The Incredible Kindergarten Team from CPES Presented by Gabrielle Brewer, Betsy Burgess, Alissa Easter, Jeanette Mackey and Denise Phelps
Powerful Math Learning Stations I Teach K Conference
Bubble Counting K.1.6 Count to 100 K.1.10 Skip count K.1.8 Count backwards K.1.7 Count forward
Addition Bubbles K.2.1 Adding Roll 2 dice, count the pips, pop the sum Pick 2 cards, add them together, pop the sum
Popsicle Sticks Patterned popsicle sticks Decomposing K.6.1 Patterns K.1.12 Compose and decompose
Number Cups with Popsicle Sticks Covers several objectives
Using Manipulatives Creatively “Fish in the Bowl”
Using Tools Creatively K1. 2 Count orally K. 1 Using Tools Creatively K1.2 Count orally K.1.3 Read and write the numeral
Everyday Household Items
Everyday “Household” Objectives K.4.3 Sort and Classify K.6.1 Patterns
Everyday “Household” Objectives Continued… K.1 Number Sense K.5 Fractions, K.6 Adding & Subtracting, K.1.3 Compose and Decompose
Fun Games with Cards K.4.3 Sort and Classify K.6.1 Patterns
Fun Games with Cards, Continued K.1.1 More, fewer or the same K.1.4 Identify numbers K.2.1 Adding
Math Station Helpful Hints Fun Stations = Engaged Students = Happy Students Versatile Manipulatives = Easy Prep = Happy Teachers Aligned Stations = Better Scores = Happy Admin
#CPES4LIFE GOALS To create powerful, simple, and engaging math stations that can be used throughout the whole year. Thank you so much!