Three Careers that Interest Me By Aj Robinson
Coach Driver/Sales Worker Fire Fighter
Coaching: provides training direction , motivation to prepare athletes for competitive events go over some rules with the players have to be skilled at the game and know how to play it. have to teach the kids how to play safe.
Some work conditions before coming an coach: * May have to travel overnight * able to handle over 10-20lbs * walk or stand often
Driver/Sales Worker: *may have to record sales or delivery *deliver food, medical, supplies, or new paper *may have to load trucks
*able to load 20-50lbs *work above 90f or under 32f *Use hands a lot some work conditions before coming a Driver/Sales Worker *able to load 20-50lbs *work above 90f or under 32f *Use hands a lot
*rescues victims *dress with equipment *climb ladders Fire fighter: *rescues victims *dress with equipment *climb ladders
*handle 50-100lbs *use safety tools *going into awkward positions Some work conditions for afire fighter: *handle 50-100lbs *use safety tools *going into awkward positions
Pictures of Coaching
Pictures of Driver/Sales Worker
Pictures of a Firefighter