Research and Education for Průmysl 4.0 Michael Valášek CTU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Scope of presentation Essence of 4th Industrial Revolution On-going research Education Conclusion
Essence of 4th Industrial Revolution My opinion Change of way of human livelihood (živobytí, Broterwerb) with internet Livelihood = entrepreneurship, employment, earning money The majority of human livelihood based on industry –> therefore Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0, but it could be also Livelihood 4.0 Internet changes our life The complete theory of such change does not exist We have only examples of such changes
Example 1 What entrepreneurship is better? Negotiate, organize a deal is better than execute it
Example 2 New product traditionally requires reconstruction of production line Production line reconstructed just-in-time from the cloud on internet Production line reconstruction took 2 years Production starts immediately after successful simulation
Further examples Service of products (robots, aircrafts, cars…) on internet Setting of parameters of products on internet Deduction of consumption of energy, water, … on internet Finding parking place, transportation through internet Concentration = manufacture non-material service on internet Individualized product design and its manufacture for the price of mass production Reduction of stock capacity = demand and supply on internet Reduction of production costs = precise production from unprecise components
XVIII. Štiřínské rozhovory 2016, Štiřín 10.3.2016 Possible essence Objects of our worlds have Their real life and Their virtual life – on internet Objects of our world mutually communicate – through their IP address Virtual life may be unlimitedly rich Memory Copy, agents Simulation what …, if … Virtual life maybe materialized XVIII. Štiřínské rozhovory 2016, Štiřín 10.3.2016
On-going research Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 = Livelihood 4.0 -> new ways of doing bussiness – how??? Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 = production flexibility -> Robotics Service
Example 1: Cooperating robots for machining RoboMill project Patent pending
Example 2: Crane manipulator (robot) for cooperation with human workers Nonlinear control for large displacements
Example 3: Intranet of machines in production line Capacity and stability of communication within intranet of machines on production line (e.g. EtherCAT) Limits of communication in control network
Education Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 = Livelihood 4.0 -> education at all schools General subject in each school Specialized subjects/study programs in engineering, bussiness, law, social universities
General subject Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 Creating a content for all schools is a challenge 1)IP address and navigation on web 2)E-bussiness 3)Production on internet 4)Social networks and their tricks 5)E-security 6)Social influences of Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 7)Usage of clouds 8)Artificial intelligence 9)Smart energy grids 10)Smart transportation 11)Smart house 12) ???
Study program at FME CTU in Prague Study program based on existing study program Mechatronics Extended by essence of Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 (tele)communication, distributed systems, big data Specialized to production systems Foreseen further versions specialized to smart energy systems, smart transportation systems etc.
Study program Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 Semester I Project I Microelectronics Mechanics of mechanisms Controlled mechanical systems I Automation of assembly processes Additive and alternative production technologies Bussiness on internet and Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 Communication networks for industry Semester II Project II Electrotechnics for mechatronics Simulation of mechatronical systems Controlled mechanical systems II Simulation of production technologies Fundamentals of law and IPR Mechatronics Distributed systems
Study program Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 Semester III Project III Statistical mechanics Artificial intelligence Design of production systems Design of information systems Knowledge and data engineering Project management Foreign language II Semester IV Project IV Synthesis and optimization of mechanical systems Software engineering Fundamentals of engineering experiments Industrial robots and manipulators Industrial metrology Computer vision and virtual reality Budget and economical evaluation of projects Diploma thesis
Demand from education Research is necessary for concentration of knowledge in order to create systematic lectures
Conclusions Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 is deeper change than it seems Therefore Czech republic must start immediately with preparation to Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 The immediate start is necessary especially in education Therefore Industry 4.0/Průmysl 4.0 is a larger opportunity for Czech republic than it seems Let us open our phantasy and creativity
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