PRESENTATION OUTLINE Project team CGA history Team background and experience Project Manager Experience Typical project approach CGA Quality Assurance and Performance Standards Experience on similar projects Specific project Approach and Design Concept Questions
HISTORY OF THE FIRM Founded in 1937 Provide multi-disciplinary services with a specialty in the needs of local municipalities Have been serving our clients in the South Florida region consistently and without interruption through the recent economic situations
MULTIDISCIPLINARY SERVICES } Geotechnical Engineering Construction Inspection & Materials Testing Information Technology Structural Engineering Public Outreach Municipal Engineering Public Administration Civil Engineering Contract Government Coastal Engineering Planning & Zoning Surveying & Mapping Building Code Services Transportation Planning & Traffic Engineering Code Enforcement Data Technologies & Development Utility & Community Maintenance Services Emergency Management Services Water Resources Management Indoor Air Quality Environmental Services Redevelopment & Urban Design Construction Services Construction Engineering & Inspection Renewable Energy Resort Development Landscape Architecture } }
PROJECT MANAGER EXPERIENCE JENNA MARTINETTI, PE Senior Project Manager Over 10 years of engineering experience Project Manager for stormwater, water, sewer, land development, parks and roadway design projects Grant Experience: FEMA HMGP grant Parks for People Florida Communities Trust Grant Benefit Cost Analysis preparation Grant writing assistance Grant administration Board Director for Hollywood Chamber of Commerce 7 years
TYPICAL PROJECT APPROACH DESIGN, PERMITTING & BIDDING Define project scope, budget and schedule with the City Outline specific requirements and/or constraints Project kick off meeting Survey and data collection Analysis and modeling Stakeholder input Design schematics Design development Plan review meetings and Quality Control reviews Construction documents and cost estimating Bidding / Award / Notice to Proceed
QUALITY ASSURANCE & PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Maintain strong and effective communications Constant monitoring of project development and progress Provide code research to maintain regulatory compliance Document design decisions and criteria utilizing CGA’s “Basis of Design Report” Establish critical milestones early Early and continued coordination with permitting agencies Quality Control Statement “CGA is committed to providing Exceptional Solutions through quality services and work products in a manner that promotes the highest level of freedom from deficiencies while seeking the highest level of public safety and customer satisfaction.”
SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE DANIA COVE PARK, DANIA BEACH, FL Waterfront park on C-10 canal with scenic mangrove Cove. Shoreline stabilization Fishing dock and platform Pavilions ADA compliant path and tables Grant funded (County and State) Educational signage
SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE BASIN 5 DRAINAGE PROJECT, DANIA BEACH, FL 400 acres of low lying residential neighborhood Numerous repetitive loss properties (RLP) Historic sheet flow to a wetland buffer for West Lake Regional Park Tidally influenced outfalls and low lying neighborhoods Design incorporates a bioswale prior to discharge to the OFW Bioswale designed to minimize impacts to wetlands Neighborhood improvements include: New catch basins, collection system, and pump stations Incorporation of existing gravity wells Back flow prevention on outfalls Coordination with FDEP, FDOT, SFWMD, Broward County and Dania Beach
SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE HALLANDALE BEACH NE QUADRANT DRAINAGE PROJECT FEMA HMGP grant funded Approximately 170 acres Numerous RLP Tidally influenced outfalls and low lying neighborhoods New inlets, upgraded collection system and 2 duplex pumping stations 15 pressurized injection wells and BFP on existing outfalls Utility upgraded
SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE LLOYD ESTATES, OAKLAND PARK, FL FEMA HMGP grant funded Approximately 400 acres Numerous RLP History of flooding problems Tidally influenced outfalls and low lying neighborhoods Additional swales and exfiltration trench, upgraded collection system Emergency flood gates and pumping station Bioswale Utility upgrades
SPECIFIC PROJECT APPROACH Project kick-off with the City Gather background project information Past studies and reports not already obtained Utility information requests As-built information requests Discussions with City staff familiar with the historic flooding Public Outreach Survey and additional field visit – existing drainage pattern analysis Begin geotechnical investigation, confirm wetland delineation, perform wildlife survey Design conceptual plan/layout Get concurrence from stakeholders Set up pre-application meetings with the agencies SFWMD, Broward County, ACOE, FDEP
SPECIFIC PROJECT APPROACH Plans production Ongoing meetings with project team and City Quality control Design considerations: Minimize impacts to the existing wetlands and wildlife Minimize impacts to the existing trees Conservation easement on Wetland parcel on eastern limits Tidal influence of the discharge and on North end of the neighborhood limits Coordination with CSX, FDOT, and SHPO during design for railroad bridge relocation
DESIGN CONCEPT GOALS CHALLENGES Treat and store stormwater prior to discharge Reduce neighborhood flooding Create a stormwater preserve park and amenities with new wetland area CHALLENGES Low lying area, older development Minimal hydraulic grade line from neighborhood to preserve park Tidally influenced water body on northern limits, east of SW 15th Ave Proposed preserve elevation compared to tail water elevation Preserve the wetland forested low lying area in center of the property
DESIGN CONCEPT SOLUTIONS Provide innovative water quality treatment designs Bioswales Underdrains Positive discharge for roadways to alleviate standing water Provide a collection system leading to proposed retention/preserve park Possible flood control gate Pump station to discharge retention area when needed Create a community friendly park environment Walkways/boardwalks Educational signage (weather proof) Enhanced wetlands Tree preservation
PROJECT TEAM WHY OUR TEAM? INTEGRATED APPROACH We involve all the stakeholders; everyone involved in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the site. We make sure to communicate clearly so all parties understand the issues and concerns of all the other parties and interact closely throughout all phases of the project. EXPERIENCE, PERFORMANCE & SATISFACTION