L.G. How to feel safe online
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What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is an increasingly common form of bullying behaviour which happens on social networks, games and mobile phones.
What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying can include spreading rumours about someone, or posting nasty or embarrassing messages, images or videos.
What is cyberbullying? Children may know who's bullying them online – it may be an extension of offline peer bullying.
What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying can happen at any time or anywhere - a child can be bullied when they are alone in their bedroom - so it can feel like there’s no escape.
What is cyberbullying? sending threatening or abusive text messages creating and sharing embarrassing images or videos 'trolling' - the sending of menacing or upsetting messages on social networks, chat rooms or online games
What is cyberbullying? excluding children from online games, activities or friendship groups setting up hate sites or groups about a particular child encouraging young people to self-harm voting for or against someone in an abusive poll
What is cyberbullying? creating fake accounts, hijacking or stealing online identities to embarrass a young person or cause trouble using their name
Is this acceptable? Brian is Who’s the thickest in the class? You are tramp This is mean yeah! I don’t like this Dumb or what? And ugly Who’s the thickest in the class? Yeah did you hear him in maths? You are lol
Who’s the thickest in the class? So is this? Who’s the thickest in the class? You are lol!!! Brian is Dumb or what? Yeah did you hear him in maths? And he’s ugly
So is this? So what do you do? tramp yeah!!!! Come on Brian, we know you’re there why are you not saying anything? So what do you do?
Take screen shots of everything that is written – this is your evidence. Tell someone – a friend, someone in your family or an adult at school. Do NOT retaliate – don’t become as bad as them – they don’t deserve it. Contact Childline and report it on CEOP
Remember If you wouldn’t say mean comments to someone’s face, why say it online? If you keep quiet whilst reading malicious comments, you are just as bad. We do not tolerate bullying of ANY kind in Our Lady and St Anne’s. We will report you to your parents and potentially the police. Any bullying will be kept on your school records and passed to your high school.
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