Good Afternoon! If you are the first person from your table to come in please grab ALL the notebooks for your table. (This will reduce traffic at the front!)
9/15 Do Now: Write the answers in your drill book 9/15 Do Now: Write the answers in your drill book. Start every answer on a new line. 1. What is the definition of popular sovereignty and consent of the governed? Why are they important to our gov’t? 2. During World War II, the U.S. government issued ration booklets to American households. Some items were needed for soldiers, so things like tin, rubber, chocolate, coffee, and meat were limited and you could only buy some if you have stamps in your booklet. Is it okay for the gov’t to tell us what we can and can’t buy… even during a war?
Early Announcements Entrance Procedure Check Homework from Two Days Ago? Coach Class Today since I was not here Wed Unavailable the Rest of the Week
Quick Review What is Mr. Krzys’ cell phone policy? What test do you have to take at the end of the year?
During World War II, the U. S During World War II, the U.S. government issued ration booklets to American households. Some items were needed for soldiers, so things like tin, rubber, chocolate, coffee, and meat were limited and you could only buy some if you have stamps in your booklet. Is it okay for the gov’t to tell us what we can and can’t buy… even during a war?
Democratic Authoritarian Citizens Leaders Economics Liberty
Democratic Governments Citizens Democratic Governments Citizens vote and run for office. Citizens have legal rights (free speech, voting)
Citizens Authoritarian Government Citizens don’t have influence in the gov’t No rights (imprisoned without cause, no free speech, no voting) Police abuse their power Censorship: No Free Speech
Democratic Governments Leaders Democratic Governments Leaders must follow all laws Gov’t power is separated (no one person holds all of the power)
Leaders Authoritarian Government Leaders are “above the law” Leaders often hold power for life and keep it with force Hussein had critics of his government imprisoned and executed in Iraq. Gadhafi took about $20 billion of Libya’s wealth during his 40 year reign. Hitler persecuted Germans and killed over 6 million European Jews.
Democratic Governments Economics Market Economy Businesses are owned and run by citizens People choose their jobs Gov’t doesn’t interfere with businesses
Authoritarian Government Economics A Command Economy Gov’t controls / owns all businesses and property Citizens cannot pick their own jobs
Democratic Governments Liberty Democratic Governments Gov’t has limited power Media (TV, internet, radio) are owned by citizens and uncensored Citizens have rights
Authoritarian Government Liberty Gov’t power is unlimited Media (newspapers, internet, TV) is censored Maintains power with the military and violence
Imagine that you are the President in the democratic nation of Krzysland. One of your police officers is beating up a protester. What principles of democracy does this go against? How would you respond to this issue?
Which side does the United States fall under? Why do you think this? Discussion Which side does the United States fall under? Why do you think this?
What is life like in North Korea? The North Korean government has many ways in which it brainwashes its people. When visiting North Korea, you will find signs posted everywhere that say things such as, “Hail Great Kim Jong Il!”; “If the Communist party decides it, we will do it”; “Let’s beat America with a big iron stick!” All North Koreans must attend a class every Tuesday where they copy Kim Jong Il’s speeches or recite them until they are memorized. There is no electricity for the common people. While the government spends money to build nuclear weapons and throw parties, they ask the North Korean people to eat only two meals per day. Ordinary citizens do not have cars, underwear, refrigerators, or heaters. North Koreans have all seen or heard about the black vehicle that comes to people’s homes and takes them away, never to be seen again. Prisoners in North Korea are beaten, tortured, and forced to work hard labor. There is so little food in prison that prisoners eat the maggots in the outhouses and the earthworms in the manure.
Group Activity Norms While working in our groups, we do not distract other groups OR disrupt their work. We stay on task because we are accountable for the rest of the group’s performance. We disagree with our group members without being disagreeable. We support and respect the other members of our group. We actively contribute to the group. “Pull your weight!!!”
Democratic & Authoritarian Gallery Walk With your group, walk to each country and have one member read the description As a group, answer the questions on the paper If you finish early, wait quietly until Mr. Krzys tells you to move After you have completed each country, place them along the arrow according to how Democratic or Authoritarian they are United States North Korea
United States North Korea
Quick 5 9/6 Which of the types (authoritarian or democratic) do you think would do a better job of fulfilling the purposes of gov't (maintaining social order, providing public services, etc...)