Huawei Sx700 Switches Positioning


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Presentation transcript:

Huawei Sx700 Switches Positioning Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. They are committed to creating maximum value for telecom carriers, enterprises and consumers by providing competitive ICT solutions and services. As a world leading Huawei networking products supplier, Huanetwork wholesales original new Huawei networking equipments, including Huawei switches, Huawei routers, Huawei symantec security products, Huawei IAD, Huawei SFP and other Huawei networking products. Our customers include telecom operators, Huawei resellers, ISP and system integrators.

Hospital Campus Network Clinic Ward Office building Medical network Internet Remote treatment S12700 S7700 S5700 Intranet data center Router eSight Campus CSS2 HIS/LIS/PACS/RIS Remote access AC Inside AP Wired and wireless convergence The S12700 is the first agile switch in the world. The S12700 supports native T-bit AC, enables wireless signals to cover every corner, and allows anytime and anywhere access to medical service. Integrated forwarding: The native T-bit AC can manage 4K APs and 64K users, integrating management and forwarding. The external AC or AC subcard may become a bottleneck in forwarding, but the native AC will not; therefore, the native AC meets the PACS service requirements in future. Reliable network: The industry-leading CSS2 technology is highly reliable, and does not occupy service slots. Uniform authentication: The switch supports MAC address, Portal, and 802.1x authentication methods to ensure the service experience and information security of users in different areas. Efficient management: The switch uses exclusive technology to manage access switches and APs to construct the first Zero-Touch network at the access layer. The network operation and maintenance of the hospital is simplified. 2

Government Campus Network Customer Requirements & Challenges Internet access Mobile office e-Government extranet Data center eSight S9700/S7700 S12700 S5700 DMZ CSS2 Administrative center Enterprise Public PE/P PE Core network: Internet access, e-Government extranet, and data center need high reliability and low latency e-Government extranet carries data of multiple government agencies, VPNs isolate different agencies’ data, finely granular user management Guarantee quality of public services, voice, and video services during traffic bursts AC Inside Huawei Solution Industry’s first hardware-based CSS2: large cluster bandwidth, low inter-chassis forwarding latency, no service slot occupied X1E series cards: large FIB entry, high routing performance, better support of MPLS VPN Finely granular management: guarantees quality of government agencies’ services, convenient user management and security control 3

Enterprise Campus Network Customer Requirements & Challenges Wireless network deployed on wired network. Two networks cost a lot and require two management platforms, plus double workload Higher QoS requirements with the increase of popular cloud desktop, video conferencing, and VoIP services Unified authentication and management for wired and wireless users , user policies delivered to access devices automatically; no manual configuration WAN Internet Remote access Branch Router DMZ S12700 eSight Huawei Solution AC Inside Wired and wireless convergence: native AC manages 4k APs, no additional Acs needed. Access switches and APs are plug-and-play, with zero configuration. Super large buffer + 5 level HQoS: 1.5 GB buffer, 250 ms buffer ensure high-quality video service. 5 level H-QoS guarantees quality of VoIP and video conferencing. User management + policy collaboration: Native BRAS provides unified authentication and finely granular management. Policy collaboration, select policy execution points based on requirements, precise security control. S7700 S5700 S7700 S5700 S7700 R&D Administration Marketing Production Dormitory 4

College Campus Network Customer Requirements & Challenges Router CERNET Internet CERN Intern Remote access user Wired and wireless convergence: converged network for wired and wireless; simple management and fast forwarding for thousands of APs Finely granular user management: unified authentication and effective policy control for various terminals in different areas Advanced network technology: network devices must be programmable, support SDN, adapt to next-generation development Branch campus Router Router eSight SVF virtualization to simplify management S12700 Server 100G core AC&UUM Inside Huawei Solution CSS2 S12700 Series Agile Switch: ENP chip, programmable interfaces, decouples and parses protocols, SDN-ready UUM: unified authentication, finely granular user management, various accounting methods, DAA Native T-bit AC: manages 4k APs; high-performance; wired and wireless convergence SVF: access switches and APs virtualized as one network element, plug- and-play, zero configuration, greatly improves network management efficiency S5700 AP S9700/S7700 S5700 AP S7700/S7700 10G aggregation 可扩展性强,响应新业务能力强,走在网络发展前端 构建课程学习平台、更好地利用内外网资源,良好地服务学生 推动工具和平台的广泛应用,培养学生自主学习、管理、服务的意识 与能力,实现移动学习 优化校园IT系统,提升IT服务管理效率,为教学、科研等提供高效支撑 S5700 S5700 1G access AP AP AP Dormitory/Residential area Teaching/Working area Library Public area 5

Customer Requirements & Challenges Education MAN Customer Requirements & Challenges School School School School Increasing requirements for high bandwidth, high reliability, large routing table, large ARP table, and intelligent O&M in campus network Schools connect to the education network through VPNs, sharing teaching information Wired and wireless networks must be converged to provide wireless coverage in every classroom Data center S12700 Internet S12700 S12700 S12700 S12700 Huawei Solution Education backbone S12700 switch: Powerful chipnet, large entries, industry first that integrate the unified user management, finely granular authentication and guarantee of service quality Hardware-based CSS2, Eth-OAM and BFD provide end-to-end hardware-based link detection T-bit AC: wired and wireless convergence, unified management, no control for switches/APs S12700 Key Message: A wide-coverage education network and an education resource and management platform need to be built to realize interactive class, online lesson requesting, online discuss, and , e-schoolbag applications. The education MAN is facing challenges of high bandwidth, high reliability, large routing table, large ARP table, and intelligent O&M. 华为的MPLS网络提供了丰富的管道技术承载多样化的业务,L2/L3/Native IP提供了灵活的业务承载方式及业务快速扩展的能力,E2E PWE3通道提供了传统TDM、ATM业务承载能力 华为可以提供端到端的IP/MPLS解决方案 从接入(ATN TDM接入,AR分支接入)->汇聚->核心的路由器产品 光传输承载平台 统一的网络平台 Management platform School School School School 6

Broadcasting MAN Solution Backbone data network IP QAM S12700 MAN VoD platform Backbone VoD network VoD signaling stream Downstream VoD stream Access network IP MAN Backbone Data service plane VoD push plane Server farm AAA server BNG PE Service control node Backbone node High-speed Internet 城域VoD平台终结VoD信令,然后根据用户地址进行推送。 ME60很贵,S127在广电最大卖点就是替换ME60,这一点AR已做了小Bras功能设备,广电会由于商务问题不愿用S127作城域汇聚。 IPQAM一个城市范围内就是几千台 Customer Requirements & Challenges Huawei Solution VoD service: more bandwidth Multi-service: high reliability, good experience, fast troubleshooting S12700 switches: high performance (campus core and aggregation networks), large-scale subscriber access, and large video buffers iPCA: visual management, intelligent network fault evaluation, fast troubleshootin 7

Safe City Video Surveillance Network Customer Requirements & Challenges High bandwidth, low-latency: HD video surveillance needs high bandwidth Must tolerate latency, jitter, packet loss, and traffic bursts High network reliability: Safeguard the entire city with high reliability and fast troubleshooting Easy network O&M: Accessing many switches and APs results in large maintenance workload Huawei Solution S12700 super-large switching capacity: 37.28 Tbit/s switching capacity Highest 10 GE port density (576 ports) in the industry 250 ms buffer/ line card ensures non-blocking traffic forwarding End-to-end network reliability: 1+1/N redundancy CSS2 Hardware OAM/DFD (50 ms failover), and iPCA Converged network solution SVF: Access switches and APs are plug-and-play “Zero-touch” deployment and upgrade 8

Customer Requirements & Challenges 。 Data Center CSS2 iStack MOR/ EOR LAG Ethernet Link Server TOR Access Core/Aggregation Branch egress router Server & Storage 1.5 GB buffer S12700 S77/67/57 10 GE/ 40 GE/ 100 GE Customer Requirements & Challenges Data center: S12700 used as small enterprise's data center; reliability is critical Virtualized DC: network resource allocation on-demand; network bandwidth, traffic burst tolerance, and scalability are important Common data centers: mainly download and access data services; most traffic in a data center is north-south Huawei Solution High performance: CSS2 Up to 1.92 Tbit/s cluster bandwidth 21 μs inter-chassis forwarding latency (shortest in the industry) High port density: High-density 2x 100 GE and 48 x 10 GE Matches large data throughput on DC core and aggregation layers Large buffer: TX1F line card has a 1.5 GB buffer, 250 ms to cope with traffic buffers