Mrs. Karen Liard 658-6790 after 4:00 PM Welcome to Room 25 Mrs. Karen Liard 658-6790 after 4:00 PM
Kindergarten Curriculum It looks more like your first grade curriculum. Most children learn to read in kindergarten or advance in their reading proficiency. Most children can write multiple sentences with punctuation and capital letters with an appropriate illustration by the end of the year. We do math investigations, partner games and class projects to learn math skills and concepts. We integrate science and social studies learning into math and language arts lessons.
Assessment We assess constantly using these forms of documentation: paper and pencil interviews anecdotal. We conference in the fall and spring. We send formal report cards home 4 times a year. We use rubrics to assign grades.
Rubric Example Name Writing Is it spelled correctly? Does it begin with a capital letter? Are the rest of the letters lower case? Do appropriate letters go through the base line or all the way to the top line?
Procedures Bring one healthy dry snack. Water is provided. Label all coats, back packs, lunch boxes, and anything else that you value. Toys are only permitted on show and tell or sharing days. Dress according to the “Code” (example: no flip flops or Crocs on the play equipment) Clean out/read through your child’s folder every day.
Homework Reading with your child every day for at least 20-30 minutes Show and Tell or Sharing, which will begin in September V.I.P. Board one time per year. Various incentive programs from the school Plenty of exercise out of school hours Appropriate bedtime/sleep
Lunch You are welcome to have lunch with your child. Please reinforce proper table manners and behavior with all of the children around you. Your child has the option to choose dessert, water, and juice, but they cost extra money. Be sure that your child knows whether s/he is a buyer or packer. Containers and packages that are hard to open can be frustrating.
MBES Behavior Plan Leopard Laws BOBCAT Code BOBCAT stickers: hallway and cafeteria Office Referrals: Above the Line, Below the Line and Bottom Line Purple Day Tree Timers and Thinking Time Outs
Adult Bobcats/ Volunteers Evening Events (Ice Cream Social, Trunk or Treat, Math and Literacy Nights and MORE) Awards Ceremonies (4 per year, invitations) Home volunteers (folding, cutting, making phone calls for classroom events) In-class volunteers on a regular basis Mrs. Hoover is the coordinator Confidentiality is a must at MBES Encourage high standards for behavior always
Thank you for coming!! Call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns Know the difference between “sickness” and “home sickness” “I miss my Mommy” “I don’t get to see my Mom as much as I used to.” You will be amazed at the academic, social, emotional, and physical growth your child will show during this year of kindergarten.