Is precision Agriculture a vital tool for cassava (Manihot esculenta) production in Nigeria? Tiamiyu adetola
Introduction Migrated to West and central Africa in the 16th century by Portuguese merchant Cultivated in Nigeria in the 17th century by emancipated slaves from brazil. It’s the 2nd staple food after maize. Production increased from 42% in 1960’s, displacing Brazil.
Pie Chart of Percentage Cassava Production in Three Continents Charts of Nigeria and Brazil Cassava Production from 1961-1965 and 1991-1995 (Source: FAOSTAT 1996)
Crop description/agronomic Perennial with height of 2-4m. Monocieous with Palmate leaf. Fruit is either oval or triangular Source IITA 2009
Varieties TMS 98/0581 and TME 419
Cultivation Either mono-cropped or intercropped with maize, cowpea, melon or vegetables. Propagation solely by stem cutting. Stem cutting are not more than 10mths. Stem cutting are planted vertical, flat or tilted. Planted on ridge, flat or hills Source IITA 2009
Benefits and uses Tubers are processed into flour which is high in carbohydrate. Leaves are used for soup and stews. Stem mainly for propagation. Tuber, Leaves, Stems and Roots are processed into livestock feeds, starch, chips, pellets, unfermented flour. Ethanol for bio-fuel, alcoholic beverage and malt drink.
Yield and Yield Potential Based on variety, soil and nutrient availability yield varies between 18-31.8 Mt/yr. Model prediction 35.5 – 48.4 Mt/yr. Source IITA 2009
Fertilizer Requirement In forest with annual rainfall of 500-1755mm with length of 10mths. 1st dose 200kg N:P:K 15:15:15 per/ha 4-6wks after planting. 2nd dose 100kg muriate of potash 14-16wks after planting. In savannah regions with mean annual rainfall of 1000-1500mm in 7mths. 2nd dose 50kg muriate of potash 14-16wks after planting.
Is P.A a vital tool Maybe! If Greenseeker and pocket sensor are calibrated for cassava production. NDVI collections to show spatial variation in field. Active participation of local farmers to embrace technology. Cost of equipment. Skilled personnel to demonstrate technology.
Issues Data management and processing. Interpretation of data and application of collated data. Farmers understanding the concept of technology and benefits.
Solution Improved technology skills of farmers. Availability of skilled personnel to answer questions. Field demonstration of technology. Effective participation of farmers. Involving institute like IITA, because they convey the message to farmers clearly. Farmers trust the judgment and technology from IITA.
Alternatives? N- rich strips???
Questions? What is the botanical name of cassava? Issues with adopting precision agriculture in Nigeria?
Thank you !