The presentation is made gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia First Conditional, Second Conditional The presentation is made by teacher Julia Apt, gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia Юлия Ефимовна Апт, гимназия №74, г. С-Петербург 2014
Learn the rule
First Conditional if clause main clause Present Simple will + V Реальное условие. Изъявительное наклонение. if clause main clause Present Simple will + V Mary is my friend. If Mary invites me to her birthday party, I will give her a nice present. Second Conditional Маловероятное условие. Сослагательное наклонение. if clause main clause Past Simple would + V I don’t know Mary very well. If Mary invited me to her birthday party, I would give her a nice present. В официальной речи используется were для всех лиц и чисел. В разговорной речи допускается использование was.
Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form.
If it doesn’t rain, I will go for a walk. If it (not to rain), I (to go) for a walk. Check next
If I (to have) an umbrella, I (not to be) so wet. If I had an umbrella, I wouldn’t be so wet. If I (to have) an umbrella, I (not to be) so wet. Check next
I have some money. If I like a shirt, I will buy it. I have some money. If I (to like) a shirt, I (to buy) it. Check next
I have already spent all my money. If I had some money, I would buy that blouse . I have already spent all my money. If I (to have) some money, I (to buy) that blouse . Check next
I am giving my interview in Russian. If I (to speak) English better, I (to give) the interview in English. I am giving my interview in Russian. If I spoke English better, I would give the interview in English. Check Julia Lipnitskaya next
I would arrive to work on time if I weren’t stuck in the traffic jam. (wasn’t) I (to arrive) to work on time if I (not to be) stuck in the traffic jam. Check next
I don’t know Kate’s telephone number I don’t know Kate’s telephone number. If I knew her number, I would call Kate. I don’t know Kate’s telephone number. If I (to know) her number, I (to call) Kate. Check next
I’m sure that Lucy knows Kate’s number I’m sure that Lucy knows Kate’s number. If I ask her, she will tell me Kate’s number. I’m sure that Lucy knows Kate’s number. If I (to ask) her, she (to tell) me Kate’s number. Check next
If the dolphin could live on the ground, we would be real friends. If the dolphin (can) live on the ground, we (to be) real friends. Check next
If you knew how to work with computers, you would help me. If you (to know) how to work with computers, you (to help) me. Check next
The elephant is giving a shower The elephant is giving a shower. If the giraffe comes nearer, it will get the shower, too. The elephant is giving a shower. If the giraffe (to come) nearer, it (to get) the shower, too. Check next
Drink carefully! If you don’t drink milk, you won’t grow up. Drink carefully! If you (not to drink) milk, you (not to grow up). Check next
I wouldn’t have such a hard time looking after the baby if it had a tiger mother. I (not to have) such a hard time looking after the baby if it (to have) a tiger mother. Check next
If you were a baby gorilla, I would feed you with milk. If you (to be) a baby gorilla, I (to feed) you with milk. Check next
The giraffe would enter the room if the door were wider. The giraffe (to enter) the room if the door (to be) wider. Check next
If I had as many babies as the dog, I would get crazy. If I (to have) as many babies as the dog, I (to get) crazy. Check next
If you were a bird, I would teach you to fly. If you (to be) a bird, I (to teach) you to fly. Check next
The dog will make a mess in the room if the owner doesn’t take it for a walk. The dog (to make) a mess in the room if the owner (not to take) it for a walk. Check next
I would have you as a pet if you didn’t grow in a big hippo. I (to have) you as a pet if you (not to grow) in a big hippo. Check next
If the potato were bigger, it would be more comfortable to sleep. If the potato (to be) bigger, it (to be) more comfortable to sleep. Check next
Answer the questions
If I were a teacher, I wouldn’t give any homework to my students. If I (to be) a teacher, I (not to give) any homework to my students. Check next
What would you do if you were a teacher? What (you/ to do) if you (to be) a teacher? Check next
If I were President, I would make school holidays longer. If I (to be) President, I (to make) school holidays longer. Check next
What would you do if you were President? What (you/ to do) if you (to be) President? Check next
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a robot to do my homework. If I (to have) a million dollars, I (to buy) a robot to do my homework. Check next
What would you do if you had a million dollars? What (you/ to do) if you (to have) a million dollars? Check next