INSET CPD 27/6/2014
Agenda INSET DAY AGENDA 27/6/2014 8.15- 8.45 Start – Main Hall Introduction - School Ethos and Values/ Outline of the day. 8.45- 15:00 –First Aid training (All Day) (by request) 9.00- 11.00 LOL – Working Group – Calendar/ Planning for 2014/15 (Intervention/ Exams and Catch up) – TK (Library) T+L Working Groups- Creating a short presentation and resource pack for sharing to support the following key elements of outstanding T+L: 11.00 – 11.20 – BREAK 11.20- 12.20 LOL – Working Group- KS3 Assessment and levels, update – 2014/15- MR (library) T+L Working groups – Continued. 12.30- 13.30 – Presentations in the Main Hall 13:30- Early Finish
Teaching and Learning This must be the centre of everything we do. Teaching and learning at Wrotham has good examples of good and outstanding practice. Currently teaching and learning at Wrotham is NOT consistent.
What needs to improve? Differentiation (from the top down) this is still not seen most lessons. Challenge – All students being challenged with tough work that makes them push their potential. Written Work and presentation. Marking, assessment and levelling up.
AIMS LOL – To work with TK to produce a definitive calendar and schedule for all exam and intervention work in 2014/ 2015.
AIMS Teaching and Learning Groups Each group has a T+L area of focus and a group leader responsible for coordinating their group. Each group will have a chance to discuss ideas for resources and best practice in their areas. Groups to produce a shareable set of resources and a presentation for all staff on their theme.
What makes a Good lesson? (if any of these are missing the lesson is NOT likely to be good). HIGH QUALITY QUESTIONING DIFFERENTIATION (TOP DOWN) CHECKING UNDERSTANDING LITERACY AND PROGRESS
Resources Cards Packs Strategies Plan Tasks Frames Guides Tutorials
Rules! Everyone must engage and contribute! Group leaders decision is final! Every group must produce a useable and useful set of quality resources! All 3 hours must be used! The best group wins a prize!