Learning objectives: To be able to explain why there was increasing opposition to immigration and understand the action that was taken to restrict it.
Homework – All due this lesson: Use P.16 & 17 to answer questions 1-4 on impact of WW1 (Due Thursday, January 14) Print off the ‘Uncle Sam’ cartoon from the following slide for today’s lesson! Bring your WJEC book in addition to your white SHP text __________________________________ Starter: Think-Pair-Share Discuss the impact of WW1 on America
A guide to immigration -key words Push and pull factors Open Door policy Melting Pot The American dream Land of opportunity Ellis island Old immigrants WASPS New immigrants Isolationism Xenophobia Closed door policy Quotas How many of these words can you define or explain? 10-13 to discuss today. We will take this up as a starter next lesson
Activity (10 minutes) Use pages 18 (white text) and the bullet points from page 101 of WJEC text to explain: “why was there opposition to immigration?”
Uncle Sam cartoon (page 18) Task - (5 minutes) Draw a circle around 3 things in this cartoon that you could comment on… Discuss in pairs What own knowledge could you apply to these features of the cartoon? What do you notice about the provenance of the cartoon? What is the historical context of this cartoon?(What was going on at the time?) How might this influence the cartoon?
Page 18 of text
Activity (15 minutes only) Use pages 5 & 46 (white) and p101 (WJEC) to do the following: Describe the different ways that the government tried to restrict immigration. - The Isle of Tears - The Literacy Test, 1917 - The Emergency Quota Act, 1921 - 1924 National Origins Act - 1929 Nationality-based quotas
Useful questions How useful are sources A and B to an historian studying X in the USA? (8 Marks) What do you think you need to do for this question style? Content Origin Purpose and provenance Own knowledge Context
Use sources 1 and 2 on P46 in White Book. 12 minutes to write today How useful are sources 1 and 2 to an historian studying opposition to immigration in the USA? (8 Marks) Check information on the following 2 slides for what to discuss with this type of question
What do I need to do in a useful question Need to look at the content, origin and purpose of both sources Content- What does the source say… it is useful because it shows us that…. or it suggests that…. Origin- who said it? When? Does that make it useful? Purpose- why was it said? Who to and why? Biased?- does this add to it’s usefulness? Do the sources have limitations or has anything been left out? Remember a source can be unreliable but is always useful in some way.
This is mainly a source based answer This is mainly a source based answer . Your Own knowledge should be used to comment on the source and its provenance/reliability etc It is a judgement question so make a conclusion and you can explain why you think one source is more or less useful than the other.
Use sources 1 and 2 on P46 in White Book Use sources 1 and 2 on P46 in White Book. 12 minutes to write – hand in today How useful are sources 1 and 2 to an historian studying opposition to immigration in the USA? (8 Marks)
Mark scheme Level 1- understands the sources by referring or paraphrasing the them Level 2- considers the usefulness of the sources by referring to the content and authorship Level 3- evaluates both sources in context but some imbalance. Reaches a conclusion about utility. Level 4-evaluates both sources in terms of specific historical context. Reaches a substantiated and reasoned conclusion about their utility.
Plenary A guide to immigration key words Push and pull factors Open Door policy Melting Pot The American dream Land of opportunity Ellis island Old immigrants WASPS New immigrants Isolationism Xenophobia Closed door policy Quotas How many of these words can you define or explain? To discuss as a start next lesson
Extra: Watch the Clip: Why did these immigrants want to come to the USA? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li6MPL8cvi0 An American Tail Movie – (10:45 – 14:30)