NHTSA's Crash Investigation Sampling System December, 2016
Background NHTSA’s investigation-based programs take detailed measurements of crash scenes and vehicles NASS-CDS CIREN Special Crash Investigations Special Studies Discuss points we measure in scene and vehicle
Background Previously used the same techniques for obtaining measurements as in 1979 when NASS began Rolling measurement wheels for scenes Tape measures and contour rods for vehicles
Overview of CISS Crash investigation Sampling System (CISS) Replacement to NASS CDS – 24 PSU operational in 2017 PSU consists of 2-3 Crash Technicians Crash Technicians (CT) collect field data Must complete NHTSA CT training Labor is #1 cost Scene savings alone pays for unit in one-year, 10K End Users want speeds and more detailed scene measurements (think crash avoidance)
Overview of CISS Field offices are managed by contractor “A” Quality control center is managed by contractor “B” Protocols, Procedures and guidelines are applicable for all 24 sites Coding and Editing Manual (available on-line) Technical operational documents (Total Station, EDR, etc.) Modernization of NASS CISS 24 sites operational in 2017 Modernized Sample design Modernized IT system Labor is #1 cost Scene savings alone pays for unit in one-year, 10K End Users want speeds and more detailed scene measurements (think crash avoidance)
July 2015: Pilot Crash Investigation Sampling System in 5 data collection sites January 2016: Begin CISS collection in 12 sites January 2016: Crash Report Sampling System begins January 2017: Begin CISS collection in 24 sites 2017 and beyond: Continue to add up to 73 CISS sites
Overview of CISS Upgraded data collection tools Total Station Electronic Measurement Device Used for Scenes and Vehicles Labor is #1 cost Scene savings alone pays for unit in one-year, 10K End Users want speeds and more detailed scene measurements (think crash avoidance)
Overview of CISS Scenes More precise measurements Safety of Crash Technician Labor is #1 cost Scene savings alone pays for unit in one-year, 10K End Users want speeds and more detailed scene measurements (think crash avoidance)
Small sites that target late model year vehicles and injury crashes 24 Sites in 18 States Small sites that target late model year vehicles and injury crashes 182 Police Jurisdictions 4,000 to 4,500 annual cases July 2015: Pilot Crash Investigation Sampling System in 5 data collection sites January 2016: Begin CISS collection in 12 sites January 2016: Crash Report Sampling System begins January 2017: Begin CISS collection in 24 sites 2017 and beyond: Continue to add up to 73 CISS sites
EDR Bosch CDR Tool Covers “most” vehicles on the road Other tools available… costs are an issue EDR kits for all Technicians Vast expansion of vehicles with EDR support Better / more data
Scene Image and 3D (Lookback)
Vehicle damage can also be measured electronically Produces barrier equivalent speed, similar to WinSmash
We’re still evaluating accuracy of vehicle damage modeling This portion of software, just released. Scene diagramming software is currently ahead of vehicle damage portion of software
Contact Information: John Brophy John.brophy@dot.gov Thank You!