Welcome to Mrs. Morgan’s 4th Grade Class Please sign up to volunteer, take a seat at your child’s desk, and write him/her a note in his/her journal.
Agenda Welcome and Introduction Daily Schedule Academic Schedule Rules Positive Incentives Behavior Management Homework Help Wanted
All about Mrs. Morgan: Exchange student in France, Jamaica, and England B.A. in French and Global Studies, M.A. in International Service Received my Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential from Sonoma State University Mother of 3 boys: Aidan (14), Avery (12), Liam (8) 4th year teaching 4th grade at Tularcitos (9th year of teaching)
Computers with Mrs. Petersen 2:10-3 Daily Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:40-9:00 Morning Class 8:25-9 Silent Reading 9:00-10:30 Math Groups Math Groups Math (Whole Class) Music 10-10:30 Classroom Meeting Science 9:40-10:30 10:30-10:45 Recess 10:45-12:30 Language Arts: Writer’s Workshop and Reading Language Arts Groups Spanish: 10:45-11:15 Language Arts: Writer’s Workshop 12:30-1:15 Lunch 1:15-2:10 P.E. 1:15-2:05 Library 1:15-2:05 Quiet Time Social Studies Social Studies/Science Agenda Spanish 1:50-2:20 2:10-2:50 Science (Pre-Teaching) P.E. 2:10-3 Social Studies/Typing Practice Computers with Mrs. Petersen 2:10-3 Math Mini-Lesson 2:50-3:00 Clean Up and Dismissal
Academic Schedule Social Studies California Geography (4 Regions) Native Americans California Missions Gold Rush Statehood Science Next Generation Science Standards (see handout) Novels Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing Island of the Blue Dolphins By the Great Horn Spoon Technology Projects Digital Citizenship Coding Editing and Revising Plagiarism Projects Linked with Social Studies Curriculum Curiosity Projects (Wonderopolis) Field Trips Santa Lucia Preserve (Sept. 25, March 12, May 18) Pacific House/Custom House (Oct. 4) California Walk-Through (9-11:30 Feb. 15) Carmel Mission (TBD) Language Arts Piloting 2 Programs: Wonders (Fall) and Journeys (Spring): Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, and Grammar Writer’s Workshop
ALWAYS TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WISH TO BE TREATED Rules The 5 P’s: Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Polite Be Productive What would Praiseworthy do? Be Positive ALWAYS TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WISH TO BE TREATED
Positive Incentives 8 Special Achievement Awards in Bobcat Hall 4 times per year Tickets to be used towards special privileges agreed upon by students and teacher Desk Group Points First group to earn 20 points = 10 tickets Whole Class Compliment Points Classroom Celebrations at 20 points, 30, and then 40
Behavior Management Warning = Moved from green, “Off to a great start,” to yellow, “Warning.” Orange = Refocus or Incident Report Form to be filled out by student and signed by parent. Red = Pink Slip to be signed by parent. Contact home will be made. After 3rd Pink Slip, an Office Referral will be assigned.
Typical Nightly Homework Reading for at least 20 minutes Mon – Thurs Ongoing curiosity/passion projects Unfinished class assignments, math facts practice (strategies included in packet), and typing practice on Typing Agent (can be accessed from Student Links at home).
Teacher – Parent Communication Completed / corrected student work and assessments will be sent home to be reviewed and signed and then will be filed until conferences. Getting assessment packets signed is an important way to keep you informed about your child’s academic progress in class. Please don’t let these pile up or get thrown out. Email or call with any questions or concerns. kmorgan@carmelunified.org 620-8195 – Ext. 3353 Parent / teacher conferences (fall and spring) and as needed Curriculum Brochure and CA Common Core State Standards to be found at: http://www.carmelunified.org/domain/19
HELP WANTED: Signups Room Parent(s) Volunteers for math and L.A. groups (weekly or bi-weekly volunteers) Volunteers for art class (monthly) Scholastic Book Order Helper Classroom Photographer(s) to take and share photos with Yearbook Staff Prizes for Prize Boxes (3 levels: 10/20/30 tickets): Bouncy balls, erasers, pencils, notepads, little games, etc.