Preschool Curriculum August 19, 2016
Purpose Keep you informed Ideas to help prepare your kids for Kindergarten at home Parents, teachers and community work as a team to help you Become familiar with San Marcos Elementary Feel comfortable with teachers and staff Make friends Spend time with your kids at school
Parent Meeting Schedule Parent Meetings – Friday. 30 minutes, one time per month Aug 19 – Curriculum Information Sept 16 – Reading with your child at home Oct 28 – Fine Motor Activities & Dramatic Play Nov 18 – Fall Festival Fun Dec 22 – Winter Fun Jan 20 – Kindergarten Registration Feb 17 – Math Games March 10 – Read Across America Day April 21 – Arts and Crafts Day/End of Year Info
How will my student learn in Pre K? Structured Play Student-led. Student decides what and who to play with. Teacher “plays” with kids to develop skills Whole Group Teacher-led. Teacher provides foundational literacy, math, science, social studies skills in a fun, interactive group setting Small Groups Teacher-led. Teacher decides what and who is learning. Students focus on intentional literacy, math, science, cognitive and social skills
What will my student learn in Pre-K? Social/Emotional Skills Physical Skills Language Skills Cognitive Skills Literacy Skills Math Skills Science and Technology Skills Social Studies Skills The Arts
When We Play With Toys and Games We Are… Demonstrating self-direction and independence. Learning cooperation. Gaining self confidence in our abilities. Refining small muscle skills. Improving eye-hand coordination. Expanding math skills such as: counting, ordering, matching, patterning, and classifying. Developing reading skills such as: left to right progression, visual discrimination, and letter/sound recognition.
When We Do Dramatic Play We Are… Practicing social skills. Learning cooperation. Developing small and large muscles. Improving eye-hand coordination. Using our imagination. Play-acting roles and situations. Communicating with others. Sharing ideas and solving problems using language skills.
When We Are In The Library We Are… Gaining a better understanding of the world around us and the people in it. Learning to make connections between the story and the things we already know. Sequencing events. Recognizing that letters have meaning. Exploring the sounds and rhythms of language. Expanding our vocabulary Learning the use and care of books. Using our imagination.
When We Do Art We Are… Expressing our originality and individuality. Reflecting our thoughts and emotions. Developing skills in planning and organizing. Learning about cause and effect. Exercising small muscle skills. Enhancing eye-hand coordination. Expanding our vocabulary. Developing creativity.
When We Are Building With Blocks We Are… Learning self-direction and independence. Learning how to work together and respect each others viewpoints. Exchanging ideas. Developing small and large muscles. Improving eye-hand coordination. Learning about sizes, shapes, numbers, order, area, length, patterns, and weight. Exploring cause and effect. Using our imagination.
When We Are At The Sand And Water Table We Are… Demonstrating self-direction and independence. Cooperating with others. Enhancing fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Exploring, observing, and comparing. Learning cause and effect. Learning to ask and answer questions. Expanding our vocabulary.
When We Are Discovering We Are… Exploring and investigating the world around us. Cooperating with others. Learning to take care of living things. Observing, predicting, and comparing. Drawing conclusions. Developing dexterity and eye-hand coordination. Practicing motor skills. Expanding our vocabulary. Organizing and sharing our learning.
Activities You Can Do at Home READ to your child at least once a day and have your child retell the story to you. As you are driving in the car, shopping, or around your home, look for the letter of the week. Also, have your child try to read signs on the road or in the stores. Practice counting with your child. Practice colors and shapes with your child.
More Activities Help your child practice writing his/her name. Allow your child to do small, simple chores at home. It makes them feel important and gives them a sense of responsibility. Have your child tell you about their day and what they have learned in school.
FAQ’s What should I do before drop off? Take your child to the bathroom before school Why is my child playing outside in the heat? Outdoor play is important for your child’s development. We are required by the state to provide outdoor time everyday. We will not take the children outside for recess when we during high temperature days as directed by the office. Can my child bring a water bottle? Yes! Please make sure it has the child’s name clearly marked. We do have water in the classroom and outside.
FAQ’s What can I do for birthdays? Can I volunteer? What can I donate? You may send store bought cupcakes to share with the class. Can I volunteer? Yes! We will be asking for volunteers soon. What can I donate? We love donations! We can always use hand sanitizer and tissue. Throughout the year we may ask for special donations for class projects.
Important Information Substitute Wed/Thur Aug 24/25 Miss T will be here Pick up/Drop off AM 8:10-11:10 PM 11:50-3:50 Text Message reminders AM: Text @smpkam to 81010 PM: Text@smpkpm to 81010 Parent Teacher Conferences August 22-Sept 2 August 31: School for preschool September 1: NO SCHOOL for preschool Class Website
Need More Info? Check out our website: Contact me Info about how to help at home Weekly lesson plans Monthly newsletter Preschool information Contact me (480) 883-4235 (leave message)
Questions? ? ? ?
Thank You Your children have been a joy to have in our class. They are all so eager to learn and make friends. I know we are going to have a fantastic year!