Meet the Teacher P6, P6/7 and P7
Establishment Phase First 2 weeks Getting to know each other Expectations Making decisions Class Charters Cornbank Toolkit
Routines Monday – Update Monday (Mrs. Stevenson) Wednesday – PE specialist (Mrs. Jones) Thursday – Problem Solving (Ms. Gordon) PE with class teacher once per week
Literacy Class Novels Literacy Circles Variety of writing genre throughout year
Numeracy and Maths Numeracy, maths and mental agility throughout week Problem solving once per week Application of concepts across the curriculum Times tables practice is very important!
HWB Keeping Myself Safe (internet safety) P7 – Risk Factory Substance Misuse P6 – Sex Ed (separate meeting to follow) Health week Food preparation and cooking PE twice per week Rugby
Curriculum for Excellence This is a simple guide showing how children may move through the levels of CfE. All children progress at their own pace and work is differentiated to support their learning.
IDL P6 P6/7 and P7 Victorians House Captain Elections Rainforest The Body Space P6/7 and P7 House Captain Elections Book Fair – Enterprise WWII Earth Structures Electricity P7 Leavers Show
Linking Our Learning (LOL) After a full consultation with pupils, parents and staff, we are ready to trial our new LOL format A LOL will always include differentiated Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing tasks as well as two other topics chosen by the pupils with their class teacher The first LOL will be issued on Tuesday 19th September Pupils have 3 weeks to complete LOLs Pupils will share their LOL with their class and feedback will be recorded on the LOL See examples on desk
Camps P6 children Benmore Centre for Outdoor Learning 1 week in April Meeting next year P7 ASG Transition Camp Netherurd 2 nights in May
Out of School Achievements Please let us know about these for Twitter and to celebrate at Update Monday
Communication @CornbankPS 0131 271 4575 Chat to us
PHS Big Day Out! Thursday 14th September 1-3pm Any parent helpers that would like to come please let us know! These trips aren’t possible without you!
Thank you! Any questions? Visit classrooms