If I had A Million Dollars Elementary Library Resource Initiative GECDSB Liz Golden Martha Martin Susan Moroz
In the beginning… Principal Survey Priority Initiative 12 16 4 3 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Library Resource Centres 12 16 4 3 AV Equipment 8 17 11 5 Kindergarten 18 13 Classroom Furniture 6 7 15 Other 14 9 2
The Plan Board Proposal The TLs Version Establish essential book list Second 1 TL one month Cross reference needs of each school via electronic catalogue Establish protocols for library operations Train students to process books Centrally catalogue PD for all TLs Young Author’s conference The TLs Version Establish essential book list Form a committee of experienced TLs Automate all schools Create a progressive model for library programs Have suppliers process books Centrally catalogue PD for all TLs Reading focused culminating event (run by TLS)
ELRI by the Numbers 1 million dollars 67,784 library books 800-1500 in each elementary school based on population 61 elementary libraries revitalized
Establishing the Essentials List Considerations for Selection Community Input Essential Book List Research Staff and Student Input
Considerations for Books on the “Essential Book List” Curriculum-linked Quality (award-winning, structure, glossary - index, etc. print, illustrations, content, binding, genre) Copyright date Reading level (reluctant reader, emergent reader, teen issues) Diversity (gender, disabilities, race, religion, social issues) Canadian Popularity (topical, high interest)
Community Input Curriculum Consultants Community Agencies Links to texts Links to activities Community Agencies Special Interest groups Canadian Authors
Staff and Student Input Surveys by genre Activities Grade appropriate ready-made activities Input from all levels of staff
Survey says…..
Research Book Lists Catalogues Field Trips Internet searches OLA, ALA, publishers, topic specific (ex. Bullying) Catalogues Field Trips Internet searches
Logistics RFP- tender to book suppliers Processing Delivery Cataloguing Database
Obstacles Availability of titles Quantity of titles Automation of schools GST Censorship
Public Relations
The Model Flexible Proactive Progressive Research Based could be adopted regardless of staffing reality Proactive positive message to principals “this is good for you because…” Progressive opportunity for growth Research Based
School Library Information Centre The most essential facility in your school 40 years of research has proven time and again that student achievement on standardized tests can increase by 3 to 15% if the School Library Information Centre (SLIC) Is staffed by a full-time, qualified TL Is open to students at any time during the school day Has a TL who collaboratively plans and facilitates instructional units with teachers Has a TL who teaches information literacy skills Has a TL who provides in-service to other teachers
The Media School Libraries a Valuable Resource Toronto Star July 3, 2003 ...a new study claims that provinces are ignoring a proven method for improving student literacy — school libraries. The study is the first Canadian in-depth look at the educational impact of school libraries. Decline in School Libraries Worrisome Toronto Star July 6, 2003 "Increased student visits to the library correlates with higher test scores," he wrote. "Student achievement is higher in schools where the library is open all day and the teacher-librarian is on duty full-time." The Missing Link Globe and Mail June 21, 2003 Studies show that an old-fashioned educational tool -- the school library -affects students' marks more than we think.
The Model Qualified TL Time Money Collaboration Info skills ELRI Higher Test Scores Gold Qualified TL Time Money Collaboration Info skills Silver Bronze ELRI Diamond in the Rough Prior to ELRI
Phase 2: Professional Development Mini-course Basics of automation, processing, cataloguing Library program model Program goal setting Information literacy projects Literature-based projects
PD Activities Handbook Curriculum Roles for TLs “Beyond Book Exchange” Literature Circles Book Talks Book Reports On-line research tools Research Models Research Activities
Outcomes Increased focus on role of the TL Designated TL in every school Automation of every school Commitment to explore staffing solutions TLs integrated into curriculum planning Other board interest Pride and advocacy increase
The Way Ahead Culminating Event 2004/5 Principal buy in Qualifying TLs Reducing Turnover Staffing/budget