paths D. Intermodulation distortion
T3A09 Which of the following results from the fact that skip signals refracted from the ionosphere are elliptically polarized? A. Digital modes are unusable B. Either vertically or horizontally polarized antennas may be used for transmission or reception C. FM voice is unusable D. Both the transmitting and receiving antennas must be of the same polarization
T3A09 (B) Which of the following results from the fact that skip signals refracted from the ionosphere are elliptically polarized? A. Digital modes are unusable B. Either vertically or horizontally polarized antennas may be used for transmission or reception C. FM voice is unusable D. Both the transmitting and receiving antennas must be of the same polarization
T3A10 What may occur if data signals propagate over multiple paths? A. Transmission rates can be increased by a factor equal to the number of separate paths observed B. Transmission rates must be decreased by a factor equal to the number of separate paths observed C. No significant changes will occur if the signals are transmitting using FM D. Error rates are likely to increase
T3A10 (D) What may occur if data signals propagate over multiple paths? A. Transmission rates can be increased by a factor equal to the number of separate paths observed B. Transmission rates must be decreased by a factor equal to the number of separate paths observed C. No significant changes will occur if the signals are transmitting using FM D. Error rates are likely to increase
T3A11 Which part of the atmosphere enables the propagation of radio signals around the world? A. The stratosphere B. The troposphere C. The ionosphere D. The magnetosphere
T3A11 (C) Which part of the atmosphere enables the propagation of radio signals around the world? A. The stratosphere B. The troposphere C. The ionosphere D. The magnetosphere
T3B02 What property of a radio wave is used to describe its polarization? A. The orientation of the electric field B. The orientation of the magnetic field C. The ratio of the energy in the magnetic field to the energy in the electric field D. The ratio of the velocity to the wavelength
T3B02 (A) What property of a radio wave is used to describe its polarization? A. The orientation of the electric field B. The orientation of the magnetic field C. The ratio of the energy in the magnetic field to the energy in the electric field D. The ratio of the velocity to the wavelength
T3C01 Why are direct (not via a repeater) UHF signals rarely heard from stations outside your local coverage area? A. They are too weak to go very far B. FCC regulations prohibit them from going more than 50 miles C. UHF signals are usually not reflected by the ionosphere D. They collide with trees and shrubbery and fade out
T3C01 (C) Why are direct (not via a repeater) UHF signals rarely heard from stations outside your local coverage area? A. They are too weak to go very far B. FCC regulations prohibit them from going more than 50 miles C. UHF signals are usually not reflected by the ionosphere D. They collide with trees and shrubbery and fade out
T3C02 Which of the following might be happening when VHF signals are being received from long distances? A. Signals are being reflected from outer space B. Signals are arriving by sub-surface ducting C. Signals are being reflected by lightning storms in your area D. Signals are being refracted from a sporadic E layer
T3C02 (D) Which of the following might be happening when VHF signals are being received from long distances? A. Signals are being reflected from outer space B. Signals are arriving by sub-surface ducting C. Signals are being reflected by lightning storms in your area D. Signals are being refracted from a sporadic E layer
T3C03 What is a characteristic of VHF signals received via auroral reflection? A. Signals from distances of 10,000 or more miles are common B. The signals exhibit rapid fluctuations of strength and often sound distorted C. These types of signals occur only during winter nighttime hours D. These types of signals are generally strongest when your antenna is aimed west
T3C03 (B) What is a characteristic of VHF signals received via auroral reflection? A. Signals from distances of 10,000 or more miles are common B. The signals exhibit rapid fluctuations of strength and often sound distorted C. These types of signals occur only during winter nighttime hours D. These types of signals are generally strongest when your antenna is aimed west
T3C04 Which of the following propagation types is most commonly associated with occasional strong over-the-horizon signals on the 10, 6, and 2 meter bands? A. Backscatter B. Sporadic E C. D layer absorption D. Gray-line propagation
T3C04 (B) Which of the following propagation types is most commonly associated with occasional strong over-the-horizon signals on the 10, 6, and 2 meter bands? A. Backscatter B. Sporadic E C. D layer absorption D. Gray-line propagation
T3C05 Which of the following effects might cause radio signals to be heard despite obstructions between the transmitting and receiving stations? A. Knife-edge diffraction B. Faraday rotation C. Quantum tunneling D. Doppler shift
T3C05 (A) Which of the following effects might cause radio signals to be heard despite obstructions between the transmitting and receiving stations? A. Knife-edge diffraction B. Faraday rotation C. Quantum tunneling D. Doppler shift
T3C06 What mode is responsible for allowing over- the-horizon VHF and UHF communications to ranges of approximately 300 miles on a regular basis? A. Tropospheric scatter B. D layer refraction C. F2 layer refraction D. Faraday rotation
T3C06 (A) What mode is responsible for allowing over- the-horizon VHF and UHF communications to ranges of approximately 300 miles on a regular basis? A. Tropospheric scatter B. D layer refraction C. F2 layer refraction D. Faraday rotation
T3C07 What band is best suited for communicating via meteor scatter? A. 10 meters B. 6 meters C. 2 meters D. 70 cm
T3C07 (B) What band is best suited for communicating via meteor scatter? A. 10 meters B. 6 meters C. 2 meters D. 70 cm
T3C08 What causes tropospheric ducting? A. Discharges of lightning during electrical storms B. Sunspots and solar flares C. Updrafts from hurricanes and tornadoes D. Temperature inversions in the atmosphere
T3C08 (D) What causes tropospheric ducting? A. Discharges of lightning during electrical storms B. Sunspots and solar flares C. Updrafts from hurricanes and tornadoes D. Temperature inversions in the atmosphere
T3C09 What is generally the best time for long- distance 10 meter band propagation via the F layer? A. From dawn to shortly after sunset during periods of high sunspot activity B. From shortly after sunset to dawn during periods of high sunspot activity C. From dawn to shortly after sunset during periods of low sunspot activity D. From shortly after sunset to dawn during periods of low sunspot activity
T3C09 (A) What is generally the best time for long- distance 10 meter band propagation via the F layer? A. From dawn to shortly after sunset during periods of high sunspot activity B. From shortly after sunset to dawn during periods of high sunspot activity C. From dawn to shortly after sunset during periods of low sunspot activity D. From shortly after sunset to dawn during periods of low sunspot activity
T3C10 What is the radio horizon? A. The distance over which two stations can communicate by direct path B. The distance from the ground to a horizontally mounted antenna C. The farthest point you can see when standing at the base of your antenna tower D. The shortest distance between two points on the Earth's surface
T3C10 (A) What is the radio horizon? A. The distance over which two stations can communicate by direct path B. The distance from the ground to a horizontally mounted antenna C. The farthest point you can see when standing at the base of your antenna tower D. The shortest distance between two points on the Earth's surface
T3C11 Why do VHF and UHF radio signals usually travel somewhat farther than the visual line of sight distance between two stations? A. Radio signals move somewhat faster than the speed of light B. Radio waves are not blocked by dust particles C. The Earth seems less curved to radio waves than to light D. Radio waves are blocked by dust particles
T3C11 (C) Why do VHF and UHF radio signals usually travel somewhat farther than the visual line of sight distance between two stations? A. Radio signals move somewhat faster than the speed of light B. Radio waves are not blocked by dust particles C. The Earth seems less curved to radio waves than to light D. Radio waves are blocked by dust particles
T3C12 Which of the following bands may provide long distance communications during the peak of the sunspot cycle? A. Six or ten meters B. 23 centimeters C. 70 centimeters or 1.25 meters D. All of these choices are correct
T3C12 (A) Which of the following bands may provide long distance communications during the peak of the sunspot cycle? A. Six or ten meters B. 23 centimeters C. 70 centimeters or 1.25 meters D. All of these choices are correct
T4A05 Where should an in-line SWR meter be connected to monitor the standing wave ratio of the station antenna system? A. In series with the feed line, between the transmitter and antenna B. In series with the station's ground C. In parallel with the push-to-talk line and the antenna D. In series with the power supply cable, as close as possible to the radio
T4A05 (A) Where should an in-line SWR meter be connected to monitor the standing wave ratio of the station antenna system? A. In series with the feed line, between the transmitter and antenna B. In series with the station's ground C. In parallel with the push-to-talk line and the antenna D. In series with the power supply cable, as close as possible to the radio
T5C12 What is meant by the term impedance? A. It is a measure of the opposition to AC current flow in a circuit B. It is the inverse of resistance C. It is a measure of the Q or Quality Factor of a component D. It is a measure of the power handling capability of a component
T5C12 (A) What is meant by the term impedance? A. It is a measure of the opposition to AC current flow in a circuit B. It is the inverse of resistance C. It is a measure of the Q or Quality Factor of a component D. It is a measure of the power handling capability of a component
T5C13 What are the units of impedance? A. Volts B. Amperes C. Coulombs D. Ohms
T5C13 (D) What are the units of impedance? A. Volts B. Amperes C. Coulombs D. Ohms
T7C02 Which of the following instruments can be used to determine if an antenna is resonant at the desired operating frequency? A. A VTVM B. An antenna analyzer C. A Q meter D. A frequency counter
T7C02 (B) Which of the following instruments can be used to determine if an antenna is resonant at the desired operating frequency? A. A VTVM B. An antenna analyzer C. A Q meter D. A frequency counter
T7C03 What, in general terms, is standing wave ratio (SWR)? A. A measure of how well a load is matched to a transmission line B. The ratio of high to low impedance in a feed line C. The transmitter efficiency ratio D. An indication of the quality of your station's ground connection
T7C03 (A) What, in general terms, is standing wave ratio (SWR)? A. A measure of how well a load is matched to a transmission line B. The ratio of high to low impedance in a feed line C. The transmitter efficiency ratio D. An indication of the quality of your station's ground connection
T7C04 What reading on an SWR meter indicates a perfect impedance match between the antenna and the feed line? A. 2 to 1 B. 1 to 3 C. 1 to 1 D. 10 to 1
T7C04 (C) What reading on an SWR meter indicates a perfect impedance match between the antenna and the feed line? A. 2 to 1 B. 1 to 3 C. 1 to 1 D. 10 to 1
T7C05 What is the approximate SWR value above which the protection circuits in most solid- state transmitters begin to reduce transmitter power? A. 2 to 1 B. 1 to 2 C. 6 to 1 D. 10 to 1
T7C05 (A) What is the approximate SWR value above which the protection circuits in most solid-state transmitters begin to reduce transmitter power? A. 2 to 1 B. 1 to 2 C. 6 to 1 D. 10 to 1
T7C06 What does an SWR reading of 4:1 indicate? A. Loss of -4dB B. Good impedance match C. Gain of +4dB D. Impedance mismatch
T7C06 (D) What does an SWR reading of 4:1 indicate? A. Loss of -4dB B. Good impedance match C. Gain of +4dB D. Impedance mismatch
T7C07 What happens to power lost in a feed line? A. It increases the SWR B. It comes back into your transmitter and could cause damage C. It is converted into heat D. It can cause distortion of your signal
T7C07 (C) What happens to power lost in a feed line? A. It increases the SWR B. It comes back into your transmitter and could cause damage C. It is converted into heat D. It can cause distortion of your signal
T7C08 What instrument other than an SWR meter could you use to determine if a feed line and antenna are properly matched? A. Voltmeter B. Ohmmeter C. Iambic pentameter D. Directional wattmeter
T7C08 (D) What instrument other than an SWR meter could you use to determine if a feed line and antenna are properly matched? A. Voltmeter B. Ohmmeter C. Iambic pentameter D. Directional wattmeter
T9A03 Which of the following describes a simple dipole mounted so the conductor is parallel to the Earth's surface? A. A ground wave antenna B. A horizontally polarized antenna C. A rhombic antenna D. A vertically polarized antenna
T9A03 (B) Which of the following describes a simple dipole mounted so the conductor is parallel to the Earth's surface? A. A ground wave antenna B. A horizontally polarized antenna C. A rhombic antenna D. A vertically polarized antenna
T9A05 How would you change a dipole antenna to make it resonant on a higher frequency? A. Lengthen it B. Insert coils in series with radiating wires C. Shorten it D. Add capacitive loading to the ends of the radiating wires
T9A05 (C) How would you change a dipole antenna to make it resonant on a higher frequency? A. Lengthen it B. Insert coils in series with radiating wires C. Shorten it D. Add capacitive loading to the ends of the radiating wires
T9B01 Why is it important to have a low SWR in an antenna system that uses coaxial cable feed line? A. To reduce television interference B. To allow the efficient transfer of power and reduce losses C. To prolong antenna life D. All of these choices are correct
T9B01 (B) Why is it important to have a low SWR in an antenna system that uses coaxial cable feed line? A. To reduce television interference B. To allow the efficient transfer of power and reduce losses C. To prolong antenna life D. All of these choices are correct
T9B02 What is the impedance of the most commonly used coaxial cable in typical amateur radio installations? A. 8 ohms B. 50 ohms C. 600 ohms D. 12 ohms
T9B02 (B) What is the impedance of the most commonly used coaxial cable in typical amateur radio installations? A. 8 ohms B. 50 ohms C. 600 ohms D. 12 ohms
T9B03 Why is coaxial cable used more often than any other feed line for amateur radio antenna systems? A. It is easy to use and requires few special installation considerations B. It has less loss than any other type of feed line C. It can handle more power than any other type of feed line D. It is less expensive than any other types of feed line
T9B03 (A) Why is coaxial cable used more often than any other feed line for amateur radio antenna systems? A. It is easy to use and requires few special installation considerations B. It has less loss than any other type of feed line C. It can handle more power than any other type of feed line D. It is less expensive than any other types of feed line
T9B09 What might cause erratic changes in SWR readings? A. The transmitter is being modulated B. A loose connection in an antenna or a feed line C. The transmitter is being over-modulated D. Interference from other stations is distorting your signal
T9B09 (B) What might cause erratic changes in SWR readings? A. The transmitter is being modulated B. A loose connection in an antenna or a feed line C. The transmitter is being over-modulated D. Interference from other stations is distorting your signal
T9B11 Which of the following types of feed line has the lowest loss at VHF and UHF? A. 50-ohm flexible coax B. Multi-conductor unbalanced cable C. Air-insulated hard line D. 75-ohm flexible coax
T9B11 (C) Which of the following types of feed line has the lowest loss at VHF and UHF? A. 50-ohm flexible coax B. Multi-conductor unbalanced cable C. Air-insulated hard line D. 75-ohm flexible coax
End Module Eight