Coordination Board Meeting EMODnet BIOLOGICAL LOT Small Data Grants Program for the Black Sea V.Vladymyrov Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas Laboratory of the Marine Information Systems
Data of first stations done in the Black Sea
A data rescue action was started in July for the Black Sea, in cooperation between IBSS and VLIZ. Possible data providers are being contacted with the request to deliver metadata and an estimated cost of work to make their biological data available to EMODNET. By awarding mini-grants, the digitisation and quality control of these data can be accomplished and they can contribute to EMODNET.
Some IBSS Data to be digitized
Some IBSS Data to be digitized
Some digitized IBSS Data
Some digitized Black Sea Data
Compilation of the Final Digitized Data Sets
Some digitized Black Sea Data Submitted to EurOBIS
Small data grants requested from EMODNET by now (1) Taxonomic cover Number of species Number of records Years Requested grant (Euro) Person-month Data format Data owner, data provider 1 Phytoplankton 1000 2000 stations 1985 - 2005 1600 4 Mostly Excel Nataliia Dereziuk 2 Zooplankton 100 1989-2005 Pavel Lyumkis 3 300 500 stations 1992 -1993 1200 Yulia Bryantseva Macroalgae 70 7000 1997 - 2007 30 in paper Milchakova Natalya 5 Seagrasses 6 2000 1980 - 2009 3500 20 Cetacean strandings 1220 1989 - 2010 3000 Excel, Word, paper Alexei Birkun 7 Cetacean sightings 645 1993 - 2010 8 Cetacean bycatches 648 1997 - 2009
Small data grants requested from EMODNET by now (2) Taxonomic cover Number of species Number of records Years Requested grant (Euro) Person-month Data format Data owner, data provider 9 Phytoplankton 90 106 1991 1500 2 paper Lyudmila Georgieva, R/V Prof. Vodyanitskiy 33 10 78 85 1992 1100 1.5 Lyudmila Georgieva, R/V Prof. Vodyanitskiy 37 11 89 33 1995 450 0.6 Lyudmila Georgieva, R/V Kiev 5 12 50 28 1997 250 0.3 Lyudmila Georgieva, R/V Experiment 13 102 110 1987 1800 2.3 Lyudmila Georgieva, R/V Akad. Kovalevskiy 107 1987-2010, 13 data sets, ~2,500,000 records, 27,000 euro requested
National Oceanographic Data Center of Ukraine Ukrainian biological NODC Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS) Odessa branch of the institute of Biology of the Southern Seas Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fishery and Oceanography (YugNIRO) Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov Zoological Museum
I.Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, NAS of Ukraine Odessa Center of the Southern Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (Odessa Center YugNIRO) Ukrainian scientific center of Ecology of Sea (UkrSCES) Brema Laboratory M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Data loaded into the MLDB till now 1989-2010, 2359 stations, 3768 samples
Thank you!