Faculty of Materials & Environmental Engineering Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Ionel Chicinaș Faculty of Materials & Environmental Engineering
Electrical Engineering Infrastructure Materials Engineering Rector’s Office Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Administration Satu Mare Bistrita Oradea Student hostel Architecture Bucuresti “Observator” Student hostel
Historical Background Technical University of Cluj - Napoca Historical Background 1777 – “Ratio Educationis”, imperial regulations launched the study of architecture, hydrotechnics , geodesy alongside with mechanics in Cluj . 1920 - The Industrial College was founded in Cluj – Napoca. 1922 - The Industrial College turned into the College for Technical Conductors. 1937 - The College for Technical Conductors changed name into Electromechanical College. 1953 - Cluj Polytechnic Institute with three faculties was established 1992 - The Polytechnic Institute was renamed as the Technical University of Cluj–Napoca and the three faculties were restructured into seven faculties and one college; now the university has nine faculties. 2012 - The academic centers in Cluj-Napoca and Baia Mare joined by agreement, so that today, The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca has nine faculties in Cluj-Napoca and four in Baia Mare. The Technical University of Cluj - Napoca is a leading higher education institution in the technical field, in Transylvania as well as in Romania
Distance Technical University of Cluj - Napoca Baia Mare Cluj- Napoca Distance between Cluj-Napoca and Baia Mare is approximately 150 km.
Academic year 2016/2017 TOTAL = 1742 TOTAL = 20.164 Students & Academic Staff Academic year 2016/2017 Cluj-Napoca Bachelor 12.175 budget 9.199 fee paying 2.966 Master 2.927 PhD students 792 Total: 15.894 Academic& Research Staff 705 Administrative Staff 757 Total 1462 Baia Mare Bachelor 2.905 budget 1.821 fee paying 1.084 Master 1.252 PhD students 113 Total: 4.270 Academic & Research Staff 162 Administrative Staff 118 Total 280 TOTAL = 1742 TOTAL = 20.164
Bologna Cycles of Education Academic Studies Bologna Cycles of Education B.Sc. (Engineering, Sciences) - 4 years (240 credit points) B.Sc. (Sciences, Humanities) – 3 years (180 credit points) Master of Science Degree- 2 years (120 credit points) B.Sc. + M. Sc. (Architecture) – 6 years (360 credit points) PhD Degree- 3 years Degree
Faculties Technical University of Cluj - Napoca Cluj-Napoca Baia Mare Architecture & Urban Planning Automation & Computer Science Machine Building Electronics, Telecommunications & Information Technology Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Materials & Environmental Engineering Building Services Electrical Engineering Baia Mare Engineering Sciences Humanities
Graduates 2016 Faculty Bachelor Master Total TOTAL 3944 Architecture 110 Civil Engineering 336 183 519 Building Services 82 37 119 Automation and Computer Sciences 397 167 564 Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology 173 75 252 Electrical Engineering 205 88 293 Machine Building 312 221 533 Mechanical Engineering 193 107 300 Materials and Environmental Engineering 74 79 153 Sciences (BM) 304 135 439 Humanities (BM) 238 195 433 Engineering (BM) 136 93 229 TOTAL 3944
Number of PhD Students per Fields of Study 2016-2017 Field of Study No. of PhD Students Civil Engineering and Building Services 137 Electrical Engineering 109 Industrial Engineering 97 Mechanical Engineering 93 Engineering and Management 79 Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering 65 Materials Engineering 49 Systems Engineering 54 Computers and Information technology 56 Environmental Engineering 32 Architecture 36 Mathematics 27 Literature 44 Philosophy TOTAL 905
Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building and Materials and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering http://imm.utcluj.ro/ Contact information: No.103-105, Muncii Bvd, 400641, Cluj-Napoca, România Dean’s Office: Tel. 0264-401 621 Secretary’s Office: Tel. 0264-401 622 Fax: 0264-415 054 Departments Materials Science and Engineering (23 academic staff) Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development Entrepreneurship ( 21 academic staff) Physics and Chemistry (23 academics)
Number of students - Academic year 2016/2017 Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering Number of students - Academic year 2016/2017 M.Sc and Advanced Studies No. of students Total 215 B.Sc No. of students 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Total 445 101 133 90 121 budget 400 100 126 82 92 fee paying 45 1 7 8 29
Education - Academic year 2016/2017 Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering Education - Academic year 2016/2017 B.Sc. Materials Engineering study programs: - Materials Science - Materials Processing Engineering Environmental Engineering study programs: - Engineering and Protection of Industrial Environment M.Sc. Materials Engineering Environmental Engineering PhD
International Cooperation
EUA - European University Association International Affiliations EUA - European University Association Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie Alliance of Universities for Democracy Black Sea Universities Network
79 bilateral agreements with universities of high prestige from: International Relations 79 bilateral agreements with universities of high prestige from: Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, USA, etc. • 200 Erasmus+ agreements with universities from EU 722 Months for students’ mobility 434 study mobility 288 placement mobility 237 Days for academic staff mobility 85 teaching assignments 52 training assignments
FRANCE Bilateral Agreements Grande Ecole d’ingénieursL’ECAM Lyon Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard Universite d"Angers L’Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis Ecole Nationale Superieure d Arts et Metiers Université Joseph Fourier- Grenoble L’Ecole Nationale de Lille Universite de Bordeaux
GERMANY Bilateral Agreements University of Stuttgart Fachhochschule Dusseldorf Technical University of Braunschweig DWI an der RWT Aachen e.V University of Applied Sciences Aachen Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
ITALY Bilateral Agreements University of Pisa Universita di Bologna Second University of Naples
Student Life - Education www.utcluj.ro
Student Life - Education
Student Life - Leisure
Student Organizations (selection – university representation) OSUT - Organizatia Studentilor din Universitatea Tehnica Cluj - Napoca BEST Cluj – Napoca - Board of European Students of Technology
International Relations Office 28, Memorandumului Street 400114-RO, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Tel: 0040 264 202214, Fax: +40 264 591690 E-mail: international@staff.utcluj.ro Website: http://www.bri.utcluj.ro/
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