Vegetable waste recycling management Submitted to Dr. S.N. Sarvaiya Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Vegetable Sci. ACHF, Navsari Submitted by Vikas Ramteke 1st Semester Ph.D. Dept. of Fruit Sci.
Content.. Introduction and scenario fo vegtable waste Types of vegetable waste recycling Composting Types of composting Vermicomposting Types of vermicomposting Biogas technology
INTRODUCTION About 1 lakh tonnes of municipal solid waste is generated in India every day. That is approximately 36.5 million tonnes annually. Per capita waste generation in major Indian cities ranges from 0.2 Kg to 0.6 Kg. Calorific value of Indian solid waste is between 600 and 800 K cal/Kg and the density of waste is between 330 and 560 Kg/m3. Out of the total municipal waste collected, on an average 94% is dumped on land and 5% is composted.
Between 2000 and 2025 the waste composition of Indian garbage will undergo the following changes: Organic Waste will go up from 40 percent to 60 percent Plastic will rise from 4% to 6% Metal will escalate from 1% to 4% Glass will increase from 2% to 3% Paper will climb from 5% to 15% GhwAG.dpuf
What is Organics Recycling? Recycling means turning waste into something useful. Organics recycling is the recycling of organic material – anything that once was alive – into compost. Composting happens naturally and requires very little energy input.
Types of vegetable waste recycling Composting Vermicomposting Biogas technology
1. Composting Composting is the natural process of 'rotting' or decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms under controlled conditions. Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment.
Raw organic materials for composting Kitchen Wastes Crop Residues Animal Wastes Food Garbage Some Municipal Wastes And Suitable Wastes For Agriculture Processing Industries
Why composting? Vegetable wastes are purly organic. organic waste can cause problems of smell, leachate, gas, and stray animals in landfills recycling at source is most economic and environment friendly method of waste management simple methods available compost is valuable resource for farmers composting at source keeps inorganic waste clean and makes it easier for recycling
Nutrient profile of Compost S. No. Parameters Quantity 1. Organic matter 70 % 2. pH 7.5 3. Organic carbon 33.11% 4. Nitrogen 0.50 % 5. Phosphorus 0.15 % 6. Potassium 7. Fe (ppm) 1019 8. Mn (ppm) 111 9. Cu (ppm) 180 10. Zn (ppm) 280
Benefits of Composting Volume reduction of waste. Final weight of compost is very less. Composting temperature kill pathogen, weed seeds and seeds. Matured compost comes into equilibrium with the soil. During composting number of wastes from several sources are blended together. Excellent soil conditioner Saleable product Improves manure handling Redues the risk of pollution Pathogen reduction
Additional revenue. Suppress plant diseases and pests. Reduce or eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers. Promote higher yields of agricultural crops. Facilitate reforestation, wetlands restoration, and habitat revitalization efforts by amending contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils. Cost-effectively remediate soils contaminated by hazardous waste. Remove solids, oil, grease, and heavy metals from stormwater runoff. Capture and destroy 99.6 percent of industrial volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in contaminated air. Provide cost savings of at least 50 percent over conventional soil, water, and air pollution remediation technologies, where applicable.
Mechanism of Composting Composting is a biochemical process in which aerobic and anaerobic microorganism decomposes organic matter into valuable manure called as compost. Release heat (Thermophilic state, which helps to destroy pathogens) Organic matter Organic matter compost Temp 55-60o c (Mesophilic state ,Temp. 25-30o c, promote mesophilic microbes for rapid decomposition )
Microorganism Involved in Composting Two type of microbes which help in composting process are: Aerobes Which decompose organic matter in presence of oxygen Anaerobes Which decompose organic matter in absence of oxygen
Material required for Composting Kitchen refuses Vegetables wastes Animal dung Cow dung Buffalo dung Poultry dung Town refuse Night soil Street refuse Municipal fuse
Methods of Preparation of Compost Indore Method Bangalore Method NADEP Method Developed by N.D. Pandripandey of Yavatmal. Demonstration of this method at large scale was initiated at J.N.K.V.V., Indore campus. This method was developed by A. Howard and Y. D. Wad at the Institute of Plant industry, Indore, India This method was worked out by L. N. Acharya at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
1. Indore pit method An important advance in the practice of composting was made at Indore in India by Howard in the mid-1920s. The traditional procedure was systematized into a method of composting now known as the Indore method (FAO, 1980).
Raw materials Vegetable residues Animal dung and urine Earth Wood ash and water Stalks stem, fallen leaf Chaff, fodder leftover All are collected and stacked in a pile.
Procedure: Green materials, which are soft and succulent, are allowed to wilt for two to three days in order to remove excess moisture before stacking While stacking, each type of material is spread in layers about 15 cm thick until the heap is about 1.5 m high. The heap is then cut into vertical slices and about 20-25 kg are put under the feet of cattle in the shed as bedding for the night. The next morning, the bedding, along with the dung and urine and urine-earth, is taken to the pits where the composting is to be done.
Site and Size of the pit The site of the compost pit should be at a level high enough to prevent rainwater from entering in the monsoon season. It should be near the cattle shed and a water source. A temporary shed may be constructed over it to protect the compost from heavy rainfall. The pit should be about 1 m deep, 1.5-2 m wide, and of a suitable length.
Filling the composting pits The material brought from the cattle shed is spread in the pit in even layers of 10-15 cm. A slurry made from 4.5 kg of dung, 3.5 kg of urine-earth and 4.5 kg of inoculum from a 15-day-old composting pit is spread on each layer. Sufficient water is sprinkled over the material in the pit to wet it. The pit is filled in this way, layer by layer, and it should not take longer than one week to fill. Care should be taken to avoid compacting the material in any way.
Indore method Turning The material is turned three times while in the pit during the whole period of composting the first time 15 days after filling the pit the second after another 15 days; and the third after another month. At each turning, the material is mixed thoroughly and moistened with water. It takes about four to five months to obtain the finished product.
2. Banglore method This method was developed by Acharya (1939) in IIS, Banglore. It is recommended where night soil and refuse are used for preparing the compost. The time required for the production of finished compost is much longer
Pit preparation Trench of 1 m deep. Breadth and length according to the availability of land. Tench should have sloping wall and floor to prevent waterlogging.
Method of Filling the Composting Pits Organic residues and night soil are put in alternate layers. After filling, the pit is covered with a layer of refuse of 15-20 cm. The materials are allowed to remain in the pit without turning and watering for three months. During this period, the material settles owing to reduction in biomass volume. Additional night soil and refuse are placed on top in alternate layers and plastered or covered with mud or earth to prevent loss of moisture and breeding of flies. After the initial aerobic composting (about eight to ten days), the material undergoes anaerobic decomposition at a very slow rate. It takes about six to eight months to obtain the finished product.
3. NADEP Method NADEP method of composting developed by Shri N.D. Pandhari Pande from Maharashtra is one such processes facilitating aerobic decomposition of organic matter. This method facilitates a lot of composting through minimum use of cattle dung.
Steps for NADEP Method of Composting Selection of site and compost making Material required Method of filling tank Second filling
The tank is covered above with a thatched roof. NADEP Method Selection of site The tank should be located near cattle shed or farm site. Size of pit The tank should be 10’ ×6’ ×3’ in size and are prepared with 9’ inch thick wall Proper blocks and holes of 7 inches should be left on all the four side of the tank wall for the circulation of air. Plastering of inner wall and floor of the tank should be done by mixture of dung and mud. The tank is covered above with a thatched roof.
NADEP Method Materials Required S. No. Material Quantity (Kg) 1. Vegetable residues 1400-1500 2. Cattle dung 90-100 3. Dry sieved soil 1750 4. water 1500-2000
NADEP Method Method of Filling Tank Slurry made of cow dung and water should be sprinkled on the floor and the walls of tank. The filling of tank follows these steps: Second layer: 4-5 Kg Cattle dung of gobber gas-slurry in 70 litres of water should be apply on the first layer. Third layer: 50-60 Kg sieved soil added on the second layer of tank . First layer Vegtable residues are spread evenly in layer up to 6 inches (50-100 Kg) in tank. In this way, the tank is filled layer by layer up to 1.5 feet above the brick level of tank (30 layers) Filled tank should be covered and sealed by 3 inch layer of soil (300-400Kg) It should also be pasted with a mixture of dung and soil.
NADEP Method Second Filling At this stage, the process of the first filling is repeated and again sealed with paste of mud & dung. After 20 days, the plant residue contracts and goes down in the tank by 20-25 inches. Periodically the paste of cattle dung and water should be sprinkle to maintain 15-20% moisture.
2. Vermicomposting Vermicompost is an organic manure (bio-fertilizer) produced as the vermicast by earth worm feeding on biological waste material Vermi casts are popularly called as 'Black gold'.
Earthworms Natural Bio-reactor Inter- linked and inter-dependent processes
Benefits of vermicompost Helps better plant growth and crop yield. Improves physical structure of soil. Enriches soil with micro-organisms. Attracts deep-burrowing earthworms already present in the soil which,indirectly improves fertility of soil. Increase water holding capacity of soil. Enhances germination, plant growth, and crop yield. Improves root growth of plants. Enriches soil with plant hormones such as auxins and gibberellins. It is helpful in elimination of biowastes .
Nutrient profile of vermicompost Vermicompost contains : OC % 11.88 OM % 20.46 C/N ratio 11.64 Nitrogen; 1.6% Phosphorus; 1.6% Potash; 1.6% Calcium; 0.5% Magnesium; 0.2% Iron; 175 ppm Manganese 96.5 ppm Zinc 24.5 ppm
Requirements Endogeic Anecic Soil dwelling or upper soil surface ( ‘within the earth’) Deep burrowing species (‘out of earth’) Ex. Eisenia foetida Ex. Octochaetona thrustoni Ex. Lampito mauritii
Requirements Cont’d…. Earthworms: Eisenia foetida Eudrilus eugeniae Commonly following varities are used for vermicomposting Eisenia foetida Eudrilus eugeniae Perionyx excavatus
Method of Production Windrows Method Pit Method Vermicompost can be produced by two methods : Method of Production Windrows Method Pit Method
Pit method Pit method is commonly used for small scale production of vermicompost. These steps can be followed : Construct a pit of 3 x 2 x 1 m size (L x W xD) over ground surface using bricks. Size of pit may vary as per availability of raw materials Fill the pit with following four layers: 1st layer – sand or sandy soil of 5-6 cm. This layer helps to drain excess water from the pit. 2nd layer - paddy straw or other crop residue of 30 cm above 1st layer which will be used for providing aeration to the pit. 3rd layer - 15 to 30 days old dung over paddy straw layer at a thickness of 20-30 cm. This helps in initiating microbial activity. 4th layer - pre-digested material about 50 cm
Inoculate earthworm @ 1000 worms per square meter area or 10 kg earthworm in 100 kg of organic matter. Spray water on the bed and gunny bag. Maintain 50-60% moisture of the pit by periodical water spraying.
Windrows method This method is widely used for large scale production of vermicompost. Load the organic wastes in the form of bed (preferably 10 feet L x 3 feet W x 1.5 feet H). Size of bed may vary as per availability of organic waste. After loading, the fresh bed should be covered with jute mate or dry horticultural wastes such banana-leaf, legume leaf n stalks. Mulching Dung+ Vegetable waste Dry Vegetable waste
Windrows method Cont’d… Watering of beds Sprinkle water over the covered vermibed to maintain 40% moisture in bed. Moisture percent can be checked by forming lump of organic waste using hand. it should easily form lump. Checking of moisture percentage in bed
Windrows method Bed should be mixed thoroughly to prevent it from becoming compact.
Windrows method Cont’d… The first lot of vermicompost is ready for harvesting after 2-2 and 1/2 months and the subsequent lots can be harvested after every six weeks of loading Watering of bed should be stopped for at least 2-3 days before harvesting. Earthworms go down in the moist soil and the compost is collected from the top without disturbing the lower layers of vermibed having earthworm. Vermicompost harvested will be of dark brown colour and free flowing. The harvested compost should be stored in dark and cold place. Harvesting of beds Collection of vermicompost Removal of mulching
T1. : Solanaceous waste T2. : Legumionsae waste T3 T1 : Solanaceous waste T2 : Legumionsae waste T3 : Cruciferae waste T4 : Cucurbitaceae waste T5 : Solanaceous + Legumionsae + Cruciferae + Cucurbitaceae waste T6 : Non legume and Legume (2:1) T7 : Non legume and Legume (1:1) T8 : Kitchen waste T9 : Vegetable market waste T10 : sole cowdung (control)
3. Biogas technology Anaerobic digestion is a bio-chemical technology used for the treatment of organic wastes and the production of biogas, which can be used as a fuel for heating or co- generation of electricity and heat. It gives methane (50-70%), carbon dioxide (20-40%) and traces of other gases such as nitrogen, hydrogen, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, water vapour etc. Withered vegetable and flower wastes are being considered as a potential feed stock.
Process of biogas production
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