EISA § 141 – Federal Fleets and Low GHG-Emitting Vehicles Energy Exchange 2017 - Pre-event Workshop EISA § 141 – Federal Fleets and Low GHG-Emitting Vehicles Kristin Kenausis, U.S. EPA August 14, 2017
Requirements What does EISA § 141 require? Which vehicles are covered? EPA determines criteria for low GHG-emitting vehicles and identifies annually the makes and models that comply All covered vehicles acquired by federal agencies must be low GHG- emitting vehicles Which vehicles are covered? EISA § 141 applies to all individual light-duty and medium- duty passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks Provides for individual vehicle exceptions Functional Need Alternative Measures Light-duty motor vehicles include passenger cars and light-duty trucks. Medium-duty passenger vehicles = 8,500 lbs ≤ GVWR < 10,000 lbs. Applies to all LDV and MDPV acquisitions not just those in a fleet, MSA or CMSA.
Agency head, or designee, must certify each exception Allowable Exceptions Functional Need: Agencies can buy non-EISA compliant vehicles to perform duties/functions for which there is no acceptable low GHG emitting vehicle. Alternative Measure: Agencies can implement cost-effective alternative measures that result in an equivalent amount of GHG emission reductions. Purchasing vehicles with GHG emissions lower than the required threshold to offset acquisitions of vehicles that do not qualify as low GHG-emitting Example: Buying a 2017 Chevrolet Volt, which is 51 g CO2/mile, gives you room to buy a 2017 Dodge Charger Agency head, or designee, must certify each exception
EISA § 141 Responsibilities EPA is required to Analyze fleet data each model year to determine criteria for low GHG- emitting vehicles for the subsequent model year Provide a list of EISA § 141 compliant vehicles each model year Federal Fleet Managers are required to Ensure all covered vehicles acquired by your agency either: Meet definition of low GHG-emitting for the model year OR Fall under one of the two allowable exceptions (i.e., functional needs or alternative measures), and acquire necessary certification Maintain the files for your certified use of exceptions Enter accurate EISA § 141 compliance data in FAST
Defining a Low GHG-Emitting Vehicle The CO2 g/mile level is set so that [approx.] 25% of cars and LD trucks will be designated low GHG-emitting MY 2018 thresholds: 295 g/mi for cars 375 g/mi for LD Trucks & MDPVs As of MY 2016, FFVs must meet the same thresholds as other cars and trucks (statutorily tied to LD GHG rule) For MY 2015 and earlier, FFVs complied with a 45 g/mi higher threshold ONLY when operated on E85 EISA 141 Compliance Thresholds (maximum grams/mile of CO2 emissions) Vehicle Type MY 2016 & MY 2017 MY 2018 Passenger Cars 300 295 Light-duty Trucks, MPPVs 375
Where to Find a Vehicle’s CO2 Emissions On fueleconomy.gov - Vehicle search results page On the Fuel Economy and Environment label Under “Find a Car”
Where to Find EISA§141 Information EPA’s Federal Fleets* website (https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-engines/federal-fleets-using-low-greenhouse-gas-emitting-vehicles) Annual low GHG emitting vehicle thresholds Regularly updated compliant vehicle list Guidance Document
EISA§141 Web Resources GHG Assessment Tool Useful for those using “alternative measures” exception Helps determine whether an agency’s overall fleet acquisition plan complies with EISA 141 Recently updated (April 2017)
EISA§141: FAST Data The EISA § 141 mandate does not give EPA compliance authority, therefore each agency is responsible for keeping records and submitting data in FAST to ensure/validate compliance Please ensure data is robust. Ensure only reasonable use of functional needs exception. Try to avoid use of noncompliance option. Agency data Total Fed Fleet
Overall Reported EISA 141 Compliance in FAST EISA§141: FAST Data Question: How can we improve compliance levels? *Compliant vehicles include those acquired with functional needs or alternative measures exceptions Summer 2016 EPA published EISA§141 agency compliance levels for FY 2015 on our website Spring/Summer 2017 EPA publishes FY 2016 compliance levels by agency on website May also publish data on EPA’s social media accounts Overall Reported EISA 141 Compliance in FAST FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 68% 63% 72% 66% 65%
Reported FY 2016 Compliance Rate in FAST 100% 90-99% 80-89% 70-79% 50-69% Dept of Commerce Dept of Labor Dept of State Dept of Transportation Dept of Treasury EPA Federal Maritime Commission Library of Congress NASA Peace Corps U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Postal Service Dept of Veterans Affairs DOE DOJ EEOC Nat Labor Relations Board OPM Consumer Product Safety Commission DHS HUD GSA Dept of Agriculture Dept of Navy SSA Tennessee Valley Authority 40-49% 30-39% 20-29% 0-19% Dept of Interior Defense Agencies Small Business Admin Corp of Engineers, Civil Works Dept of Air Force Dept of Army HHS National Archives American Battle Monuments Commission Broadcasting Board of Governors Dept of Education Federal Communications Commission Federal Housing Finance Agency Natl Science Foundation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Smithsonian
The Good News: Assessment of EISA§141 to Date GSA reports significant increases in fed fleet fuel efficiency Fiscal Year New Vehicle MPG Replaced/ Retired Vehicle MPG Improvement 2009 19.1 18 +6% 2010 23.2 18.7 +24% 2011 23.4 19.3 +21% 2012 19.6* 17 +15% 2013 21.3 17.8 +19% 2014 25.6 +20% 2015 24.6 21.8 +13% 2016 26.0 23.3 +13.9 Based on 2009 model year vehicles. *Decline in new vehicle MPG resulting from [cyclical] emphasis on replacing truck fleet this model year. 12
Related Requirements EPAct92 § 303(b) requires 75% of total vehicles acquired by an agency for its fleet be alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). In 2008, the definition of AFV was expanded to include: Fuel cell vehicles Advanced lean burn technology vehicles Qualified hybrid vehicles; and Any other type of vehicle that the EPA Administrator demonstrates to the Secretary of Energy would achieve a significant reduction in petroleum consumption. EPA and DOE have determined that a low GHG-emitting vehicle qualifies as an AFV if it is located where it would qualify for a fuel waiver under EPAct2005 § 701.
Contact Information Kristin Kenausis U.S. EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality (202) 343 – 9225 kenausis.kristin@epa.gov OR Susan Burke (202) 343-9098 burke.susan@epa.gov