Cornea Clinic Dreams & Performance 2016
Dreams-2016 Performance - 2016 To increase eye donation by conducting awareness programme and improve the eye collection from 1197 to 1300 1136 Eyes Collected To improve the number of Keratoplasty Surgeries from 310 to 360 in the year 2016 336 Surgeries Done
Dreams-2016 Performance - 2016 To improve the LASIK surgeries from 1123 to 1250 1233 Surgeries done To increase the number of DALK surgery (2015 - 1) 8 Surgeries done
Eye Donation Awareness Exhibition
Eye Donation Fortnight Celebration
Eye Donation Awareness Rally
Dreams 2017 - 2019
Dreams 2017 - 2019 To increase eye donation by conducting awareness programme and improve the eye collection 1250 in 2017 1300 in 2018 1400 in 2019 To improve the number of Keratoplasty Surgeries(Utilization) 400 in 2017 (32%) 455 in 2018 (35%) 500 in 2019 (40%) To increase LASIK 1233 1350 in 2017 1450 in 2018 1550 in 2019
Dreams 2017 – 2019 To increase publication and research and increase papers/ video presentations in conferences 5 in 2017 10 in 2018 15 in 2019 To start DMEK, Kpro To increase SLET To have more number of CMEs locally
Thank you