Welcome. BSI Parent Night September 19, 2017 Mrs Welcome! BSI Parent Night September 19, 2017 Mrs. Sue DiFluri BSI Coordinator Dr. Michele Pillari Superintendent of Schools
Philosophy of Basic Skills To strengthen reading, writing, and mathematical skills of students who are struggling to meet grade level expectations. To provide additional support to learn skills and strategies designed to achieve curriculum goals. To recognize individual learning differences and strive to build students’ competence and enhance self esteem. To assist each student in reaching his/her academic potential.
The Program Basic Skills Instruction is available for all students who meet the identified criteria. Kindergarten students will begin receiving services starting in January. Students may be entered and exited as the school year progresses. Parent permission is needed to receive Basic Skills Instruction. Basic Skills teachers provide supplemental instructional content aligned with the Common Core State Standards to students in need. The Basic Skills teachers collaborate with the classroom teachers to provide a coordination of instruction. Students in need receive additional support to help them achieve grade level benchmarks utilizing a variety of teaching methods and strategies. This support may be implemented within the regular education classroom or outside the classroom in a small group instructional setting depending on the individual student's needs.
The Basic Skills Team The team consists of multiple specialists in both Math and Language Arts. These skills include: Wilson Certification Reading Specialist Highly Qualified Math Instructors with decades of experience
Eligibility The district uses multiple measures to identify students in need of BSI instruction. Eligible students are those whose performance is below grade level expectations. How a student is considered for eligibility: Language Arts Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment/Teacher College Reading Assessments Grades District-wide Benchmark Assessments- Star 360 Teacher Recommendation with supporting evidence Math End of Year Benchmark Teacher recommendation with supporting evidence
Progress Monitoring Student progress is monitored on an ongoing basis by both the classroom and basic skills teachers. Teachers use a variety of assessments to monitor student progress. Basic Skills teachers will maintain a program log noting all instructional strategies taught in order to remediate deficient skills. Parents will receive a copy of the student’s Individual Student Score Reports from the STAR 360 Assessment.
Parent Communication Parents may request a conference with the Basic Skills teacher on an as needed basis throughout the school year. Conferences are held by the Basic Skills Instructional Staff twice a year at regularly scheduled conference times. Parents may contact the Director of Curriculum and Instruction or the building principals with questions and concerns beyond what the BSI teachers are able to provide information on. Contact information can be found on the school website.
How Can You Help? Read a variety of text with your child daily. Create reading spots in your home that are enticing and comfortable. Model reading and writing daily in your own lives. Practice language arts and math skills together at home through board games, conversations and “environmental” practice. For younger children, create a print rich environment by placing labels of items around the house. Ask questions and listen rather than provide correct answers. Look for math in your everyday life (clocks, counting coins, time, etc.). Access the math series online and work with your child. Help develop your child’s computer skills. If you don’t have access to a computer, visit the public library. The Woodland Park Public Library has a number of resources available to help with student achievement.
Session Thank you for attending tonight’s meeting! Question & Answer Session Thank you for attending tonight’s meeting! Please note this PowerPoint will be available online for you to revisit.