Animal Diversity - Reptiles and Mammals -
Amniote Egg Amnionic sac – protects embryo Allantois – disposal sac for embryonic waste, works with chorion in gas exchange Chorion – with membrane of the allantois exchanges O2 and CO2 with the air Yolk sac – storage and transfer of nutrients to developing embryo
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Jawed vertebrates - Gnathostomes - Tetrapoda - Reptilia Reptiles development of a scaly skin to prevent water loss development of the amniote egg which doesn’t have to be laid in the water
The Reptiles Testudines – turtles and tortoises
The Reptiles Testudines – turtles and tortoises -distinctive feature – shell (carapace) - made of fused dermal plates
The Reptiles Crocodilia– alligators and crocodiles
The Reptiles Squamata – lizards and snakes
The Reptiles Squamata – lizards and snakes -most modified – snakes – loss of limbs and girdles
The Reptiles Tuataras
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Jawed vertebrates - Gnathostomes - Tetrapoda - Aves The Birds evolved from a line of dinosaurs Major advance - flight
Bird Origins
Bird Origins
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Jawed vertebrates - Gnathostomes - Tetrapoda - Aves The Birds -Adaptations for flight Hollow bones Wings Feathers
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Jawed vertebrates - Gnathostomes - Tetrapoda - Aves The Birds -Adaptations for flight Air sacs
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Jawed vertebrates - Gnathostomes - Tetrapoda - Aves The Birds -Adaptations for flight Keeled sternum -for the attachment of large flight muscles
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Jawed vertebrates - Gnathostomes - Tetrapoda - Mammalia Mammalia - the only tetrapods with amniotic eggs and hair and milk production Three main groups Montremes - egg laying mammals 2. Marsupials - young develop in a pouch outside the mothers body 3. Eutherians (Placentals) - young stay inside the mother’s body until birth and are nourished via the placenta
Origins of Mammals Reptiles - Therapsids
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Mammalia Montremes - egg laying mammals Echidna Platypus
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Mammalia 2. Marsupials
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Mammalia 2. Marsupials
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Mammalia 2. Eutherians
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Mammalia 2. Eutherians Characterized by the presence of a placenta Placenta
Chordata - Chordate evolution - Vertebrates - craniates with a backbone Mammalia 2. Eutherians allantois
Taxa we have looked at so far Phylum Class Order Porifera Calcarea Demospongia Hexactinellida Platyhelminthes Turbellaria (free-living) Trematoda (flukes) Cestoda (tapeworms) Mollusca Polyplacophora (chitons) Gastropoda (snails,slugs) Bivalvia (clams, oysters) Cephalopoda (octopus, squid) Annelida Oligochaeta (earthworms) Hirudinea (leeches) Polychaeta (marine worms) Arthropoda Chelicerata (spiders, mites, scorpions) Myriapoda (centipedes, millipedes) Uniramia (insects) Crustacea (crayfish, lobsters, crabs, barnacles)
Taxa we have looked at so far Phylum Class Order Echinodermata Asteroidea (Sea stars [=starfish]) Echinoidea (sea urchins, sand dollars) Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers Cephalochordata Urochordata Chordata Agnatha (jawless vertebrates) Chondrichthyes Actinopterygii (fish) Amphibia (frogs, toads, salamanders) Urodela Gymnophiona Salientia Reptilia Testudines Crocodilia Tuaratara Aves Squamata Mammalia Monotremata Marsupialia Eutheria