1.1.2 OneOs Downloading Software Upgrade
Software upgrade - Loading a New OneOs Image 5 steps: 1. Check for free volume on the flash memory (Note: In the flash memory there is a space for 2 OneOs images. => when testing a new sw image you can keep the old image loaded in the flash) 2. Download a new sw image file 3. Check the new sw image file integrity 4. Rename the sw image file name 5. Reboot
CLI Administration Commands OneOs> help commands cat - Display contents of a file cd - Change working directory clear - Reset functions copy - Copy a file date - Print/set the date devs - List or change all system-known devices format - Format the flash ls - List files mkdir - Create directory mv - Move file (you can use this command to rename a file) pwd - Print curent working directory serial-port - Change serial port caracteristics rm - Remove (Delete) a file show - Show running system information system - System settings time - Print/set the time user - User configuration who - Display users currently logged in
1. Checking Flash Memory Space Before downloading the new OneOs image check available flash size. Minimum required free flash space = 6 MBytes OneOs> show device status flash : (check the last two lines of displayed output) available space: 3024896 bytes max avail. contig space: 1722368 bytes OneOs> Note: If there is not enough of free space, one of the OneOs binaries must be removed ( command « rm ») from the flash memory ( /BSA/binaries/ )
2. Software file download (1/2) Read the bsaBoot.inf file to see the current image location and name: OneOs> cd BSA OneOs> cat bsaBoot.inf flash:/BSA/binaries/OneOs (software image/binary) flash:/BSA/config/bsaStart.cfg (configuration file) Note: “bsaBoot.inf” text file is a definition of: a) which software binary (image with OneOs operating system) is loaded during boot process b) which configuration file is loaded during boot process Move to the right folder: OneOs> cd /BSA/binaries Note: Directory /BSA/binaries is used for storing software binaries ( images with OneOs operating system). Normally there is enough space for 2 images.
2. Software file download (2/2) Log in to an external FTP server and load the new image : OneOs> ftp (FTP Server IP address) username:oneadmin (login to FTP Server) password:oneadmin OneOs(ftp session)> cd <ONEOS_directory> OneOs(ftp session)> get ONEOS1-VOIP-H323-V3.6R10E15.ZZZ OneOs(ftp session)> OneOs(ftp session)> bye OneOs> Note: Using the command “get” you will load required OneOs image from the external FTP server. After loading the image you will check integrity and rename it using command “mv” - see next slides.
3. Verification of Software Integrity Verify loaded image for integrity : CLI> show soft-file info [<path>/]<filename> CLI> show soft-file info ONEOS1-VOIP-H323-V3.6R10E15.ZZZ one200-COLT>sh soft-file info OneOs Binary file informations : file name = /BSA/binaries/OneOs software version = ONEOS1-VOIP_H323-V3.6R10E14 software creation date = 19/04/07 18:17:57 file size = 6360069 (0x610C05) header checksum = 0x8B3BA334 computed checksum = 0x8B3BA334 target device = One30/50/60/200 file is OK CLI> CLI> verify soft-file [<path>/]<filename> CLI> verify soft-file NewOneOs
4. Rename and 5. Reboot Rename the old and new OneOs images and reboot the ONE device : OneOs> mv OneOs OneOs_OLD OneOs> mv ONEOS1-VOIP-H323-V3.6R10E15.ZZZ OneOs OneOs> reboot Do you want to save the running configuration ? (Y/N) Do you want to reboot ? (Y/N) Note: - To display available files use command : “ls” Using the command “mv” you rename the old image “OneOs” to a new name : “OneOs_OLD” Using the command “mv” you rename the new image “ONEOS1-VOIP-H3236V3.6R10E14.ZZZ” to a new name : “OneOs”. Image “OneOs” will be loaded after reboot. (see the definition in “/BSA/bsaBoot.inf” file)