Pajama Pants Learning Targets: Students will learn the necessary sewing techniques to construct a pair of pajama pants. Students will learn how to layout pattern pieces using the straight-of-the-grain. Students will learn how to read and understand sewing directions. Students will learn how to pin and stitch side and center seams of their pajama pants. Students will learn how to sew an elastic waistband. Students will learn how to sew a hem.
Please get out your Layout & Cutting Instructions
Body Measurements and Pattern Size Double check your size: Before you begin, double check your hips or waist measurement. *Refer to our video demo of how to do body measurements*
Body Measurements and Pattern Size
Body Measurements and Pattern Size Length Adjustments: To shorten, you would fold the pattern at the adjustment lines however many inches you need to shorten by. To lengthen, you need to cut on those adjustment lines and add paper in-between. ***In both cases you need to adjust the pattern size lines to now match the adjustments.***
Understanding Sewing Instructions Understanding Pattern Symbols Notches: Pocket placement: ---------------- Grain line Arrow Place on Fold: Shorten or lengthen here:
Lay Out Pattern Pieces Using the Straight of Grain The grain line runs LENGTHWISE on the fabric, PARALLEL to the selvage ***Grain line is all about accurate fit/drape to the body and matching fabric patterns. *** *Refer to our video demo of what is Selvage and Grainline*
Understanding Sewing Instructions Layout: The fabric should be folded, so it is longer than it is wider (like a hotdog). Notice the word “fold” and “selvage”, use this picture as a guide when your setting up your fabric. Just LAY the pattern out, don’t pin until it is on the grainline. Pin grainline first as you measure, and then pin the rest of the pattern piece down peace fingers apart.
We won’t be using the pockets or tote bag.
Haan Craft Layout and Cutting Directions Manual Cut along the size lines you highlighted on the black lines. Be sure you are using the BLACK pattern not the RED. Red=STOP WRONG SIDE
Make sure you highlight your notches, so you DON”T cut them off.
Cut on your highlighted line but don’t cut off your notches!
Please get out your Sewing Instructions
Pinning Fabric You will label an F and B on each piece. The pattern pieces say “Front” and “Back” but you eventually take the patterns off so you need to be able to distinguish them. You should have 2 Fs and 2 Bs! Match FRONT to BACK right sides together… Pin NOTCHES FIRST! Then pin the top, bottom, and middle. Peace fingers apart. Balls of the pin on the INSIDE
Match your notches and pin first! The machine can jump pins, but will smash the balls!
Don’t pin or sew crotch and crack. You are pinning a front to a back. Match and pin the notches first on the outer leg. Straight stitch 5/8. Finish with a zig zag 4/8. *Don’t forget to back stich at the beginning and the end!
Don’t pin or sew crotch and crack. *Don’t forget to back stich at the beginning and the end! Don’t pin or sew crotch and crack. Match and pin the notches on the inner leg. Straight stitch 5/8. Finish with a zig zag 4/8
*Don’t forget to back stich at the beginning and the end! Rights sides together! Match and pin notches first. Sew your crotch 2 times with a straight 5/8 seam. Finish with a 4/8 zig zag
Sew the flaps to the side 3 inches from the top.
Press ¼ over to the wrong side. Sew straight seam. Skip 1 ½ baste
*Don’t forget to back stich at the beginning and the end! Fold over the top of your pants 1 ½ in and straight stitch the casing closed. Leave a 2 inch opening in the back!.
Squish, squish, pull the elastic through the casing Squish, squish, pull the elastic through the casing. Be sure to pin the free end to the pants so you don’t pull it through.
Try on your pants to check the fit. Leave an 1 inch overlap Try on your pants to check the fit. Leave an 1 inch overlap. Then, sew the elastic ends together.
Close up you casing!
Prevent the elastic from rolling.
*Don’t forget to back stich at the beginning and the end! Press ¼ over to the wrong side. Sew straight seam. Fold over the bottoms of your pants 1 in and straight stitch the hem. Follow your ¼ stitch.
Grade Sheet and Haan Instructions You are expected to do read your instructions for every step. You will be pinning and sewing your side seams first. Next, you will pin and sew your center seams. You will make a casing for your elastic waistband. Finally, you will hem your pants. Please read the Hann instructions and Grade Sheet, so you understand what is expected in each step. You need to turn in your Grade Sheet everyday!