The Spread of Civilization in East and Southeast Asia Section 1: Two Golden Ages of China Witness History Audio: The Only Female Emperor in China The Tang Dynasty Reunifies China The Tang came to rule China in 618. They unified China after 400 years of division. Tang Taizong brought Central Asia, Vietnam, Tibet, and Korea into the empire. Tang rulers strengthened the central government through land reform. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What was unusual about Wu Zhao?” (She was the first and only woman to name herself “Son of Heaven,” a title reserved for male emperors.) When showing Color Transparency 74, ask students to locate China as well as Central Asia, Tibet, Vietnam, and Korea. Have them contrast the extent of Chinese control and the extent of Chinese influence. When showing Color Transparencies 70 and 71, have students describe the qualities of Chinese art that they see in these examples. Color Transparency 74: Map of East Asia and Southeast Asia Note Taking Transparency 96 1 of 8
The Spread of Civilization in East and Southeast Asia Section 1: Two Golden Ages of China The Song Dynasty The Song ruled a smaller empire than the Tang. The Song economy expanded because of improved farming methods and open borders. Trade flourished and was aided by the issuance of paper money. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What was unusual about Wu Zhao?” (She was the first and only woman to name herself “Son of Heaven,” a title reserved for male emperors.) When showing Color Transparency 74, ask students to locate China as well as Central Asia, Tibet, Vietnam, and Korea. Have them contrast the extent of Chinese control and the extent of Chinese influence. When showing Color Transparencies 70 and 71, have students describe the qualities of Chinese art that they see in these examples. China’s Ordered Society China had two main social classes: the gentry and the peasantry. The gentry could afford the education necessary to work in government. Peasants worked the land and lived in fairly independent villages. Merchants held the lowest social status. Women became more subordinate in late Song times and were handicapped by the process of foot binding. 2 of 8
The Spread of Civilization in East and Southeast Asia Section 1: Two Golden Ages of China The Tang and Song Develop a Rich Culture Tang and Song artists were masters at landscape painting. These paintings showed a harmony between the natural and spiritual worlds. Sculptors often depicted the Buddha. Porcelain was also a Chinese fine art. Among forms of literature, poetry was most respected. Color Transparency 70: Games of Childhood in Ancient China Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What was unusual about Wu Zhao?” (She was the first and only woman to name herself “Son of Heaven,” a title reserved for male emperors.) When showing Color Transparency 74, ask students to locate China as well as Central Asia, Tibet, Vietnam, and Korea. Have them contrast the extent of Chinese control and the extent of Chinese influence. When showing Color Transparencies 70 and 71, have students describe the qualities of Chinese art that they see in these examples. Color Transparency 71: Pagoda QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency 3 of 8
The Spread of Civilization in East and Southeast Asia: Section 1 Color Transparency 74: Map of East Asia and Southeast Asia 4 of 8
The Spread of Civilization in East and Southeast Asia: Section 1 Note Taking Transparency 96 5 of 8
The Spread of Civilization in East and Southeast Asia: Section 1 Color Transparency 70: Games of Childhood in Ancient China 6 of 8
The Spread of Civilization in East and Southeast Asia: Section 1 Color Transparency 71: Pagoda 7 of 8
The Spread of Civilization in East and Southeast Asia: Section 1 Progress Monitoring Transparency 8 of 8