AGENDA INTRODUCTIONS SYLLABUS ACTIVITIES Course Overview Teacher Students SYLLABUS Rules & Procedures Expectations ACTIVITIES Getting to Know You Prequiz
WHAT IS PHOTOGRAPAHY? “Drawing with light”
Art of Photography Producing work for beauty or emotional power. FORM OF SELF EXPRESSION – Seeking emotional release. We make art to declare what we thing is important (EX: Beauty, political Funny) DEF: Expression of human creative skill and imagination in visual form. Producing work for beauty or emotional power. A skill at doing a specified thing acquired by practice.
Illicit student response? (Run Gallery) IMPACT OF PHOTOGRAPHY Can a photograph? Change government policy Start a social movement Change the world Illicit student response? (Run Gallery)
“A Picture Says a Thousand Words”
Reflections Reflect on the following photographic images & discuss. A Photograph can education, inspire and motivate. Can a picture change the world? How can a picture stir the senses? Reflect on the following photographic images & discuss.
March on Washington – “I have a dream”
The bombing of Nagasaki
The Horror of Vietnam
Peace, Man. Love not War!
“The Kiss” – end of WWII
Lewis Hines – Tragedy of Child Labor
What does POVERTY look like?
Glamour & Fashion?
Baby = Love
Getting Old
What Makes A Great Picture Use of Light Provokes Emotion (Stirs the senses) Composition Out of the Ordinary Interesting Angles Use of Color Illusion of Depth Subject Matter Eliminate Visual Noise
A little about Me A little about You INTRODUCTIONS A little about Me A little about You
Ms. Hernandez Chicago High School Business World Teaching Transition California or Bust Hobbies Open Forum
Who are You? EACH PERSON ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS? 1) Do you have a hobby? 2) Favorites: Music, Movie, Food? 3) Your future plans or dreams? 4) If you could be a superhero, who would you be and why?
Course Overview OPERATING A POINT-AN-SHOOT CAMERA: Menu Controls (Ex: focus, white balance, etc) CAMERA TECHNIQUES: Lighting, Composition, Depth, Angles, Action/Blur, Portraits, etc PHOTO IMAGING & MANIPULATION: Photoshop (show examples of student work) HISTORICAL CONCEPTS: Styles of photography, famous photographers, etc. PRESENTATIONS & PORTFOLIOS: PowerPoint/Pinnacle Studio, Critiques & Discussions
Syllabus Review Explain Rules and Procedures Discuss Expectations (student vs. teacher)
GRADING POLICY ASSIGNMENTS = 20% PROJECTS = 40% PERFORMANCE = 20% Project due on time or assess a late penalty Access Agenda and Assignment info on network share drive when absent. 2-day grace period when absent (due dates not extended) Grades based on percentages: ASSIGNMENTS = 20% PROJECTS = 40% PERFORMANCE = 20% TEST/QUIZZES = 20% NOTE: Performance based on behavior & productivity
Activities SURVEY: Getting to Know You PREQUIZ: Testing your computer knowledge
WRAP UP Preview upcoming projects: Present Student Examples – Portfolios Cape Test Mr. Melon Head – Intro Photoshop