Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) Results 2015
National Survey – Local Impact
Summary National Student Survey (All HEIs) Based on international good practice As in 2014 Excellent results for AIT Highest Response rate of Any HEI 51% against a national rate of 22% Provides rich data source that feeds into our Quality Assurance process Surveys 1st Yrs (Y1), Final Year (YF) and Taught Post Graduates (PGT
Response Rates Faculty Population Responses % Business & Hospitality 1,239 621 50% Engineering & Informatics 627 264 42% Science & Health 1,238 679 55% Lifelong Learning 211 119 56% Total 3,315 1,683
Response Rates Faculty Y1 (1st Yr) FY (Final Year PGT (Taught PG) Total Business & Hospitality 212 347 62 621 Engineering & Informatics 105 108 57 270 Science & Health 333 337 10 680 Lifelong Learning 45 61 6 112 695 853 135 1,683
Respondent Characteristics
Positive News for AIT 84% of respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with their programme of study (this question only respondents is 90%) (In 2014 it was 82% & 88%)
Positive News for AIT 77% of respondents stated they would evaluate their educational experience as good or excellent (this question only respondents is 83%) (In 2014 it was 78% and 84%)
Positive News for AIT 77.9% of respondents stated they probably yes or definitely yes start again in AIT (this question only respondents is 83.1%) (In 2014 it was 77.7% & 82.5%)
All Indices AIT v IoTs v HEIs
Engagement AIT v IoTs v HEIs
Outcomes AIT v IoTs v HEIs
Engagement Indices AIT v All
Outcomes Indices AIT v All
1st Year Engagement AIT v All
1st Year Outcomes AIT v All
1st Year Engagement AIT
1st Year Outcomes AIT
Final Year Engagement AIT v ALL
Final Year Outcomes AIT v ALL
Final Year Engagement AIT
Final Year Outcomes AIT
Taught PG Engagement AIT v ALL
Taught PG Outcomes AIT v ALL
Taught PG Engagement AIT v ALL
Taught PG Year Outcomes AIT
Engagement Indices AIT v All
Outcomes Indices AIT v All
Areas for Improvement
Feedback 12.8% of students who answered this question never received timely feedback (16.4% in ‘14). 35.9% received often or very often it was 31.9% in ‘14
Feedback 1st Year Students 13.2% of students who answered this question never received timely feedback (19.0% in ‘14). 36.7% received often or very often it was 32.1% in ‘14
Community Based Project 68.6% of students who answered this question never received participated (68.9% in ‘14).
Cultural Activities Only 9.6% of students who answered this question attended often or very often (9.9% in ‘14). Never is 55%, it was 50% in 2014
Physical Fitness 54.8% of students who answered this question never or sometimes exercised or participated in fitness activities (57.5% in ‘14).
Engaged with International Students 42.8% of students who answered this question never or sometimes had a conversation with student of difference ethnicity or nationality (43.3% in ‘14).
Qualitative Data
Qualitative Data – Key Words
Extracts – Lecturers Best Aspects Areas for Improvement Lecturers are friendly and willing to take time out to offer advice. Seem to genuinely care in my experience (Final Yr) The lecturers need to understand that, although they may have covered this material a thousand times, we haven't (Final Yr) Lecturers are very approachable. Classes are interactive. I am pursuing a part-time taught masters and I find this achievable as the course is very flexible and I can adapt it to my full time job. I know there is extra support available in the college if I need it- same is well advertised on home page and on campus (PGT) Some modules of the course were pointless us and the lecturers were no help at all. Some of the resources were slow and not helpful at times. (Final Yr) Some lecturers are very supportive and there for you whenever you need them (1st Yr) Lecturing staff to be aware of student workload from all modules within a given course. Feedback throughout the semester on how the lecturer feel you are progressing. An appreciation from lecturing staff of how involved the projects and reports they request to be submitted. (Final Yr) Holistic approach of lecturers is excellent, very encouraging of high calibre of work. Understanding and flexibility for personal circumstances is a huge help which students try to repay with good work. (Final YR) The lecturers should not just read or follow directly the textbook. It will be very boring for us and it might be better if we study ourselves through internet. (Final Yr) lecturers are available at all times to discuss any problems. Very open minded college (PGT) Have lecturers help out students more with more tutorials (1st Yr)
Extracts – Moodle Best Aspects Areas for Improvement Moodle let's us all access lecture notes, test results and so on. We also contribute to online discussions on Moodle (1st Yr) Be more efficient and have notes on Moodle before the class starts (Final Yr) Moodle is definitely a tool I find helpful in certain aspects however not all teacher add class notes or update content regularly enough (1st Yr) I would prefer if the notes were up on moodle in advance of class, which sometimes does not happen. (Final Yr) Revising, MCQ's on moodle, hands on practical's (1st Yr) have all lecturers put notes on moodle (1st Yr) I think moodle is an excellent way which the institution engages with students (Final Yr) Notes could be put up on Moodle by lecturers the night before to give part-timers good enough time to print them out. (1st Yr) Moodle and online line exams as technology is moving forward it is keeping up with the times (Final Yr) It would help if all lecture notes were put up on moodle. When writing all the time you dont take in as much info.(1st Yr)
Extracts – Small Class/Groups Best Aspects Areas for Improvement I'm in a small class, so learning in class is considerably easier and every lecturer knows your name. This helps when you've questions for the lecturer. (Final Year) More smaller class sizes (1st Yr) Small classes, lectures know you, offers more help (1st YR) Small numbers of students in groups may be more make it easier to engage I think. (1st Yr) It's a friendly, small campus. easy to find your way around (1st Yr) Small classes are effective, you receive much more important information and advice with a smaller group (Final Yr) Small classes makes it easier for us to ask the lecture questions and get more attention.(1st Yr) More tutorials.. smaller groups. (Final Yr) How it is in small groups and the lecturer can spend more time helping an individual if he/she is having a problem. (1st Yr) smaller lectures with less people in them so people are less afraid to speak out in front of large groups. (Final Yr)
Extracts – Assessments/Feedback Best Aspects Areas for Improvement Moodle and online line exams as technology is moving forward it is keeping up with the times (Final Yr) Feedback from lecturers with exam results is poor sometimes and I feel it is discouraging to students (Final Yr) Group and individual assessments, especially doing presentations (1st Yr) Results, CA and lab reports could be given back quicker. Improvements could be made in reports with quicker feedback. Open access could be open for longer in the evenings. (Final YR) Small classes, extra free tutorials available if struggling with any subjects. Continuous assessments keep you up to date with course work. (1st Yr) I believe the feedback from lectures could be better and I believe more experience should be given to students going on work experience. (Final Yr) Continous Assessment keep you working on a constant basis (1st Yr) more feedback on assignments. (Final Yr) Great out look on life Positive encouragement Great feedback and help (Final Yr) more feedback on assignments once submitted (PGT)
Extracts - General Best Aspects Areas for Improvement Have had a few guest lecturers, although not necessarily applicable to current modules (more applied to 2nd yr). Two weeks in Gurteen College which was amazing. Labs are very interesting for me because it is practical work based on lectures. (1st Year) Better internet connectivity. (Final Year) I was encourage to make my own analysis about complex ideas, and be able to argument for and against different options. (PGT) I believe they should be focused on getting students more work experience with companies so he/she can decide what field of work they would like to do in the future. (Final Yr) The DARE facilities have helped me greatly. I don't think I would cope without it. (1st Year) Gym is quiet small and narrow. The food in canteen is relatively expensive. Books in the library are always not available. (Final Yr) Cross over between all modules.(Final Year) Allow emails to be sent to private emails (Final Year) Online forums & working with real-life businesses (PGT) The library should have longer opening hours. There needs to be more parking spaces. Healthier lunch options at lower prices. More seats in the canteen (Final Year)